Horoscopes: This week’s Pluto-Mars trine hasn’t happened in over 200 years. What it means for you.

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FEATURE — This week brings a cosmic connection that hasn’t happened in over two centuries. And it happens within hours of the sun’s vibrant shift into lovely Leo.

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Coinciding with the rare astrological blue moon in Cancer on Sunday, July 21, Mars in Gemini will form a trine with Pluto in Aquarius at 9:47 p.m. MDT. While a Pluto-Mars trine happens annually, it’s been over 220 years since these planets formed a trine in the air signs of Gemini and Aquarius they currently occupy.

When Pluto, the powerful planet of transformation, and Mars, the planet of motivation and physical energy, form a trine, we are energetically supercharged to take bold action toward our dreams and dramatically transform our lives to better align with our soul’s mission.

Just hours later, at 1:47 a.m., the sun will begin its monthlong transit through Leo, the sign that it rules, spicing up the dog days of summer with romantic flair. Leo season lightens the mood and prompts a reason to celebrate the individual gifts we have to offer. It’s a time to interact with daily life in a more playful manner.

Leo is an outgoing sign that wants to shine. It is ruled by the sun, after all, the brightest light in our solar system. And with all that brightness, why not add a dash of drama? But this is not a negative drama; it’s a drama that calls each of us to become the star of our own lives and magnify the inherent brilliance that can even be found in the mundane.

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Leo season will further be emboldened by Mars’ six-week transit through Gemini, which intertwines enthusiasm with deliberate action.

And the energy continues to unfold. On Tuesday, just one day after the sun shifts into Leo, the star will oppose Pluto on Tuesday, which indicates that egos may be running high. A crisis could arise over self-esteem or a relationship. But whatever rises is not meant to disrupt our peace; rather, the opposition serves to illuminate a part of life where we may need to surrender and let go of control.

Finally, Mercury also returns to a home sign this week, as it moves into Virgo on July 25, 4:42 p.m. This transit increases mental clarity and turns our attention to the finest details of life.

So what does all of this mean for you? Find out below.

March 21-April 19

With your ruler, Mars, now transiting your sector of ideas and perception over the next six weeks, your life is about to speed up, dear Aries. If you feel that some part of your life has grown stagnant, this week will be shaking you out of a rut. And this is especially true when it comes to expressing yourself and connecting with others. The sun’s shift into Leo ramps up your passion and drive and will have you reconnecting with your heart’s desires. Its brief opposition with Pluto could mean that someone may feel rubbed the wrong way by your creative expression. Brush your shoulders of it; it has nothing to do with you.

April 20-May 20

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This week could begin with a breakthrough, dear Taurus, whether that is a major shift in mindset or a financial matter. And this is because the Pluto-Mars trine activates the parts of your sky dealing with career, reputation, money and long-term aims. For some, this may mean you are stepping into a new role. If you do want to apply for a new job or reach a wider audience, it’s time to make a move! Later in the week, your needs become a part of the equation, especially as the sun in Leo works to revitalize your emotional well-being.

May 21–June 20

With Mars now moving through your sign for the next six weeks, you are feeling supercharged with energy, dear Gemini. Early this week, Mars will connect with Pluto in your 11th house, which allows you to express yourself in a way that forges connection with others. There could be some lingering tension rolling over from last week, where you may have felt a mental block, your ruler Mercury’s move into Virgo this week will likely bring clarity and emotional peace. The best part of this week really has to do with Mars being in your sign now after transiting through a deeply psychological part of your sky.

June 21–July 22

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While your season is coming to a close, it’s important to reflect on what transpired over the last month, dear Cancer, especially related to the changes and goals you aspire to invest in for the next year. You also had two full moons oppose your sign, which illuminated how you show up for others and pushed you to take a hard look at the relationships in your life. Perhaps some blossomed, while others needed to be pruned. Now Mars moves through your 12th house, which is all about clearing away psychological junk. It also means you may need a bit more rest over the next six weeks. But nevertheless, the sun’s monthlong transit through Leo restores a sense of self-worth and may see you coming up with creative ways to increase your income.

July 23–August 22

With your ruler the sun entering your sign this week, it’s time to come out of hibernation, dear Leo, which brings you a burst of energy and optimism over the next month. And with Mars moving through your sector of friendships and future, you’re feeling energized to connect with new groups and collaborate. Toward the beginning of this week, you could experience a magnetic attraction toward someone, or there could be a clash with someone close to you. Shifting your mindset toward working as a team rather than putting your neck on the line can help alleviate unnecessary conflict, as it may be that you are simply not seeing eye to eye with someone, and it’s not worth the fight.

Aug. 23–Sept. 22

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Mars is now at the very top of your sky, dear Virgo, giving you an abundance of energy to raise your profile and make major strides. Your energy is directed on your career and long-term goals now, but this week, you could come to a crossroads when you feel a bit out of sync with your work, signaling a need to step away and take some time to decompress. Your ruler, Mercury, enters your sign this week after spending almost one week trapped in a tense angle with Uranus. This tension should begin to dispel now, and you’ll begin to feel a reconnection with yourself. Leo season offers a monthlong period of reflection, especially into the underlying patterns of your subconscious. Allow yourself to let go and funnel this energy into a creative project or physical activity.

Sept. 23–Oct. 22

Sunday’s full moon may have left you feeling overly emotional, dear Libra, as it illuminated your sector of home and family and pushed you to find a work-life balance. But early this week, the Mars-Pluto trine in fellow air signs, Gemini and Aquarius, shines a light on your talents and passions and encourages you to be a little more spontaneous and have some fun. And as the sun joins your ruler Venus in Leo this week, the importance of groups, associations and friendship features prominently. But this energy also deals with inspiration and adventure. If you feel that a part of your life has grown stale, it’s time to take a leap of faith and try something new.

Oct. 23–Nov. 21

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With your ancient ruler Mars now in a part of your sky that deals with shared resources, intimacy and transformation, the next six weeks could see you investing in a side hustle or seeking alternative resources to help you achieve a goal, dear Scorpio. And it may be that this relates to home or your emotional well-being. Alongside this, the sun joins Venus at the very top of your sky, which means that the limelight is on you over the next month. You are positioned well now to make meaningful strides to raise your status or advance your career. However, there may be a brief spell of tension between your work and home life early this week.

Nov. 22–Dec. 21

With Mars now in your opposite sign, Gemini, for the next six weeks, you’re putting more energy into your one-on-one relationships, dear Sagittarius. If you’ve been wanting to meet someone, this could be a time when cross paths with someone highly magnetic. Or perhaps you’ve already known this person for some time but now feel daring enough now to take a risk and ask the person out. This energy is particularly strong toward the beginning of this week when Mars meets Pluto in the sky. A conversation can prove transformative. And with the sun shifting into Leo, your adventurous streak is pushing you to expand your horizons.

Dec. 22–Jan. 19

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This week begins within the glow of the second consecutive full moon in your sign, dear Capricorn. This has likely been an emotionally charged time for you when culminations or endings may have diverted you away from your normal routine. Mars in your sixth house supercharges you to tackle work and health matters. And with the sun shifting into a a deeply psychological and transformative part of your sky, you’re entering a monthlong sun cycle of where you may be pushed to surrender your control and lean on others. Those with a side hustle could see their business blossom as a result of consistent effort.

Jan. 20–Feb. 18

With the sun and Venus now in your opposite sign, Leo, matters related to one-on-one relationships are emphasized over the next month, dear Aquarius. This is a ripe time for meeting someone for those who are single, as well as deepening a bond or smoothing out wrinkles with a current partner. Mars in your fifth house cranks up the romance, adding a more playful, romantic spirit to your interactions. Early this week, Pluto in your sign trines Mars opening an opportunity to showcase your talents. But when Pluto opposes the sun, it may be that some imbalance in a relationship rears its head mid-week, which highlights the importance of expressing your needs.

Feb. 19 – March 20

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The sun’s shift into Leo this week energizes your sector of health and work, turning your focus to the daily details of your life, dear Pisces. If you’ve been wanting to implement a new habit or quit a bad habit, you have the power now to take action. And with Mars now in your fourth house of home and family, you’re feeling energized to tackle what needs to be done on the domestic front to establish a greater sense of inner peace. The Mars-Pluto trine at the beginning of the week could have you feeling more nostalgic and perhaps desiring to reconnect with someone from the past. But this is also a week when it’s important to consider the deeper psychological reasoning behind what you are hoping to manifest.

For a more specific outlook, read the forecasts for both your sun and rising signs. If you do not know your rising sign, use this online calculator.

It’s important to remember that astrology forecasts are not meant to be fatalistic. Rather, they offer a window into current energetic influences, so we may work with them and help foster a more wise and loving spirit.

Ed. note: This information is composed by St. George News editorial staff for entertainment purposes only.

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