Horoscopes: There’s a rare astrological blue moon this week. Here’s what it means for all signs.

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FEATURE— This week’s full moon will be the second full moon in Capricorn, a rare phenomenon that signals opportunities for second chances and changes, especially related to long-term goals. This full moon comes right before the sun shifts into Leo.

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On Sunday, July 21, at 4:17 a.m. MDT, a full moon will illuminate the early morning Southern Utah sky as the sun in Cancer opposes the moon in Capricorn. As with all full moons, this marks a time of culmination and emotional intensity, with a particular focus on the balance between private life and public life.

Cancer symbolizes home, nurturance and unconditional love, while Capricorn represents career, duty and conditional love. This full moon urges us to find harmony between these opposing forces. Recurring themes from a month ago are likely, as the last full moon was in the early degrees of Capricorn, which means this moon is flavored with a taste of second chances.

It’s a time to balance our commitments to family and career. The energy we’ve been feeling needs to be expressed, as the full moon sheds light on our internal conflicts and brings emotions to the surface.

This full moon forms a conjunction with Pluto while also harmoniously connecting with Neptune, Mars and Uranus, alignments that positively support ambitions and dreams. A sense of urgency pushes us toward decisive actions and powerful realizations.

Also of note, Mars enters the mutable Air sign of Gemini on Saturday, where it will stay until Sept. 4, bringing diversification to interests and highlighting the importance of effective communication.

So what does all of this mean for you? Find out below.

March 21-April 19

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Patience and persistence may pay off now, dear Aries, as a consecutive full moon in your 10th house brings second chances to your career and reputation sector. Is there something you tried to advance but misstepped? Last month’s full moon may have given you the feeling that what you have been aiming for stayed right out of reach. But now this lunar energy, along with your ruler Mars having just finished its transit through your money house, signals the potential for a major leap forward and a time when it could seem much easier to speak things into existence.

April 20-May 20

A full moon returns to your ninth house, triggering a need to step outside your comfort zone, dear Taurus. You may need to reassess your worldview or philosophical outlook in some way, as there may be some deep-seated belief that is causing some stagnation. And with this full moon speaking harmoniously with Uranus in your sign, your ability to break out of a mental block may come as a surprise blessing that helps you move forward. Adding to this momentum, Mars will be energizing your sector of self-worth and money until early September.

May 21–June 20

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This full moon illuminates the same part of your sky as last month’s, which could feel like the curtain being drawn back to reveal your deepest emotions, dear Gemini. As a cerebral air sign, you’re not one who likes to wade around in the murkiness of emotional depths, but this internal quest is sometimes needed in order to strengthen your connection with yourself or with others. Your dreams and intuition can be particularly active at this time.

June 21–July 22

Falling in your opposite sign once again, this full moon brings second chances to partnerships, dear Cancer, which includes relationships of all kinds. Renewals in established bonds are likely. Imbalances are revealed under this lunar light, allowing a closer look at how these bonds are personally affecting your sense of self. On the other hand, relationships could flourish at this time. You may also realize now whether someone is fit to be in your life. In close proximity to Pluto, this lunar energy empowers you to be a little more vulnerable, which could drastically influence the nature of your bonds.

July 23–August 22

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With this full moon landing again in your sector of work and health, the chance to revive your routine to better serve you is on offer, dear Leo. You may find yourself feeling overwhelmed by either the things you want to change or the changes you’re attempting to implement. It may be time to lean on a friend or loved one, especially if you’re feeling bogged down by the daily grind. The sun’s move into your sign will bring you the extra boost you’ve been needing. Don’t worry. The next day is the start of Leo Season, and it might just feel like waking up from a slumber.

Aug. 23–Sept. 22

If you feel that you’re life has been all work and no play, this full moon is pushing you to dust your shoulders of the grind and have some fun, dear Virgo. Over the last month, you’ve likely felt a pull toward reigniting your romantic and self-expressive side. For some, there may be a new love interest or passion project. For others, this may be about tuning into the desires of your heart. It’s time to take a little risk and be bold. Don’t worry. Work isn’t going anywhere, especially as powerhouse Mars begins its transit through your career and reputation sector, putting you in a position to make strides toward your dreams.

Sept. 23–Oct. 22

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Picking up on the energy of last month’s full moon, this week’s lunar energy lights up your sector of home and family, dear Libra. Think back to what was going on a month ago, it’s likely similar themes will pop back up. But you’re now more equipped to handle the emotional weight, allowing you to express yourself and your needs in a more receptive way. With Pluto sitting next to the moon, channeling your emotions into a creative outlet could offer a highly transformative experience.

Oct. 23–Nov. 21

Illuminating your sector of communication, this full moon revisits a mentally stimulating part of your sky, dear Scorpio, and it’s likely you’ve been busy. If there has been a conversation left unfinished or you’ve felt the itch to tell a loved one something, this may be the breaking point. But Uranus’ positive aspect with the moon offers support, which could see a conversation leading to a breakthrough moment with someone dear to you. And sitting close to this moon is your ruler Pluto, increasing the transformative energy.

Nov. 22–Dec. 21

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For you, dear Sagittarius, this astrological blue moon lands in your sector of money and values, shining a light on how you feel about yourself and what you feel you deserve. It’s time to take a leap and get the ball rolling when it comes to your goals, especially when it comes to matters of income and drawing from the well of your talents. It could be through a conversation that you realize a way to grow your income or nurture your self-image.

Dec. 22–Jan. 19

You have two full moons in your sign this year, a rare occurrence, which makes this week’s full moon extra meaningful for you, dear Capricorn. In your first house of identity and physical vitality, this full moon may have you feeling a need to retreat, rest and reflect on how you show up in the world. Sitting next to the moon is Pluto in your sector of money and self-worth. This is an invitation to appreciate yourself just for being you.

Jan. 20–Feb. 18

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This astrological blue moon falls in your sector of the subconscious, pointing your attention to your psychological well-being, dear Aquarius. You might have to face parts of your life that have been left on auto-pilot. Where have you become disconnected, not just from others, but from yourself? Finding moments to quiet your mind can be immensely beneficial. While that may seem almost impossible, taking time in silence will serve you in the long run. And with Pluto in your sign sitting with this moon, you’re delving deep into the core of who you are.

Feb. 19 – March 20

This full moon may have you longing for community, dear Pisces. As the second full moon in Capricorn, think back to what you were doing a month ago, who you were spending time with and how you felt. Could you open up? Were you able to let down your guard? Did you feel a sense of camaraderie? Perhaps you were cooking up a collaboration with someone. Whatever the case, the situation may come about again in a slightly different way. But this time, you are seeing through a different lens and looking within.

For a more specific outlook, read the forecasts for both your sun and rising signs. If you do not know your rising sign, use this online calculator.

It’s important to remember that astrology forecasts are not meant to be fatalistic. Rather, they offer a window into current energetic influences, so we may work with them and help foster a more wise and loving spirit.

Ed. note: This information is composed by St. George News editorial staff for entertainment purposes only.

Copyright St. George News, SaintGeorgeUtah.com LLC, 2024, all rights reserved.

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