Horoscopes: Impulsivity meets creative genius ahead of highly fortunate influence. What it means for you.

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FEATURE — Despite a rather impulsive beginning, the week soon unfolds toward one of the most fortunate transits of all: Jupiter’s harmonious alignment with the sun.

An erratic energy that began building toward the end of last week reaches a crescendo in the early hours of Monday, June 26, as Mars in Leo forms a square to Uranus in Taurus at 21 degrees on Monday at 3:22 a.m. MDT. Under this influence, we feel the urge to break the confines of conformity and possibly break rules. The tendency to act with little regard for consequences is high and could potentially cause unnecessary conflict or unwanted change.

But it’s not all bad; after all, if not for friction, a fire would not spark.

It’s best to fuel this spontaneous energy toward a hobby or other creative outlet in an environment that allows freedom of expression. On the positive side, this influence could lead to scientific breakthroughs or creative genius.

Coinciding with this excitable energy is Mercury entering Cancer at 6:24 a.m. During this two-week transit, mental focus shifts toward the quality of information rather than quantity. In general, thinking and speaking become more emotional, receptive and intuitive, and we are more concerned with what affects us on a personal level.

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On Wednesday, June 28, at 7:42 p.m. MDT, the sun in Cancer will trine Saturn in Pisces at 7 degrees, a harmonious aspect that grants achievement and awards past efforts of hard work. This is a time to reconnect with your goals and pour into them. Connections and conversations with authorities or father-like figures could prove highly beneficial.

A sun-Mercury conjunction at 9 degrees Cancer occurs Friday, which brings an increase to mental alertness and marks a favorable time for negotiating, meeting new people and learning.

Early morning Saturday, July 1, the sun and Mercury in Cancer will sextile Jupiter in Taurus at 9 degrees. Mercury sextile Jupiter brings a burst of optimistic thinking and energizes all forms of communication.

Sun sextile Jupiter is one of the most fortunate transits of all. This is an ideal time to start new projects and shoot for your goals, as Jupiter will bring expansion to the seeds you plant now. This is a time of good luck and happiness, and growth can be experienced on both the material and spiritual planes. A generosity of spirit overtakes many, especially those in authoritative positions. Focus on what you want to manifest.

Also happening this week on Friday, June 30, is Neptune turning retrograde at 27 degrees Pisces, which will continue until Dec. 6. Neptune’s retrograde influence amplifies dreams and desires and is a prime time to change outdated patterns of thinking. But we also are more prone to delusions and over-exaggeration. Dream big, but try to keep your dreams rooted to Earth.

So what does this all mean for your sign? Find out below.

March 21-April 19

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You could wake Monday morning with an impulse to splurge, dear Aries. But it might be wise to hold back before emptying your pockets on a luxury item, as you may find yourself having buyer’s remorse after the Mars-Uranus square passes. But this influence also has the potential to stimulate your finances by inspiring a new idea for raking in some extra dough.

Toward mid-week, you could see some progress made in terms of a home or spiritual pursuit. If you’ve been meaning to have a conversation with a family member, Friday’s Sun-Mercury conjunction will help you articulate what you want to say. The weekend brings luck to areas related to home and money. If you make money from home, this could be a time when you see a monetary gain.

April 20-May 20

Your intuition is likely to be sharp at the beginning of the week, but you also feel a bit of a push and pull between taking action and being receptive, dear Taurus. There’s an internal sense of wanting independence but also wanting security, which could play out in relationships by you drawing people near just to realize you want to do your own thing.

If you’ve been working on building your network, you may meet someone now with whom you develop an important connection. Or this could play out in the sense of a group affiliation. Toward the end of the week, you are feeling a greater ability to authentically express yourself. If you work with your hands, you may feel divinely inspired to pour into your creations and perhaps discover something unexpected along the way.

May 21–June 20

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You may find it a bit more difficult to focus at the beginning of the week, dear Gemini. Uranus is pushing you to attend to an unconscious habit or break free from an unhealthy habit. But with Mars in your third house, you may feel like you don’t have time to slow down to deal with these private matters. However, you may realize how your bottomless list of “to-dos” is fueling this bad habit. It may be time to trim down your list.

Toward mid-week, past efforts related to your career or legacy could be awarded. Some could see a pay increase or status change. Toward the end of the week, Jupiter is offering a sense of spiritual renewal in relation to how you value yourself. A financial issue could see some resolution, especially with the assistance of your ruling planet Mercury. as its move into Cancer may spark a money-making idea.

June 21–July 22

This is not the week to lend money or other resources to a friend or group associate, especially toward the beginning of the week, dear Cancer. You may be feeling a lack of reciprocity that is impacting your self-esteem. Still, it might be wise to resist the urge to abruptly cut off a friendship.

If you’ve been trying to go back to school, travel abroad or reach a wider audience, you may see a breakthrough mid-week. And by the end of the week, you are feeling positively aligned with your vision of the future and with whom you share your time. With Mercury now in your sign, your words are magnetically charged and you’ll be less likely to hold back what you need to say.

July 23–August 22

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Feelings of frustration or agitation at work could play out early this week, and it’s crucial to try to keep a level head, dear Leo. This could have to do with an unexpected change that impacts responsibilities related to your career or a personal matter pulling your attention. While you may need to stand your ground, be mindful that you do not go overboard. Try instead to funnel this energy toward tackling projects.

Efforts made toward healing or releasing a negative pattern could see a breakthrough mid-week. But you may need to let go of something to open space for something better. Reaching a goal related to your long-term achievement could feel closer than ever and may come to fruition now. Mars and Venus aligning in your sign boost your charm, and some Leos may become aware of a secret admirer.

Aug. 23–Sept. 22

With your ruling planet Mercury entering Cancer on Monday, your mind is turning toward matters of friendship and dreams, dear Virgo. But alongside this, you may be feeling an urge to run, whether that’s escaping to another place or disappearing into an activity. If this is the case, be wary of taking substances as you could have a tendency to go overboard.

The better approach is to be curious. Why are you seeking escape? A deep dive could render profound meaning. Midweek is a harmonious time for relationships, and perhaps, for some, a dream fulfilled. A lucky break could come in matters of publishing, higher education or long-distance travel, and it’s an opportune time to pour energy into these areas. Be open to experimentation, you may be surprised by what you discover.

Sept. 23–Oct. 22

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You may be feeling a pull between feeling emotionally vulnerable and detached early this week, dear Libra. This could play out in terms of someone you consider a friend or associate pushing your buttons or stepping across territory that feels like a personal violation, and as a result, drain your energy. Try to funnel this energy toward drawing appropriate boundaries.

Midweek, you may see a breakthrough in matters related to career, health or time management. And with Mercury now zooming through your career sector, you are likely to feel a reignition of curiosity and engagement with the work you do or what you consider your legacy. Passive forms of income could see an increase.

Oct. 23–Nov. 21

Toward the beginning of the week, you may experience increased tension when it comes to close partnerships and your career or public reputation, dear Scorpio. Be mindful not to let the tension cause you to react. But if there is something you need to say, this could be a powerful time to share your message after you’ve spent some time refining what you truly need to say; however, it would be wise to wait until later in the week when your ancient ruler Mars aligns with Venus.

If you’ve been working on a creative project or trying to reach a wider audience, you could see a breakthrough midweek. This also could relate to children, romance, foreign travels or higher education. This also is a time when you could meet someone who feels like a soul mate.

Nov. 22–Dec. 21

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A sudden change to your daily routine, health or work may have you longing for adventure toward the first part of the week, dear Sagittarius. While you may want to shirk responsibilities and dash away, this is not the time to do so, as it could result in consequences down the road.

On the flip side, this Mars-Uranus square could draw a bridge between your day-to-day life and spiritual connection and revive the mundane with a deeper meaning. Toward midweek, efforts made related to shared resources, intimacy, home or inner security may be rewarded. A transformation when it comes to work or health matters is possible around Saturday, when your ruling planet Jupiter forms a positive alignment with the sun.

Dec. 22–Jan. 19

A desire to express what’s in your heart may have you feeling extra vulnerable at the start of this week, dear Capricorn. You may impulsively want to expose a private matter. This could be related to a love confession. For others, this could indicate a potential strain on shared finances inhibiting your ability to pour into something you love.

It would be better to wait before acting on this feeling, as something may be clouding your perspective. For some, this week could bring an end to a romantic connection. But as the week progresses, muddy communication clears. A lucky break in matters of creative pursuits, children or partnerships is possible as the week comes to a close. A chance meeting now could change the course of your life.

Jan. 20–Feb. 18

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With your ruling planet, Uranus, squaring up with Mars early this week, you may feel increased tension around home and relationships, dear Aquarius. This is about the foundation of your life and how you relate to others. As such, you may feel destabilized or combative, but it’s best to use this energy instead as a way to identify areas within these contexts in need of nurturing.

Taking care of matters related to home, whether that’s the physical structure in which you live or your internal sense of security, is likely to feel profoundly uplifting as you head into the weekend. Toward the end of the week, Mars and Venus opposing your sign amplify your magnetic aura, possibly drawing the eye of an admirer.

Feb. 19 – March 20

You may find it difficult to express yourself or get where you need to go around Monday, dear Pisces. Part of this may feel like you are swamped with day-to-day tasks or feeling lost in a sea of miscommunication. Uranus has been pushing you to reinvent how you communicate, and it may be that this week sets the stage for a new approach that could play out at work. However, the key here is not to be reactive or become overly attached to the emotionality of a situation.

Toward midweek, your focus turns toward passionate endeavors, children or things that bring you joy, and you may feel now that you are able to reconnect with a beloved hobby. This energy follows you into the weekend when you are likely to feel creatively inspired. A child could receive positive news now. With your planetary ruler, Neptune, turning retrograde, these next few months will be pulling you closer to who you really are.

For a more specific outlook, read the forecasts for both your sun and rising signs. If you do not know your rising sign, use this online calculator.

It’s important to remember that astrology forecasts are not meant to be fatalistic. Rather they offer a window into current energetic influences, so we may work with them and help foster a more wise and loving spirit.

Ed. note: This information is composed by St. George News editorial staff for entertainment purposes only.

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