Horoscopes: Mars in Taurus marks powerful time to achieve goals, manifest financial success

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FEATURE — This week brings a bit more intense energy.

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As the energy of last week’s new moon dissipates, Mars moves into the sign of Taurus, redirecting our energy to be more patient, practical and determined. Mars will continue its transit through Taurus until July 20.

In recent weeks, while Mars was transiting Aries, a tendency for impulsive decision-making was more common, and while we may have been quick to initiate a project, it may have felt much more challenging to maintain the momentum.

Now, we have the persistence of Mars in Taurus to push us to achieve our goals. Long-term financial goals and prioritizing self-reliance are highlighted now. More energy is put toward satisfying the senses and material gains, investing in skills and refining our talents as a means to establish a stronger sense of security.

The key to working with Mars in Taurus is to remain steadfast, as desired outcomes could take a little longer to achieve.

After entering the sign of Taurus on Saturday, Mars will form a stimulating square with Pluto in Aquarius on Tuesday, June 11, at 7:21 a.m. While this increases the drive to compete and win, it’s important to be mindful that we are not resorting to underhanded tactics to gain control over a situation or other people.

This energy is best used to fuel passion projects, as it intensifies our ability to focus. Because this square is in the fixed signs of Taurus and Aquarius, we are more prone to be stubborn. However, when utilized at its highest frequency, this indicates a fusion of grounded persistence with pioneering, humanitarian ideas.

So what does this mean for you? Find out below.

March 21-April 19

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With your ruler Mars changing signs this week, you are likely to feel this energy shift, dear Aries. Your solar sector of finances and self-worth is activated now, which means your energy is going toward making money and defending your values. And it could be connections made in your community are part of this, as well as committing to a money-making project you may have been considering. However, try not to bite off more than you can chew, especially in terms of making purchases on credit, as this placement does indicate impulsive shopping. There could be some tension with a friend or acquaintance in the early part of this week. Try your best to say what you mean and mean what you say.

April 20-May 20

While the saturation of cosmic energy in your sign has mostly dwindled, Mars now enters your sign, which is likely to have you feeling fully charged, dear Taurus. You are now feeling more assertive and energized to leave your mark on the world in some meaningful way. Over the next month, you may have a shorter fuse, so be mindful that you are not being overly aggressive or bulldozing over others. This is especially true toward the first of this week when Mars squares Pluto. This is not a time to take risks with your reputation. If there is tension surrounding your career, try to get to the root of the issue. It may be that you feel out of alignment with your public-facing image, or maybe your long-term goals have changed.

May 21–June 20

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As an abundance of planets continues to transit your sign, you could feel like you’re oscillating between a sense of optimism and being overwhelmed, dear Gemini. But with Mars now entering the sign just before yours, your energy is channeled toward private matters and may have you working at something behind the scenes. And this could be related to the seeds you planted during last week’s new moon in your sign. Your dreams may be overly active, or you could experience some insomnia over the next month. Early this week, you may be wrestling with a desire to escape, or a deep belief could be challenged, stirring up something you rooted deep within your subconscious. Avoid letting this take charge of your emotions.

June 21–July 22

You may be stepping up as a leader now, dear Cancer, as Mars will be transiting your 11th house for the next month. Collaboration and working for humanitarian purposes with others will render quicker outcomes than going it alone, as the 11th house is all about social connections. And it may be that you’ll be at the heart of organizing a project behind the scenes. If you’re single, you may meet someone during this time at a party or group event. You also may be pouring energy into finishing a project or healing. With so much energy in the sign just before yours, this Mars transit will be clearing away some of the haze and fatigue. A partner may feel a bit neglected toward the beginning of this week.

July 23–August 22

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While the majority of planets have now moved out of your 10th house, Mars is now entering this part of your sky, igniting the fire to pour energy into your career and long-term goals, dear Leo. Over the next month, your ambition is supercharged now, and you’re determined — now more than ever — to accomplish your goals. Obstacles now become mere goalposts. You’re also looking to be noticed, both on a personal and professional level. Just be careful that your desire to draw eyes doesn’t stoke a need to eclipse the shine of others. Conflict with authorities can be possible.

Aug. 23–Sept. 22

Adventure is calling, dear Virgo. Mars enters your ninth house this week, energizing matters related to higher learning, long-distance travel and connecting with a wider audience. This is a bold placement for Mars, as it pushes you to seek new experiences that deepen your understanding of the world over the next month. Your enthusiasm to live ignites, pushing you to step outside of your comfort zone, travel and shake up your day-to-day routine. Be careful that you don’t become overly pushy with your opinions during this time. As the collection of planets continues to transit at the top of your chart, the chance to raise your profile remains strong.

Sept. 23–Oct. 22

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You’re feeling powerfully motivated to transform yourself in some way over the next month as Mars begins its monthlong transit through your eighth house, dear Libra. This energizes your sector of intimacy, shared resources and a heightened awareness of others’ behaviors. You may be inspired to pour energy into a passive money-making idea or business or seek out additional resources for something you are hoping to materialize. You are more calculated with your actions now and focused, which means you can achieve a great deal during this transit.

Oct. 23–Nov. 21

With your ancient ruler Mars shifting signs this week, your energy is turning toward your relationships, dear Scorpio. Relationships are more energetic, dynamic and vivacious during this period. While there can be more challenges and conflicts during this time, you are less likely to bury your head in the sand and instead confront the issue head-on, which brings about quicker resolutions. You may also find that you need to lean on others a bit more over the course of the next month. Activated at the highest frequency, you can use this Mars transit to work cooperatively with others and allow yourself to ask for help when you need it.

Nov. 22–Dec. 21

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It’s time to take charge of your health and day-to-day routine, dear Sagittarius, as Mars begins a monthlong transit through your sixth house this week. You are feeling energized now to dedicate yourself to your fitness goals, whether that’s committing to a consistent routine or stepping up to the next level. You may have a busier workload, or there could be increased tensions in the workplace. If you are feeling restless, try to find healthy outlets to pour your energy into, such as focusing on projects or implementing more physical activity. Avoid getting involved in disputes with co-workers or siblings toward the beginning of the week, as there is a likelihood of miscommunication.

Dec. 22–Jan. 19

With Mars entering your fifth house now, this next month supercharges your creativity, dear Capricorn. You have more energy now to dedicate to matters related to your love life, hobbies, sports and children. Play and pleasure are prioritized, and those who are single may meet a special someone who reignites a romantic spark. While you are also focused on reorganizing your daily routine, this can be a time when you are prone to burnout. Pencil in time for play and allow your inner child to take the wheel. There’s also a tendency to be a bit more impulsive, so it would be wise to take a pause before diving into anything, especially in terms of temporary pleasure.

Jan. 20–Feb. 18

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While a majority of planets are now in your sector of self-expression, Mars enters your fourth house this week, energizing your sector of home and family, dear Aquarius. You have more energy now to pour into domestic duties and to tackle what needs to be done on the homefront. Actions are more instinctual and tied to a need to establish a greater sense of security, which means that you may be more sensitive and self-protective over the next month. Issues from the past could resurface, so it would be wise to take extra care of your emotional world and don’t take conflicts at face value, as intense feelings are likely rooted in something deeper.

Feb. 19 – March 20

Mars enters your third house this week, initiating a monthlong transit when you are full of ideas, dear Pisces. There is more going on in your day-to-day life, which has you running more errands and dealing with more people in your community. With this uptick in activity, there could be a tendency to scatter your energy, so take time to organize your life so that you can be more efficient with your time. You are more passionate now, especially when it comes to sharing your ideas, which could lead to some heated disagreements with others. Be careful not to overidentify with your ideas or take what others say too personally. Writing can serve as a beneficial outlet to help you articulate your ideas with more care and gain a deeper understanding of what you hope to communicate.

For a more specific outlook, read the forecasts for both your sun and rising signs. If you do not know your rising sign, use this online calculator.

It’s important to remember that astrology forecasts are not meant to be fatalistic. Rather, they offer a window into current energetic influences, so we may work with them and help foster a more wise and loving spirit.

Ed. note: This information is composed by St. George News editorial staff for entertainment purposes only.

Copyright St. George News, SaintGeorgeUtah.com LLC, 2024, all rights reserved.

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