Horoscopes: Luck is about to change for all star signs as Jupiter begins yearlong transit in Gemini

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FEATURE — Both Jupiter and the sun will shift into Gemini this week, changing our energetic focus and bringing luck and expansion to new areas of life.

Jupiter image captured by NASA | Photo courtesy of NASA, St. George News

Ruled by Mercury, mutable Gemini is an Air sign of duality and is noted for its lively, versatile, energetic and mercurial nature. Gemini natives tend to live in the head rather than in the emotions. They are quick-witted and clever and able to take in and synthesize information. Their mantra is “I think.”

The sun moves into this sign at 7 a.m. MDT on Monday, May 20, marking the season of Gemini, signifying a time when we are more prone toward being responsive and communicative.

While Gemini is the sign of thought and communication, its opposite sign, Sagittarius, is a sign of the higher mind, the beliefs and wisdom that grow and develop from base knowledge. And it’s this polarity that will be pulled into focus on Thursday, May 23, at 7:53 a.m., when a full moon in Sagittarius at 2 degrees will rise. Known as the Flower Moon, this moon carries a particularly high dose of harmonious energy.

Also on Thursday, Venus will form a conjunction with Jupiter at 2:28 a.m. and then enter the sign of Gemini about 12 hours later at 2:30 p.m.

At 5:14 p.m. on Saturday, May 25, Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion, moves into the sign of Gemini, where it will stay for about a year until June 9, 2025. Wherever Jupiter goes, so does our fortune. Jupiter brings blessings to the area of life it transits for each sign.

Jupiter in Gemini signifies a time when connection with community and intellectual curiosity are highlighted. Opportunities to grow are now rooted in communication, and the exchange of ideas, and intelligence and knowledge are more likely to be seen as the key for solving problems.

During this yearlong transit, we attract fortune when we are flexible, open-minded and social and prioritize our wit and ingeniousness to overcome obstacles.

So, what does all of this mean for you? Find out below.

March 21-April 19

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Toward the end of the week, a yearlong chapter opens in your sector of the mind, dear Aries. This is a time when you draw inspiration from the exchange of ideas and seek new ways to add a dash of magic into your daily life, which opens new opportunities for business and connecting with your community. Blessings come in the way of communication and short-distance travel. This transit favors writing, orating and learning new skills. Your ability to take in new information will be at an all-time high.

Just before this transit takes hold, the full moon will illuminate your ninth house, sparking a need for adventure. It could be that your daily life has not allowed for much free time, or dealing with the mundane has zapped your spontaneity. It’s time to make time for fun.

April 20-May 20

Over the last year, Jupiter has been in your sign, boosting your sense of self and fueling your self-confidence. Now, toward the end of the week, Jupiter will move into your second house of money and values, seeking to expand your income and helping you narrow your focus on what you want, dear Taurus. How are you aligning your talents with your expression of worth? This marks a productive and profitable yearlong chapter, where you will benefit most from developing your talents and knowing your worth. You could be inclined to spend more, so be sure you’re not placing too much value on material possessions.

Thursday’s full moon brings matters of intimacy, passive income and power to the surface, which could unearth power struggles. If you feel there has been an imbalance between the give and take with someone, now is the time to recalibrate.

May 21-June 20

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With Jupiter beginning its yearlong transit in your sign this week, a boost of optimism and self-confidence is coming your way, dear Gemini. This can feel like a fresh start, where a renewed outlook on life restores hope and faith that everything is working out in your best favor. Self-improvement is highlighted now, and you are feeling more free to be yourself. Growth could happen at lightning speed, so be sure to find grounding as the momentum picks up. What once seemed insurmountable you now face with a carefree attitude, knowing you have what it takes to overcome challenges that arise.

The full moon lights up your opposite house, pulling relationship matters to the surface. A partner may need more from you, or vice versa. Trust that confronting what arises now will lead to resolution.

June 21-July 22

You are entering a time of spiritual renewal, dear Cancer, as Jupiter now begins its transit through your 12th house, marking a time when opportunities abound to clear away psychological clutter and self-destructive tendencies that are inhibiting your growth, dear Cancer. You are more sensitive and intuitive, and your dreams are likely to be lighter and offer guidance. Your imagination overflows, and it’s time to explore your untapped desires. The heart of this chapter is about discovery rather than attachment. You are shedding the skin of an old self to make way for the next year when the planet of luck will enter your sign.

This week’s full moon brings matters of work and health to the surface. You could be completing projects or reaching fitness goals. Or you may need to strike a balance when it comes to the balance between the service you provide to yourself and the service you provide to others.

July 23-Aug. 22

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Jupiter’s transit through Gemini revives your social connections, dear Leo. The next year is all about finding your tribe through networking and connecting with groups and organizations with whom you share a common goal. Interactions are inclined toward depth and meaning rather than mere social climbing. Your gaze turns toward your loftiest dreams, and you are more inclined to shoot for the stars as your belief in what is possible expands.

A full moon in your fifth house this week amps your creative energy. Projects could come to completion, or you could feel inspired to pour your heart into something. Some could meet a potential romantic partner. You may need to pull yourself away from a larger effort to more fully express yourself.

Aug. 23-Sept. 22

With Jupiter entering your 10th house of career and ambition later this week, this yearlong chapter is all about reaping the rewards from all your hard work, dear Virgo. This a time when your professional life receives a positive boost and could launch your social status. You are highly productive now and an advancement in your career is possible. Recognition, promotions and fulfillment of career goals are on offer now. Others will look to you as a leader. Do not step away from the limelight; this is your time to shine.

Just before this influence takes hold, a full moon in your fourth house draws your focus to security. If you’ve been focused too heavily on work, it may be now that issues at home or with family draw your attention away from your profession. It’s time to prioritize a work-life balance.

Sept. 23-Oct. 22

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It’s time to expand your horizons, dear Libra. With Jupiter now moving into your ninth house, this next year broadens your vision and stirs your adventurous side. Where do you want to go and what do you want to learn? Let your curiosity take the wheel and speed you far outside your comfort zone. It’s time to explore the foreign, whether that’s booking a trip overseas or engaging with people of different backgrounds. It’s new and novel experiences that offer the highest potential for growth. Rewards come when you challenge your own convictions with a willingness to discard what no longer serves you and open yourself up to new experiences.

This week’s full moon could have you feeling a little restless as you look around and feel overwhelmed with mundane tasks. But as you check off your to-do list, you’ll feel the weight of the burden slowly slip away. For some, this could instead be about something you need to communicate.

Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Jupiter’s yearlong transit through Gemini is a time of spiritual contentment when you come to peace with your own limitations of power and control, dear Scorpio. You are more willing to be vulnerable now and less likely to use to resort to maladaptive means to achieve a desired outcome. Some could receive an inheritance or financial gain through a partner. Intimacy is enhanced under this influence, opening opportunities to establish a deeper bond with a partner. Opportunities could arise for starting a side hustle.

But first, this week’s full moon illuminates your sector of money and values, which may bring about an unexpected expenditure or, on the flip side, an increase in income. For others, this lunar energy draws your focus to how you value yourself, and you may be pushed to take a stand.

Nov. 22-Dec. 21

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This is a major week for you, dear Sagittarius, as your ruler, Jupiter, now moves into your partnership sector for the next year. This is a time when benefits come through contractual agreements, such as marriage, business partnerships and negotiations. It’s easier now to smooth out rough patches in relationships, and it’s likely ongoing challenges will find resolution. Jupiter brings a boost of warmth and romance to established bonds. Relationships started during this transit could have the potential for a happy lifelong connection. Some could see their popularity grow or be graced with good publicity.

Also this week, the full moon rises in your sign, which shines the spotlight on you. If you feel your needs have been overlooked, it may be now that you speak up. Emotions can feel a bit more at the surface.

Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Beginning Saturday, work and health matters are now under the fortuitous influence of Jupiter, dear Capricorn. This will be a particularly enjoyable transit for you, as this re-awakens your love for work and taking care of yourself, following a long spell when joy and romance were more central to your focus. Now, you’re taking what you learned and applying it to your everyday routine. It’s likely you’ve learned the necessity of interweaving fun into your day-to-day life and that work and fitness need not be a dry pursuit. Blessings come when you honor ways in which you are useful and seek out opportunities to be of service. Some could get a new pet that brings an abundance of affection.

The full moon this week illuminates your 12th house, which means it’s time for some downtime. A need to retreat stirs from deep within, following a busy time where you’ve been moving from one thing to the next.

Jan. 20-Feb. 18

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It’s time to follow your heart, dear Aquarius. Toward the end of this week, an abundant yearlong chapter opens in your sector of joy as Jupiter begins its transit through your fifth house, seeking to expand all matters related to romance, kids, self-expression, hobbies and sports. This is a highly prolific time when your creativity is supercharged, and you’re feeling stable enough to prioritize your happiness. Artists of any kind are rewarded when they boldly fuel their creations with authenticity and freely express themselves.

This week’s full moon is happening in a highly social sector of your sky, which temporarily pulls you away from personal projects. The role you play in others’ lives takes focus.

Feb. 19-March 20

Jupiter’s transit through Gemini brings blessings to matters related to your home and family, dear Pisces. This yearlong influence brings you a strong sense of stability, inner contentment, resilience and balance. Opportunities could arise now to buy or sell a house in favor of moving to a more comfortable dwelling. You could find a way to make money from home or real estate. It’s time to come home to yourself.

But first, this week’s full moon illuminates matters related to career and legacy, putting you in the limelight. You are being noticed by the higher-ups, and some could receive a promotion, raise or change of status.

For a more specific outlook, read the forecasts for both your sun and rising signs. If you do not know your rising sign, use this online calculator.

It’s important to remember that astrology forecasts are not meant to be fatalistic. Rather, they offer a window into current energetic influences, so we may work with them and help foster a more wise and loving spirit.

Ed. note: This information is composed by St. George News editorial staff for entertainment purposes only.

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