Horoscopes: Money, love, career? Here’s how Mercury retrograde is affecting your sign.

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FEATURE — Oh, the dreaded Mercury retrograde is back. But, is it all bad?

A mosaic of images taken of Mercury from more than 30,000 miles away during the Mariner 10 mission, May, 1974 | Photo courtesy of NASA, St. George News

Just two days after the total solar eclipse last week, the winged messenger Mercury turned retrograde on Friday. While its retrograde ends May 15, the planet will not emerge from the post-retrograde shadow until May 31.

When a planet turns retrograde, it appears to travel backward through the sky. All planets will go retrograde at some point — some for months at a time. The astrological significance of a planet’s retrograde is dependent on the planet and is further symbolized by the sign/s of its transit.

Because Mercury rules perception, short-distance travel and communication, Mercury retrograde can be a time of distorted thinking, overlooking details, travel plan disruptions, vehicle issues, mixed messages and emails vanishing into the vortex.

It’s best to slow down, double-check the fine print and take a minute before sending that angry text. Avoid signing contracts, buying vehicles or technological devices and making travel plans.

With it being nearly conjunct with Uranus, the rebellious planet of revolution, this Mercury retrograde has a more unpredictable quality to it and serves to push us out of stagnant thinking through reassessment, rather than charging after something new.

Mercury retrograde could give a sense of a false start to any change ushered in by the eclipse. Or some could fall into a rut trying to hang onto whatever the eclipse is pruning. It’s OK to reflect on what you’re being asked to let go of, but it’s more important to respect the inevitability of change. Move with it, rather than resist.

While so many dread Mercury retrograde, for its disruptive nature, the retrograde season does provide some benefits, which is further implicated by how each sign is impacted. This is a time to review, revise, remember, reflect and reevaluate. Potential lies in what is found through reconsideration.

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In the sign of Taurus, an Earth sign, this Mercury retrograde also is asking us to think about how we might recycle, declutter, reduce waste or repurpose as a means to care for the planet and to think about the future.

So what does all of this mean for you? Find out below.

March 21-April 19

With Mercury now retrograde in a part of the sky that for you deals with self-esteem, values and money, this is not a time to carelessly spend money, dear Aries. Make sure to keep track of things like bank cards and account information. It’s also best to avoid making online purchases, especially in the case of having to enter financial information. This is a time to reassess spending habits in order to elevate your sense of financial freedom.

Aries are known to leap before looking, so this time can feel extra challenging for some, as the energy is less about trusting instinct and more about reevaluation. You could feel a slight dip in self-confidence during this transit. Know it will ease up soon.

April 20-May 20

With Mercury now retrograde in your sign, dear Taurus, you may be feeling a bit more fatigued this week. It’s a good time to reflect on and refine how you present yourself to the world. Be wary before making any major stylistic changes, such as drastically altering your hair, getting a tattoo or cosmetic surgery.

As a Taurus, you are steadfast in your approach to life and your persistence can sometimes cause your own roadblock. Under this influence, however, you have the opportunity to really ground yourself in who you are by allowing time to reconsider your long-time aims and how to refine yourself.

May 21–June 20

With your ruling planet, Mercury, now retrograde in a part of the sky that for you deals with the subconscious and beliefs, something hidden is likely rising to the surface, dear Gemini. This could have to do with an exposed secret that causes you to reassess your reality. Or you may need to confront some ailment.

As a Gemini, you like to be on the move, flitting from one idea to the next and leaving the resonance of your witty charm on those you come across, so the 12th house can feel a bit daunting for you, as it is forcing you to slow down and heal. But this also is the house of faith and thus could be pushing you to reconnect with a higher power, trusting in its navigation to help you find the right path.

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June 21–July 22

Mercury is now retrograde in a part of the sky that for you deals with friendships and future hopes, dear Cancer. Amid transformation happening in matters of career, you’re being asked to reconsider the people with whom you share your time. Friendships based on superficiality are exposed now in favor of relationships built upon roots that have the potential to grow deep, especially around a common goal.

As one of the most sensitive signs, your day-to-day life can be greatly influenced by the people around you, making it even more critical to prune out toxic energy. While it’s not a time to take action and cut people out of your life, it is a time to reflect on who you are now and whether your current alliances are helping you grow.

July 23–August 22

With Mercury now retrograde in your 10th house, your mind is turning to matters of career, public persona and legacy, dear Leo. But rather than pushing forward, this influence is about reflecting on how you feel about your current trajectory in life, especially in terms of practicality. Can you obtain the future you want out of what you are currently doing?

This also could be a time when you are given the chance to rectify something that negatively impacted your reputation. As a prideful Leo, the last thing you like is to feel the burden of others not seeing you in your finest hour. As such, tending to matters related to your social status or reputation will greatly boost your confidence.

Aug. 23–Sept. 22

With your ruling planet, Mercury, now retrograde in a part of the sky that for you deals with long-distance travel and philosophical outlook, you may start to notice where you’ve been painting in broad brushstrokes, dear Virgo. As someone who is innately meticulous, you’re prone to miss the forest for the trees by becoming too consumed with the details. But what part of your perception has become too zoomed out?

Under this influence, it’s best to take inventory of the individual thoughts that create a conglomerate ideal or belief. Sometimes in order to expand, you must first deconstruct what’s been established.

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Sept. 23–Oct. 22

With Mercury now retrograde in a part of the sky that for you deals with shared resources and intimacy, you may find yourself ruminating on what you define as self-empowerment, dear Libra. It’s time to assert your needs.

Libras are prone to play the mediator and seek harmony with others, and as a result, they have a tendency to cut themselves out of the picture. But under the influence of the retrograde, it’s essential to reflect on ways that you may be draining your resources for the benefit of someone else. This also could implicate a need to reevaluate investments or passive streams of income.

Oct. 23–Nov. 21

Mercury is now retrograding a part of the sky that for you deals with one-on-one partnerships, dear Scorpio, prompting you to reflect on relationships. While some breakups may occur at this time, that isn’t necessarily the energy. Rather, this is a time to reassess how you relate with others and how the energy you’re giving is being reciprocated.

As a sign with extreme emotional depth, Scorpios can sometimes lose themselves in their feelings and muddy their own perception. Perhaps there’s an easier solution to an ongoing struggle you’ve had with a close friend, companion or business partner. Sudden insight could be gained just by taking a step back and gaining a more objective look.

Nov. 22–Dec. 21

Mercury retrograde is happening in a part of the sky that for you deals with your daily routine, health and fitness, dear Sagittarius, allowing you an optimal time to readjust day-to-day habits. As a fire sign, you love the ignition of spontaneity and would rather avoid the drudgery of a repetitive schedule, but dialing in on your routine doesn’t have to feel like confinement. After all, it’s the content of your day that serves as kindling for your fire.

Stagnancy evolves out of unconscious habits. As such, now is the time to consider what parts of your day have become dead weight. It may be time to review how much time you’re spending on social media or identify what’s getting in the way of reaching a fitness goal.

Dec. 22–Jan. 19

With Mercury now retrograde in a part of the sky that for you deals with pleasure and matters held closely to the heart, it’s time to reevaluate your work-life balance, dear Capricorn. I know, I know, it’s not what you want to hear, as your sign is the most likely to mistake work for pleasure, but it may be time to reconsider how much time you’re actually allowing yourself to enjoy joy for joy’s sake.

Reflecting on your childhood could inspire you to return to an old, beloved hobby. In terms of creativity, while it’s not a good time to embark on a new project, it is a good time to review, revise or refine an old project, as you’ll be able to see it in a new way at this time.

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Jan. 20–Feb. 18

With Mercury retrograde in your fourth house of domestic affairs and inner security, you may find yourself stuck reminiscing on the old days during this time, dear Aquarius. You may also be inspired now to refurbish a piece of furniture or re-think the organization of your home, especially if it’s become too familiar.

While Aquarians can often be resistant to change, it’s change that acts as the conduit to thrive! You are, after all, ruled by Uranus, the planet of revolution and rebelliousness. Just make sure you wait until after the Mercury retrograde is over before painting your living room lime-green. Use this time instead to reevaluate how your living space is affecting the mental and emotional states and what you can do to make it more authentically inspired.

Feb. 19 – March 20

Mercury retrograde is happening for you in a part of the sky that deals with short-distance travel, communication and learning, dear Pisces. Of all the signs, you may be the one most likely to deal with delays in travel or suffer spells of miscommunication. It would be a good idea to double-check your tires and fluids and plan to give yourself an extra window of time to travel, especially for essential meetings.

Under this influence, it’s time to reconsider how you communicate with others. As a Pisces, you often prefer to observe life from the deep waters of what can sometimes appear to others as another realm, but as a result, your needs may be falling through the cracks.

For a more specific outlook, read the forecasts for both your sun and rising signs. If you do not know your rising sign, use this online calculator.

It’s important to remember that astrology forecasts are not meant to be fatalistic. Rather they offer a window into current energetic influences, so we may work with them and help foster a more wise and loving spirit.

Ed. note: This information is composed by St. George News editorial staff for entertainment purposes only.

Copyright St. George News, SaintGeorgeUtah.com LLC, 2023, all rights reserved.

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