Horoscopes: This week is charged with love, luck and potential for major change. What it means for you.

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ST. GEORGE — March is a month of major astrological shifts that begin this week, as several planets move into the 29th degree, and Venus conjunct Jupiter marks what many astrologers refer to as the most romantic day of the year.

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With the moon in lighthearted, inquisitive Gemini until Wednesday, the desire to think, learn and communicate will serve as an undercurrent to the larger influences developing into mid-week. One of which is Pluto, now transiting the 29th degree of Capricorn.

The 29th degree indicates the ending of a cycle and comes from the Greek word “anareta,” which means “destroyer.” But this needn’t be understood in a negative way. Rather, this energy can be understood as the finale of one lesson before the beginning of a new one. After all, from out of destruction, the metaphorical phoenix rises.

Slow-moving Pluto is the planet of power, transformation and control, and at 29 degrees Capricorn, Pluto urges us to transcend routine and seek inner understanding gained from suffering. This is about looking at old events with new eyes to let go of resistance to change.

On Thursday, March 2, Mercury and Saturn will form a conjunction at 29 degrees Aquarius, turning our minds to seriously consider issues surrounding self-discipline and mental blocks impeding progression. This energy, if kept unconscious, could arouse some anxiety or cause erratic behavior, so be mindful when interacting with others.

Amid this overall energy, Venus will conjunct Jupiter in Aries on Thursday, March 2. This highly romantic influence will be felt Monday through Saturday and ignites adrenaline-fueled passion, while also encouraging us to celebrate the pleasures of life and appreciate beauty on an individual level.

Amplifying this energy mid-week will be the moon in the sensitive sign of Cancer, which will have all of us feeling a bit more desire for creature comforts and self-preservation.

So what does this mean for your sign? Find out below.


For you, dear Aries, this Venus-Jupiter conjunction is happening in your sign, which is calling you to take initiative on whatever matters to you most. Try not to think too much and follow your instincts this week. You may receive good news about a financial matter.

The Saturn-Mercury conjunction will have you thinking seriously about with whom you align yourself and whether these alliances harmonize with your ideal future. Pluto is challenging you now in matters of career or public reputation.


Thursday’s annual meeting of Venus, your ruling planet, and Jupiter is happening on a soul level, dear Taurus, which could indicate soulmate connections now. For those in a romantic partnership, a conversation now could feel deeply meaningful and offer a sense of resolve. Not a time to take financial risks.

The Saturn-Mercury conjunction may have you mulling over how to be more efficient in matters related to career and reputation. Pluto is pushing you to let go of any rigid thinking patterns to make way for a whole new worldview.

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For you, dear Gemini, this Venus-Jupiter conjunction is all about group alliances, friendships and how you connect with others and will have your witty charm running high. This could indicate a friend becoming a lover. Or you may see some fortune come through work.

Saturn’s finale in Aquarius could have you thinking seriously about your beliefs, and you may have a revelation. Pluto is pushing you to transform on a deeply soulful level. Old wounds could surface now.


Venus meeting Jupiter in the sky for you, dear Cancer, is all about your public reputation, career and respect. You are drawing in people now who align with your highest purpose. A job interview or presentation is likely to go well, as you are coming across as charming. Just be sure not to overexaggerate your abilities.

The Saturn-Mercury conjunction may have your mind turning around matters of intimacy or shared resources. Pluto is pushing you to transform in one-on-one partnerships, which could bring about endings or prompt you to commit at a deeper level.


For you, dear Leo, this Venus-Jupiter conjunction is happening on a more philosophical level. A romantic partner or someone you meet now could stir your perception to help you see yourself in a more loving light. A trip with a romantic partner could feel all the more magical now.

The Saturn-Mercury conjunction will have your mind on one-on-one partnerships and could indicate a potential for being overcritical of a loved one. Pluto is putting pressure on your daily life and health. If you’ve been avoiding a health issue, now is the time for a check-up.


Dear Virgo, this Venus-Jupiter conjunction is reaching right into your soul on a deeply intimate level, and an experience this week could draw you even closer to a romantic partner. Single Virgos may find themselves attracted to someone markedly magnetic. This energy also could signal sudden financial gain or loss.

The Saturn-Mercury conjunction is illuminating where you need to be more disciplined with your health and daily routine, making it a prime time to quit a bad habit. Pluto is challenging areas related to love and creativity, which could indicate feeling creatively blocked.


With your ruling planet, Venus, meeting Jupiter in the sky, this is about close one-on-one partnerships, and you, dear Libra, are one of the signs most blessed by this aspect. You are wanting to be drunk on love and the lush pleasures of life. In all areas of life, you’re coming across as refined and well-liked. Not a time to hide away.

The Saturn-Mercury conjunction will pull your attention to any mental blocks related to matters of the heart and what ultimately brings you joy. Pluto is testing the strength of your inner security. You could be feeling overly nostalgic or obsessing over some piece of the past.

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This Venus-Jupiter conjunction is about your daily life and falling in love with the work you do, dear Scorpio. There is a possibility now for a workplace romance. For single Scorpios, it’s time to change up your routine, eliminate cynical thinking and remind yourself that love is possible.

The Saturn-Mercury conjunction could cause some feelings of anxiety or inner restlessness as your focus turns to how you feel about your home life. If you’re feeling unstable, practice grounding techniques that bring you into the present. Pluto is challenging your ability to communicate and connect with others. If you’ve been avoiding a conversation with someone, you may now be forced to talk.


This conjunction between Venus and your ruling planet, Jupiter, is all about matters of the heart, grounding your life in love and trusting your instincts, dear Sagittarius. This is a highly blessed placement for this conjunction that spells true love. Don’t be afraid to be bold. If you’re feeling extra lucky, Thursday is the day to buy a lottery ticket.

The Saturn-Mercury conjunction could have you overanalyzing just about everything. You may feel as if your mind is flipping from one page to the next, especially concerning any felt miscommunication. Pluto is giving you one last push in matters of self-esteem and money and could reveal how self-perception is monetarily intertwined. And low self-worth could equate to devaluing yourself elsewhere.


This Venus-Jupiter conjunction for you, dear Capricorn, is all about the past, whether that means lovers from the past showing up or reflecting on the past and finding forgiveness. If you’ve been making changes to your home, you could see beautiful results and be inspired to host a gathering.

The Saturn-Mercury conjunction could have you seriously focused on finances and how you could be more efficient when it comes to spending. Pluto, which has been transiting your sign since 2008, is putting the final squeeze on you with the intention of pushing you to profoundly change on the deepest levels of who you know yourself to be.


For you, dear Aquarius, Venus meeting Jupiter in the sky could trigger synchronous events just by running errands around town or walking around the neighborhood. Most significantly, this aspect is giving you the gift of the gab, making it a prime time to write a letter, a poem, a story or have that important conversation with a friend or lover. You are likely to say what you mean exactly as you mean it.

The Saturn-Mercury conjunction is happening in your sign, which will have your mind on your psychological and physical well-being. This could conjure revelations as to anything draining your vitality. Pluto is forcing you to face anything you’ve shoved down deep into the unconscious. Pay attention to your dreams.


And for you, dear Pisces, the conjunction of Venus and Jupiter is all about how you feel about yourself and magnifies self-love and self-esteem, which may act as a magnet for other high-vibrational people. This could indicate a financial windfall. Be mindful of being overly generous with anyone you are just getting to know.

The Saturn-Mercury conjunction will likely have you feeling a need to recede and rest. It could prompt you to uproot something that’s long been buried. Pluto is putting pressure on friendships and your highest ideals. You may feel a bit of loneliness at this time. Know it will pass.

For a more specific outlook, read the forecasts for both your sun and rising signs. If you do not know your rising sign, use this online calculator.

Ed. note: This information is composed by St. George News editorial staff for entertainment purposes only.

Copyright St. George News, SaintGeorgeUtah.com LLC, 2023, all rights reserved.

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