Horoscopes: New moon in Pisces offers glimpse into coming 2-year cycle. What it means for your sign.

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ST. GEORGE — Following recent romantic tension, this week is all about the dissolution of old identities and materializing long-range dreams through practical steps.

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On the same night of the super new moon, which will occur at 12:05 a.m. MST Monday in the early degrees of Pisces, Venus will leave Pisces and enter Aries, where it will transit until March 16.

Usually, a new moon initiates the beginning of a 28-day cycle influenced by the traits of the sign in which it falls. But this new moon is happening in conjunction with Saturn, providing a sneak peek into the thematic shift that will push us to mature in one or more ways when the planet moves into Pisces on March 9, a transit that will continue until May 25, 2025.

On its own, a new moon in intuitive, compassionate Pisces indicates new beginnings in matters of beliefs and urges us to take a leap of faith, but this energy is being strongly influenced by practical Saturn, which is about tangible action and focusing on the long view. So while you want to use this energy to dream, this is not about overnight success; it’s about dreams that come true through hard work and persistence.

Be open to what presents itself in dreams, meditation or while performing mindless activities, as you could gain helpful insight into your future trajectory.

Within hours of the new moon, Venus leaves Pisces and enters Aries, where it will transit until March 16.

Over the last month, Venus in Pisces ushered in dreamy energy that may have had some reaching for the rose-colored glasses. In Aries, the goddess of love awakens in a fiery passion that stokes fearlessness in matters of the heart. Some may have a tendency to charge forward, and impatience can turn matters of love into a battlefield. Take care to pause before jumping during this time, as an impulse to hurry and take action can disrupt issues that require time and compromise.

So what does this mean for your sign? Find out below.

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This week is about beginnings and endings, dear Aries, which could provoke inner restlessness, as you are feeling a need to both push forward and step back. With the goddess of love in your sign for a near month, you will be feeling the heat of the spotlight and may be inclined to spend a little more time on your appearance than normal.

The new moon in Pisces is asking you to take an honest inventory of your habits, whether surface level or deeply embedded in the subconscious, in order to uproot whatever is holding you back. Pay careful attention to your dreams as you may be struck with insight that will help you through Saturn’s two-year transit occurring in this same area of life. This is a time to consider who you are in matters of love, how you show up, and who it is you want to be in the future.


With your planetary ruler, Venus, changing signs this week, you’re likely to feel a major shift in energy, dear Taurus, as it now enters a part of the sky that has to do with the subconscious and spiritual connection, pulling you out of the present and into a place that can feel more like a dream than reality.

But don’t let this worry you. Instead, use this dreamy energy to envision your ideal future, as this is the part of life the new moon highlights and will remain a prominent focus for you over the next two years as Saturn moves through the sign of Pisces. This could indicate a period of time when your inner circle changes, and you may suffer from some feelings of loneliness as a result, but this is all in an effort to restructure your environment so that it aligns with your highest expression of self.


While your mind has been going through major perceptual changes, this week’s transits are highlighting parts of the sky that for you, dear Gemini, have to do with new beginnings related to your career or public reputation and how to align yourself with a heart-centered future. This new moon is asking you to contemplate your long-term goals and pushing you to take practical steps to get there.

But this is not just a temporary energy, matters related to long-term goals will take center stage during Saturn’s transit through Pisces, and you may see major achievements over the next two ears if you’re willing to do the hard work. For some, this week may provide insight into where you’ve wandered off the path and how to realign yourself with your vision of the future, both in matters of legacy and love.

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With the moon, your natural planetary ruler, lighting up a part of the sky that has to do with long-distance travel and higher education, this week is about uncovering the depths of your perception, dear Cancer. You are being pushed to seek the truth in matters related to the beliefs and values that guide your life, which will become a prominent theme over the next two years.  It’s time to consider how your emotional undercurrents align with your worldview and identify any gaps within that are causing disruptions and preventing your growth.

Alongside this, Venus entering Aries shines a spotlight on your public persona and career, and you may see some type of public recognition at this time. Underneath it all, you are thinking about your own personal transformation and feeling bolder than usual to swim around in your psychological depths.


The new moon is happening in a part of the sky for you that has to do with reality, dear Leo, which will be a primary focus as Saturn moves into this same part of the sky for you next month. This is about vulnerability, both physical and emotional, and you are being pushed to break down any parts of yourself that no longer serve a purpose and let them go. It is through this clearing of space that you create meaningful change.

With Venus moving into fellow fire sign, Aries, this fearless energy is one you know well and can be of help to you as you consider any outdated beliefs that are intertwined with cyclical behaviors or thought patterns at the root of self-sabotage. It may be through a conversation with someone you trust that you gain some key insight into parts of yourself that have grown stale.


This week’s new moon may feel a bit jarring, dear Virgo, as it is highlighting the relationship sector of your chart and may show you where your work-life balance has been thrown askew and is shining a glaring spotlight on close partnerships. For some, over the course of the longer transit, this could be a time when you realize that you no longer align with a partner and a divorce could come as a result. For others, this could indicate a deeper commitment or possibly marriage.

Either way, this all is meant to push you toward a truer version of yourself, and you may gain some key insight around the new moon. And with Venus moving into Aries, you are getting a helpful nudge, as this transit spotlights endings and asks you to consider what’s real. Romantic partnerships could see a deepening of intimacy at this time.


This week, your planetary ruler, Venus, shifts into a part of the sky that deals with one-on-one relationships, dear Libra. You are being asked to consider what love is and where you may need to practice compromising or develop better negotiation skills. Since this also is the natural house of Libra, this planetary shift could feel like a recalibration, as you may realize where the scales have been knocked off balance.

To help find this balance, the new moon on Monday is pushing you to assess your daily routine and take serious inventory of how you spend your time. It’s not so much the weeks of a year that make up a life; but rather, the seconds of a minute. Time to crunch numbers and identify what parts of life you’ve been giving either too much or too little of your time.

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While your mind has been on matters of home, this new moon is lighting up a part of the sky for you that deals with pleasure and creativity, dear Scorpio. For some, this could indicate the birth of a baby or the culmination of a creative project. This is a time to get clear on what truly lights up your heart. Is there a hobby you used to love? Is it time to get back out on the dating scene? As part of a larger influence, this could be a time when play becomes work, and life takes on a more serious note.

Venus moving into Aries will help you organize your life, as a way to build a solid foundation for creative self-actualization. You are feeling more team-oriented and could receive praise or recognition for your skills or service.


The sky for you this week, dear Sagittarius, will be asking you to think about how you feel, how you communicate and what brings joy to your life. With the new moon in a part of the sky that deals with home and inner security, you are being asked to make changes in order to build a strong foundation in alignment with your long-range dreams, which will become a prominent feature over the next two years.  Perhaps you’ve outgrown some aspect of your home, and you see now how this environment is impeding forward momentum. Or maybe you’re sensing an inner state of homelessness.

As a shorter monthlong transit, Venus is igniting your house of pleasure, and you may see a boost to your creative production or hear good news about a child. It’s in this playful spirit that you are connecting the past to the future and finding a way to build from there.


This new moon is happening in a part of the sky that for you deals with communication and perception, dear Capricorn. You are being pushed now to identify skills in need of refinement and consider how you communicate. Passivity or being indirect can be the cause of disruptions now that will push you to change. In some ways, this speaks to the larger theme over the next two years of Saturn’s transit through Pisces prompting you to both find and own your voice.

Obstacles may occur that force you to stand up and say something. Siblings or neighbors could become prominent figures in your life at this time. With Venus moving into your fourth house of home and inner security, you will be feeling more nostalgic and receptive over the next month with a desire to create a peaceful sanctuary or focus on earning money from home.

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After some major shifts and unexpected tension, Venus moving into Aries will feel a bit less heavy on the heart, dear Aquarius, as you’re not as comfortable as other signs to stay down deep in the emotional waters of Pisces. You now are being prompted to consider what you value, which will be a major theme over the course of the next two years. As a fixed air sign, it’s easy for you to get consumed by your own thoughts and exist on a more analytical plane. But this new cycle is about grounding yourself in the real world.

Along with this, Venus will begin transiting a part of the sky for you that deals with communication and learning, and you may find yourself drawn to refining skills and wanting to chat about your interests. It’s a beneficial time for creative writing and smoothing out any miscommunications with others.


Over the last month, as Venus transited through Pisces, there has been a build-up in a part of the sky that for you, dear Pisces, has to do with who you are on a fundamental level, which will be part of a larger transit when Saturn moves into your sign next month. This is about who you are at your deepest core. As a dreamy sign ruled by Neptune, Pisces can be prone to drawing up illusions for themselves. Now is a time when the curtain is being drawn back, and you’re faced with reality.

And with Venus now in a part of the sky that deals with money and self-worth, your heart will be drawn toward what you value, especially on a material plane, and you may find yourself wanting to indulge in the finer things in life during this weekslong transit.

For a more specific outlook, read the forecasts for both your sun and rising signs. If you do not know your rising sign, use this online calculator.

Ed. note: This information is composed by St. George News editorial staff for entertainment purposes only.

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