Horoscopes: Venus conjunct Neptune triggers ultra-romantic transit. Here’s what it means for you.

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ST. GEORGE — Following a rough few days around last week’s full moon in Leo, tensions are finally easing this week in time for a harmonious alignment of Venus and Neptune that will have many feeling adrift in dreamy inspiration.

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This annual conjunction of Venus (the planet of love and attraction) and Neptune (the planet of the subconscious and unconditional love) amplifies romance and imagination and just so happens to peak the day after Valentine’s Day, which may have us all feeling a little drunk on love.

A planetary conjunction is when two planets or more form a line as seen from Earth. In this case, Venus and Neptune are forming a conjunction in Pisces at 24 degrees on Wednesday.

Some astrologers refer to this conjunction as the most romantic day of the year, and in the sign of Pisces, this romantic, starry-eyed energy is amplified and marks an auspicious time for artists. Just be careful not to get too lost in romantic feelings, especially in terms of love, as this temporary transit can distort reality and blur boundaries.

On Thursday, the sun and Saturn will form a conjunction in Aquarius, the sign in which Saturn has been transiting since 2020. Saturn is considered the great teacher and is known to restrict whatever sign in which it falls. Aquarius is the sign of future hopes and group associations, and when Saturn first entered this sign on March 21, 2020, we saw the implementation of COVID-19 shutdowns and social distancing.

But Saturn restrictions are meant to propel humanity forward and challenge the individual to mature in some area of life. Thursday’s sun-Saturn conjunction could see some reach a culmination in this area just weeks before the planet finally moves out of Aquarius, where it won’t return again until January 2050.

So what does this mean for your sign? Find out below.


With the Neptune-Venus conjunction falling in your 12th house, you may be feeling a bit in la-la land in your day-to-day life. You may be feeling withdrawn and desiring to connect with those close to you on a more spiritual plane. This is an interesting aspect for you, dear Aries, as you are a sign that wants to push forward and take action. But this is a placement of meditation and passivity, which is where inspiration could spring if you allow yourself to slow down and go with the flow. Your dreams are likely to be active.

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Saturn transiting your 11th house of future hopes and friendships has been challenging you to evaluate your inner circle, whom you connect with and plans for the future, and Thursday could highlight how you’ve grown in this area, with clarity of where you’re going and who’s coming with you.


With your planetary ruler Venus conjunct Neptune in your 11th house of future hopes and friendships, this week will have you feeling a deep appreciation for friends and a surge of optimism about the future, dear Taurus. Now is a time to dream big, visualize your idealistic future and identify any bad habits or negative thinking patterns afflicting your forward momentum. How might you collaborate with others to facilitate your wildest dreams? If you can plan an outing with friends on Wednesday, you’re likely to be feeling a lot of love.

Over the past two years, Saturn has been challenging you to develop a solid foundation in how you present yourself in both your public and professional life. On Thursday, Saturn may give you one final push to help you realize a culmination or where you still need to grow.


The 10th house has been continually lit up for you, dear Gemini, and this week is no different as the Venus-Neptune conjunction should have you feeling a newfound inspiration in your profession or in how you project yourself into the world. Little irritants subside for this short time and allow you to indulge in a sense of love for what you do. This indicates an especially fortuitous time for those who work in the arts, triggering an abundance of creative production, and a strike of inspiration could see you going a whole new way with a project.

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Over the past two years, Saturn has been challenging your ideals and higher perspective. What used to work for you, seemed to fall away, leaving you to start from scratch. Now, as Saturn prepares to move out of Aquarius for good, those Geminis who have worked on self-improvement might feel the early stage of a newfound sense of self-assurance or spiritual regeneration.


Optimism is boosted now, dear Cancer, as Neptune and Venus conjunct in your ninth house of higher learning and spirituality. You may be inspired to plan a trip across seas with a romantic partner. Cancers who serve as teachers, leaders or some other type of mentor will more easily inspire others. You are wanting to get lost in a good book or write one. People may favor you now, so this is a good time to reach out to connect with others around topics of higher education, publishing or reaching a wider audience.

Toward the weekend, the energy shifts to the sun-Saturn conjunction, highlighting your eighth house of personal transformation and shared resources, where Saturn has been transiting for the last two years. Saturn has been asking you to evaluate your deepest desires and attachments, and Thursday could point to something you still need to let go of.


This week’s harmonious Venus-Neptune conjunction is happening in your eighth house of intimacy and personal transformation, dear Leo. As one of the signs who was hit hardest with last week’s challenging energy, this week could feel transformative in terms of deep feelings of intimacy. You are taking what transpired last week, and out of the ashes, you are gaining a new understanding of your needs or feeling a deeper bond with your partner. For those single Leos, this could indicate you breaking free from a psychological trap and seeing a restoration of self-trust.

With Saturn transiting your seventh house of partnerships, these last two years have put relationships under the microscope. Thursday may offer insight into how you’ve grown in this area.

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This week’s harmonious meeting of Venus and Neptune is lighting up your seventh house of partnership, dear Virgo, which spells Love Potion No. 9. Even for the most analytical Virgo, it will be easier than usual to see past character flaws in your partner, and you may be inspired to dash away on a spontaneous trip or just get lost in the romance. For single Virgos, take advantage of this energy by getting out and about, as this could be a time when you meet someone with romantic potential.

Closer to the weekend, the energy will turn toward the conjunction of the sun and Saturn in your sixth house of health and routine, where Saturn has been pushing you to make changes. Thursday could bring about a sudden resolution in this area.


You could find yourself drifting off in daydreams or surging with spontaneous inspiration at work early this week, dear Libra, as your ruler Venus forms a conjunction with Neptune in your sixth house of daily routine and service. This aspect also could inspire you to shake up your daily routine, and as a result, bring someone new into your life. You’re feeling optimistic now to make changes and eliminate something in your daily life that has been holding you back.

Toward the weekend, the energy shifts to your fifth house of pleasure in creativity, where Saturn has been transiting for two years and challenging you to refine your creative talent and zone in on what makes you unique. As it makes its final conjunction with the sun on Thursday, you could see the completion of a project or be ready to take a leap of faith.


The Venus-Neptune conjunction is lighting up your fifth house of pleasure, amplifying creativity and heart-related pursuits, dear Scorpio. And planning a romantic night out on Wednesday is highly recommended. For those just getting to know someone, this short transit could make you feel as if you’re falling in love. It’s fine to indulge in romance, just be sure to keep one foot on the ground, as an unrealistic attitude could lead to heartache. As the fifth house also rules gambling, be weary of over-optimism. Simply put: don’t bet what you’re not willing to lose. Emotions are deeply tied to financial risks at this time.

On Thursday, your attention will turn to your sense of inner security, where Saturn has been challenging you to rework since early 2020. Something may happen now to highlight how you’ve grown in this area or what still needs work.

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The Venus-Neptune conjunction is happening in your fourth house of home and feelings, dear Sagittarius, which may inspire you to change up your home in some way. As this is a short transit, it’s best to avoid making any permanent changes for now, like painting the living room neon-green, as you could change your mind after this influence passes. Use this time instead to draw up ideas and envision what you consider an ideal sanctuary. This transit also could lift you out of a low and restore optimism about a matter that’s close to home, both on a physical and emotional plane. A night at home with a romantic partner could feel all the more romantic.

For the past two years, Saturn transiting your third house has been challenging you to assess how you communicate, which could have brought about more conflicts with those close to you. As Saturn now prepares to leave this place in your chart, an interaction on Thursday could spotlight areas that still need improvement.


This week will have you feeling in tune with your voice, especially around Wednesday, and marks a gorgeous time to put pen to paper or fingers to the keyboard, as this Neptune-Venus aspect is lighting up your third house of communication, dear Capricorn. If you’ve been needing to express something challenging to a romantic partner or platonic connection, now is the time to do it, as this energy will help you find the right words to effect the most harmonious outcome. This is a great placement for creative writing.

Saturn moving through your second house over the last two years has been pushing you to work through matters of money and feelings of self-worth. Thursday’s aspect is shining a spotlight here, which could show you where you still need to work, or you could see some material gain.


Prepare to feel generous this week, dear Aquarius, just try not to go overboard, as the Neptune-Venus conjunction is falling in your second house of money and self-worth. You may feel inspired early- to mid-week to spoil yourself or someone else with luxury items or indulge in a night out. As long as you’re being financially responsible, there’s no need to worry. But it might be best to avoid fast fashion or impulsive purchases you can’t return. The best part of this aspect for you, however, is that it will give you a boost of self-confidence and optimism that may have been hard to access over the last two years thanks to Saturn’s influence.

With Saturn’s transit to your first house, you likely don’t feel like the same person you were in early 2020, as your ancient ruling planet has been challenging matters of identity and personal significance. Thursday’s aspect could challenge you once more to knock away anything left that’s not uniquely you.


With your modern-day ruler Neptune conjunct Venus in your sign, it is you, dear Pisces, who will be affected most by this energy. Your natural characteristics are amplified, and you are likely to feel lost in a dreamy wonderland of creativity and compassion. Anything you do will feel infused with divine influence and is a very auspicious energy for artists. This influence could also see you wanting to recreate yourself, but it would be best to save any major decisions — like chopping off all your hair — until after this influence passes, as you may not be seeing things clearly. In matters of love, whether single or taken, the spotlight is on you, and you are likely to feel your best at this time.

Toward the end of the week, the energy will turn inward to the 12th house of the psyche, where Saturn has been transiting for two years. This placement ends a cycle and has been challenging you to face your deepest fears. You may have a revelation this week and realize how far you’ve come.

For a more specific outlook, read the forecasts for both your sun and rising signs. If you do not know your rising sign, use this online calculator.

Ed. note: This information is composed by St. George News editorial staff for entertainment purposes only.

Copyright St. George News, SaintGeorgeUtah.com LLC, 2023, all rights reserved.

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