Horoscopes: Jupiter and Venus form magical connection in wake of eclipse. What happens next?

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ST. GEORGE — Love and luck are on high this week.

With the ripple effects of Saturday’s solar eclipse just beginning to settle in, a harmonious meeting of Jupiter and Venus will adorn the sky later this week.

But first, on Thursday, Oct. 19, at 11:37 p.m. MDT, the sun will form a conjunction with Mercury in Libra. This brings mental alertness and quick decision-making. This is a good time for expressing ideas, strategizing, and considering market trends for buying or selling.

Venus in Virgo will form a harmonious trine with Jupiter in Taurus on Saturday, Oct. 21, at 10:32 p.m. MDT. This meeting in the sky amplifies luck in love, optimism and high spirits. Attention to beauty and fine details makes this an optimal time to purchase luxury items.

So what does this all mean for your sign? Find out below.

March 21-April 19

With Mars now moving powerfully through your eighth house, your powers to focus intently on something are amplified, dear Aries, helping you see projects through to completion with the same fiery ignition in which they were initiated. Toward the end of the week, Jupiter, which has been transiting your second house of money and self-value since mid-May, forms a marvelous aspect with Venus in your sixth house of work, health and daily routine. This could indicate a raise for some. Others may see a way to forge talents with their day-to-day life to boost earning power. A health issue could see some resolution.

April 20-May 20

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Activities involving romance, children, self-expression or play are favored now, dear Taurus, as your ruling planet Venus meets Jupiter in the sky later this week. Since Jupiter first entered Taurus, the planet has been boosting your self-confidence and optimism to help you positively expand your perspective.  This week may shed new light on a creative project or romantic connection. You are feeling inspired now to manifest matters held dear to your heart.

May 21–June 20

Since mid-May, Jupiter in your 12th house of the subconscious and spirituality has been working to help you rid yourself of destructive habits and thought patterns, dear Gemini. This week, as it forms a fortuitous link with Venus in your fourth house of home and family, you’re likely to consider your roots in a nostalgic light. If you’ve been holding on to something of the past, you may feel overcome with forgiveness this week, which allows you to feel a restored sense of security.

June 21–July 22

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You’re feeling more passionate as this week begins, dear Cancer, as the moon moves through a part of your sky that deals with romance, self-expression, play and children. As the week unfolds, Jupiter, which has been transiting your 11th house of friendships and future dreams since mid-May, meets up with Venus in your third house of communication. A conversation with someone could have a powerful impact now. It’s a good idea to be out and about this weekend, especially in groups with whom you share common goals.

July 23–August 22

This week, the sun, your planetary ruler, is making prominent aspects in the sky, dear Leo. A conjunction with Mercury in Libra on Thursday is likely to have your mind on fairness. Your words have a welcoming charm, making this a good time to have a difficult conversation, as you are more likely to find common ground. Alongside this, Jupiter in your 10th house of career meets up harmoniously with Venus in your second house of money. If you’ve been seeking a new job, now is the time to refine your resume and try to schedule an interview toward the end of the week. Some may see an increase in income.

Aug. 23–Sept. 22

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As your ruling planet Mercury links up with the sun this week, you are feeling positive, energetic and expressive, dear Virgo. Alongside this is Venus in your sign making a magical alignment with Jupiter, which has been in your ninth house of beliefs, philosophical outlook and higher education since mid-May. This is a passionate place for this aspect to occur and indicates a time when you are likely to feel highly inspired and possibly motivated to reach a wider audience with some form of personal expression. Some may receive good news related to academics or a literary project.

Sept. 23–Oct. 22

With your ruling planet Venus making a harmonious aspect to Jupiter, the end of this week can feel deeply transformative, dear Libra, especially as you still ride the waves of the solar eclipse that occurred in your sign at the end of last week. Lighting up your eighth and 12th houses, Jupiter and Venus are working to help you clear out any psychic junk, addictions or compulsive behavior disrupting your life. Your dreams could be especially active and may hold significant messages.

Oct. 23–Nov. 21

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With Mars, your ancient ruling planet, continuing its transit through your sign, you’re feeling a powerful thrust of energy this week, dear Scorpio. Try to funnel this into being productive, as there could be a tendency to feel overemotional, especially as the week comes to a close when, on Saturday, your modern-day ruler Pluto forges a tense configuration with the sun. Power struggles may be spotlighted now. Avoid becoming emotionally intertwined with whatever presents itself, as the tension will soon dissipate. This is a good week to consider matters of control: what you control and what you feel controls you.

Nov. 22–Dec. 21

With your ruling planet Jupiter making a magical connection with Venus, your natural attributes of optimism and joie de vivre are magnetized this week, dear Sagittarius. Jupiter, which has been transiting your sixth house of work, health and daily routine since mid-May, has been helping you restructure how you use time. As the planet of luck meets up with the goddess of love Venus in your 10th house of career, your skills shine under the spotlight. If you’ve been burning the midnight oil, this could be a time when you figure out a more efficient routine that alleviates stress and helps you ground yourself in the present.

Dec. 22–Jan. 19

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Following Saturday’s solar eclipse, you likely have matters related to career and long-term goals at the forefront of your mind, dear Capricorn. But as this week unfolds, Jupiter, which has been transiting your fifth house of pleasure, self-expression and children since mid-May, is making a powerful connection with Venus in your ninth house of philosophical outlook and beliefs. This indicates a boost of optimism surrounding child-rearing or a creative project. You may feel divinely inspired at this time or ultra romantic. Just be aware that you may be donning rose-colored glasses for now.

Jan. 20–Feb. 18

With Venus now in your eighth house of intimacy, shared resources and self-empowerment, this is a deeply transformative time for you, dear Aquarius. And this week, it’s matters related to home and family that are likely to be positively influenced as Venus meets up with Jupiter in your fourth house of domestic affairs, where it has been transiting since mid-May. You may see how matters related to intimacy are connected to your own feelings of security and realize a way to strengthen them. Past hurts or trauma could surface and be transformed into a gift you offer others.

Feb. 19 – March 20

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With your ancient ruling planet Jupiter, which has been transiting your third house of communication, short-distance travel and perspective, meeting up with Venus in your seventh house of partnership this week, conversations are likely to feel extra sweet, dear Pisces. Since mid-May, Jupiter has been helping you expand how you express yourself and disseminate information. Linked up with Venus, it could feel that you suddenly have the right words to say to those who matter most. A heartfelt conversation with a companion could lead to a deepening commitment for some. It’s time to say what you need to say.

For a more specific outlook, read the forecasts for both your sun and rising signs. If you do not know your rising sign, use this online calculator.

It’s important to remember that astrology forecasts are not meant to be fatalistic. Rather they offer a window into current energetic influences, so we may work with them and help foster a more wise and loving spirit.

Ed. note: This information is composed by St. George News editorial staff for entertainment purposes only.

Copyright St. George News, SaintGeorgeUtah.com LLC, 2023, all rights reserved.

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