Horoscopes: ‘Ring of fire’ eclipse activates fated change. Find out what it means for your sign.

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FEATURE — Ready or not, change is coming.

It’s a busy week in astro-news with two planets changing signs, Pluto ending its retrograde and a solar eclipse that will be viewable in Utah.

The annular solar eclipse at 21 degrees Libra will occur at approximately 9:45 a.m. MDT. The eclipse path passes through Utah, and its maximum viewing will be 90%. This will be the last annular solar eclipse visible from the United States until June 21, 2039, according to NASA.

A solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes between the sun and the Earth, but because the moon is at or near its farthest point from Earth, it appears smaller and thus does not completely cover the sun. Instead, the alignment creates a ring of fire around the moon.

As with a new moon, a solar eclipse prompts new beginnings. But the impacts are more extensive and cast ripple marks that extend as far as six months.

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This is a South Node eclipse, which means the road to the past is blocked and there’s no turning back. Ancient astrologers considered the North and South nodes of the moon karmic lessons. The South Node represents the past life and what needs to be left behind, while the North Node represents our soul mission. We rely on our south node during times of vulnerability. It’s essentially our comfort zone. Whereas the North Node pushes us into the discomfort of growing.

During a South Node solar eclipse, change can happen that is out of our hands. Though we may not see it at the time, these departures are blessings and meant to help us further align with the most wise and loving version of ourselves. This is a time to step back and let the universe show you where to go, rather than pushing forward on your own.

Not everyone will feel the impact of the solar eclipse to the same potency. People who will be most impacted by this eclipse are those who have planets in Capricorn, Aries, Libra or Cancer, as well as anyone with planets in 16-26 degrees of a sign.

This is the last annular solar eclipse that will be visible from the United States until June 21, 2039.

Aside from the eclipse, other major cosmic influences begin Sunday, Oct. 8, at 7:11 p.m. with Venus finally leaving Leo, where it spent the majority of the summer due to its retrograde period. Now in the mutable Earth sign of Virgo, the Goddess of Love turns our affection toward perfection. We are more devoted and inclined toward acts of service. Venus will remain in Virgo until Nov. 8.

On Tuesday, Oct. 10 at 7:09 p.m. MDT, Pluto at 27 degrees Capricorn will station direct in Capricorn at 27 degrees after retrograding through the sky since May 1, clearing the way for profound self-transformation.

And finally, at 10:04 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 11, at 10:04 p.m. MDT, Mars will enter the fixed water sign of Scorpio, a sign traditionally ruled by Mars. Efforts are powerfully impassioned, instinctual and determined. This is not a time when we have one foot in, one foot out. We feel driven to go all in.

So what does all of this mean for you and your sign? Find out below.

March 21-April 19

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You are one of the sun signs most affected by this solar eclipse, dear Aries, as this cosmic phenomenon is hitting your angular seventh house of partnerships. Relationships that have long exceeded their expiration date are illuminated over the next six months. And this includes all relationships — romantic, business, family, friends, co-workers, etc. While endings could occur now, opportunities may also arrive for you to transform a relationship that has stagnated.

In the shorter term, your ruling planet Mars enters your eighth house of intimacy and shared resources mid-week, pulling your focus toward self-empowerment. Your focus is razor sharp now, as is your will to courageously charge after your goals. And with Pluto in your 10th house finally ending its retrograde, you could see roadblocks clear in matters of career.

April 20-May 20

Over the next six months, your sixth house of work, health and daily routine will be put under the spotlight, dear Taurus, due to the profound impacts of this solar eclipse. A new pathway is opening for you to improve your health and let go of bad habits. This also could play out in terms of work or with whom you work. In sum, you are being asked to take stock of how you spend your time and how that comprises the larger picture of your life. This is not about eliminating all vices; it’s about establishing a better balance.

Also significant this week is Venus moving into your fifth house of creativity, self-expression, children and pleasure. You are likely to feel more playful and romantic over the next month and drawn toward people, places and things that bring you joy. Along with this, Mars in your seventh house indicates a period of romantic stimulation.

May 21–June 20

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Profound change for you is on the horizon over the next six months in matters related to creativity, children, pleasure, games and the things that light up your heart, dear Gemini, as this solar eclipse is hitting your fifth house. Endings are likely now that point to projects that have grown stagnant. Your focus is on what brings you joy, and you are being pushed to follow your heart of hearts now. Some changes could derive from children, such as them graduating from school and entering a new stage of life.

Alongside this is Venus moving into your fourth house of home and family, which brings a boost of sentimentality and a desire to indulge in the comforts of home. You may decide to redecorate or rearrange furniture to create more of a sanctuary. Mars entering your sixth house is revving your engine to better manage your time and improve your health. You may feel powerfully motivated to hit the gym or clean up your diet.

June 21–July 22

A cardinal sign ruled by the moon, you are likely to be significantly impacted by this solar eclipse, dear Cancer, especially in fourth-house matters related to home, family and inner security. The fourth house is what connects us to the past and who we understand ourselves to be based on what we inherited from our ancestors. Over the next six months, you may have to confront issues with family members or those with whom you live. If you feel there has been a lack of fairness, change may come to strike a balance. Some Cancers could be prompted to move during this time.

Single Cancerians have an opportunity to meet someone this week, but not through familiar means. It will require something different. With Venus moving into your third house of communication, it may be that you are reshaping how or what you communicate to connect on a deeper level. And Mars is reigniting your passion for hobbies.

July 23–August 22

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Ruled by the sun, you are dramatically impacted by solar eclipses, dear Leo, and this one is happening in your third house of communication, transportation, and perception, as well as neighbors and relatives. As a signifier of change, an eclipse in this part of the sky could mean that you need to buy a new vehicle or fix an old one, or maybe an issue with a neighbor or sibling is finally coming to a head. You are becoming more aware now of how your inner voice influences your attitude, how you express your ideas and what message needs to be fine-tuned.

With Venus finally leaving your sign, your affection now turns toward what you value. For some, this could trigger a desire for retail therapy, just be careful you’re not drawing from empty pockets. Pluto turning direct in your sixth house is clearing hurdles around time management and health. A restoration of energy is possible.

Aug. 23–Sept. 22

Change is coming to what you value, dear Virgo, as this solar eclipse is lighting up your second house of money, self-worth and possessions. This could indicate a change of job for some or finding a new way to bring in income over the next six months. For others, this eclipse illuminates how you value yourself and adjustments that may be needed. If you’ve been devaluing yourself or waiting for the validation of one particular person, it’s time to reclaim that power.

Ahead of this week’s solar eclipse, Venus will move into your sign, dear Virgo, so now the Venusian glow shines on you over the course of the next month. You are more attractive during this time and it may feel nearly impossible to deny yourself things that give you pleasure. Alongside this, Pluto turns direct in your fifth house of pleasure, opening new pathways to explore matters you deem closest to your heart. Mars in your third house fuels your words with passion.

Sept. 23–Oct. 22

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This is your solar eclipse, dear Libra, which means change is happening in matters of personality, physical vitality and the core of who you are. How confident are you? As an integral component of how we move about the world, confidence acts as our personal navigation system, perhaps telling us to avoid one road due to traffic or distance. As a result, this could cause you to avoid one road out of a lack of self-confidence, but that could be the road that takes you on the ride of a lifetime. The way to increase confidence is through a willingness to try — especially those things which you don’t feel good at. As such, this eclipse may open opportunities that force you to try new things.

Alongside this ultra-transformative eclipse is your ruling planet Venus, which is moving into your 12th house of the subconscious. Insight could come now in your dreams. Your imagination is expansive, and it may feel like creative projects are divinely inspired over the next month. Mars in your second house ignites your drive to make money.

Oct. 23–Nov. 21

A solar eclipse in the 12th house hits on a deeply spiritual and psychological level, dear Scorpio. But this is an area you’re more comfortable with than other signs. This is about secrets, hidden talents, unconscious patterns and the shadow self. It may be that you are becoming aware of what has control over you during this time, such as compulsive behaviors or addictions that could include everything from substance abuse to how much time you spend on social media. The eclipse may trigger a circumstance that prompts you to confront this behavior and transform.

Also significant this week is Mars, your ancient-ruling planet, moving into your sign on Wednesday. This brings a profound boost of energy and drive, especially as Pluto, your modern-day ruling planet, turns direct in your third house of communication. A truth that needs to be expressed may be unearthed now.

Nov. 22–Dec. 21

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With the solar eclipse lighting up your 11th house, change is coming to matters related to friendships, organizations and your highest dreams, dear Sagitarrius. Opportunities come now through networking, which means it is ever more vital to mingle with people who share your vision. As a result, you might experience shifts in social circles and with whom you spend your time. It may be necessary to distance yourself from those who no longer support you or whose life goals sharply diverge from yours. The way you envision your future may suddenly appear vastly different.

Alongside this major influence is Venus moving into your 10th house of career. Over the next month, authority figures are likely to see you in a rosy light, making it a great time to pitch ideas, ask for a raise and put an artistic touch to whatever you contribute. Mars in your 12th house expands your imagination and offers bursts of inspiration.

Dec. 22–Jan. 19

Get ready for big changes in your career, dear Capricorn, as this solar eclipse is illuminating the top of your sky, energizing your 10th house of achievement and legacy. Over the next six months, you could receive a new role in your career, move up in leadership or take off on a whole different path entirely. You are being asked to seriously consider what your long-range goals are and what you most desire to achieve in this life. If you’ve gotten sidetracked or run out of steam, this eclipse is helping to push you in the right direction.

Pluto in your sign is turning direct this week, which offers a powerful thrust of momentum and energy that you might have been lacking in recent months. With Venus in your 9th house, it may be time to plan an adventure, as your draw toward the new and exotic is amplified.

Jan. 20–Feb. 18

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In your ninth house of philosophical outlook, this solar eclipse is prompting major change in matters related to higher wisdom, spirituality, long-distance travel, beliefs and reaching a wider audience, dear Aquarius. This also is the house of adventure. If you’ve been feeling stagnant, this eclipse is pushing you to revamp your life in a way that invites new experiences and pushes you outside of your comfort zone. A trip planned now may drastically reshape the way you perceive the world. You may also be confronted with something that makes you question your beliefs and change as a result.

Mars entering your 10th house this week energizes your focus on career. You are likely to have hyper-focus and be inclined to burn the midnight oil. Alongside this is Venus moving into your eighth house of intimacy and shared resources. Together, Mars and Venus could inspire you to consider how you might create or reinvest in passive income streams.

Feb. 19 – March 20

With this solar eclipse lighting up your eighth house, change is happening in matters related to shared resources, passive income, intimacy and deep psychology, dear Pisces. This largely has to do with power, how you empower yourself and where you may be giving away your power. Your nature of self-sacrifice can make you vulnerable to others’ agendas. It’s time now to root yourself in what you want, your goals and your dreams. As a result, endings could show up for you that allow you to cut psychological or physical ties to people who may not have your best interests at heart.

On the opposite of your sky now is Venus, which makes this a fortuitous time to meet someone, as the Goddess of Love is amping up your attractiveness and making it a fortuitous time to meet someone. And Mars in your ninth house ignites an adventurous spirit.

For a more specific outlook, read the forecasts for both your sun and rising signs. If you do not know your rising sign, use this online calculator.

It’s important to remember that astrology forecasts are not meant to be fatalistic. Rather they offer a window into current energetic influences, so we may work with them and help foster a more wise and loving spirit.

Ed. note: This information is composed by St. George News editorial staff for entertainment purposes only.

Copyright St. George News, SaintGeorgeUtah.com LLC, 2023, all rights reserved.

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