Horoscopes: Venus turns retrograde amid most pivotal week of the year and what it means

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FEATURE — With Venus turning retrograde, a new moon in Cancer and the North Node of destiny entering Aries, this week marks a truly pivotal time.

The week’s major cosmic influences begin Monday, July 17, at 12:32 p.m. with a new moon in Cancer at 24 degrees, marking a time to plant seeds. In the cardinal water sign of Cancer, this new moon asks us to honor our deepest feelings and practice radical self-care.

Joining this lunar energy, on Tuesday, July 18, the moon’s North Node of destiny will enter Aries and the South Node will enter Libra for an approximate 18-month cycle.

The lunar nodes refer to two points where the orbit of the moon intersects the ecliptic. The nodes move backward through the Zodiac, and together, the polar opposite nodes represent the nodal axis. In this case, the lunar nodes are shifting into the signs of Aries and Libra, which is known as the axis of self versus partnership. Aries is the self, and Libra is the other.

The North Node passionately pulls us toward our destiny, while the South Node forces us to let go.

Collectively, the North Node in Aries promotes individuality, independence and ambition. The South Node in Libra, the sign of harmony and relationships, will encourage us to let go of relationships hindering personal growth.

Toward the weekend, on Saturday, July 22, Venus in Leo at 28 degrees will turn retrograde at 7:33 p.m. MDT, which will likely bring a strange twist to all things love-related. Traditionally speaking, major decisions regarding relationships, such as marriage, engagement or divorce, should be avoided at this time, as there is a good chance you may change your mind when Venus turns direct, which will occur Sept. 3 at 7:20 p.m.

So what does all of this mean for you? Find out below.

March 21-April 19

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Monday’s new moon lights up your house of home and family, dear Aries. Something new may be on the horizon in terms of where you live. Higher demands at work over the last two weeks have likely caused you to neglect your own needs that are now pulling your focus. On Tuesday, the North Node enters your sign, marking a truly transformational time that will unfold over the next 18 months. The North Node is boosting your vitality and calling you to be a leader, which should have you feeling right at home with yourself. However, it’s vital not to let important relationships fall completely into the peripheral.

On Saturday, Venus turns retrograde in your fifth house of romance, creative self-expression and children. For those who are dating, be careful of experiencing feelings too soon with someone new, as they may not be who they seem. For others, this is a time to reignite passion in something that lives in your heart’s center.

April 20-May 20

Monday’s new moon sparks new beginnings in matters related to communication, short-distance travel and learning, dear Taurus. If you’ve been wanting to learn a new skill, now is the time to embark on the journey. You may be drawn back to beloved activity, such as riding a bike or dancing. On Tuesday, the North Node leaves your sign and enters your 12th house, initiating an 18-month fated cycle in matters related to your hidden self, subconscious and imagination. During this time, you’ll be pulled to deepen your sense of faith and self-trust. Be mindful of escapist tendencies and time-draining habits that are largely unproductive.

Toward the weekend, your ruling planet Venus turns retrograde in your fourth house of home and inner security, pressing you to reflect and possibly redefine what makes you feel at home.

May 21–June 20

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Monday’s new moon triggers fresh starts in your second house of money, possessions and self-esteem, dear Gemini. This indicates the potential to make money in a new way and could entail downsizing to create space for future abundance. It’s a good time to identify self-limitations around money, so you can clear away blocks. On Tuesday the North Node enters your 11th house of friendships and the future. During this 18-month fated period, you may feel an inner tug-of-war between the future and the past, especially in terms of your relationship with fun, children and self-expression. Expect changes to your social circle and the groups with whom you associate.

On Saturday, Venus turns retrograde in your third house, putting a spotlight on the people with whom you share time. Relationships that lack reciprocity could be cut loose. You could feel that the reception of your words is warped and wasting your time as a result. Suppressed feelings surface now, and it’s important to take a pause before speaking out.

June 21–July 22

With Monday’s new moon in your sign, this initiates your personal new lunar year, an opportune time to plant seeds for long-term goals, dear Cancer. It’s time to connect with others who can help you map out the road ahead, such as mentors, teachers or coaches. Nearly coinciding with the North Node shifting into your house of career on Tuesday for an 18-month fated cycle, this next year is likely to see major changes, especially in terms of public status and work. A new role, promotion or career shift is possible.

Toward the weekend, Venus turns retrograde in your second house of values, which illuminates gaps in your financial resources. You may have a tendency to mull over what you don’t have. And while it’s important to identify what’s lacking, try not to fall into the void. Rather, use this time to gain a better understanding of what it is that you truly want.

July 23–August 22

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Monday’s new moon activates a new two-week cycle in your 12th house of the hidden self, spirituality and subconscious, dear Leo. You may feel inclined to retreat from your social circle, as you are in a more reflective space and need a bit more rest and relaxation. Solitary or artistic activities have more appeal. Be mindful of unhealthy habits of escaping, as you are more prone to overindulgence. On Tuesday, the North Node of fate enters your ninth house, ushering in an 18-month fated cycle that will dramatically change the way you perceive and experience the world as you shed outdated perceptions you formed in childhood.

On Saturday, Venus turns retrograde in your sign, inspiring you to rethink how you present yourself to the world. You’re thinking of how to refine who you are in both the physical and psychological sense, just avoid making permanent changes until Venus turns direct in September.

Aug. 23–Sept. 22

Monday’s new moon prompts fresh starts in friendships, group associations and the future, dear Virgo. You are likely to reconnect with old friends or become part of a new community, such as joining a writing group or sports club. It’s time to gain clarity on your vision for the future by mapping out a logistical plan. On Tuesday, the North Node of destiny enters your eighth house of resources and power. This 18-month cycle will push you to understand the difference between making money and creating wealth through developing passive streams of income. Part of this will be assessing how you expend your energy. The way forward is by taking small steps each day, rather than overwhelming yourself with the grand view.

Toward the weekend, Venus turns retrograde in your 12th house of the hidden self, spirituality and subconscious. You’re examining escapist tendencies and cutting out that which has been infecting your psychological well-being.

Sept. 23–Oct. 22

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Monday’s new moon brings fresh beginnings to matters related to your career and social status, dear Libra. For some, this could indicate a promotion, change of career or expansion on a social media platform. For others, this could be a time when you are reinventing how you show up in your career or approach the work you do. On Tuesday, the North Node enters your seventh house of partnership, jumpstarting a new 18-month fated cycle that pushes you to reclaim your independence within a close relationship. With the South Node in your sign, you will be asked to let go of any codependent attachments.

On Saturday, your ruling planet Venus turns retrograde in your 11th house of friendships and future vision. If longtime friends have fallen into the backdrop, it may be time to revive these connections. This also could be true for any far-reaching goals you left on the back burner.

Oct. 23–Nov. 21

Monday’s new moon ignites a two-week cycle in your ninth house of foreign lands, philosophical outlook and higher education, dear Scorpio. This could be a time when you are thinking about educational goals, whether that’s going back to school or teaching what you know. For others, this is the time to solidify travel plans or attend to a legal matter. On Tuesday, the North Node enters your sixth house, initiating an 18-month fated cycle in matters of health, daily routine and service. You will be pushed to refine your schedule and improve time management as a means to improve your overall well-being. Escapist tendencies will lose their lure.

Toward the weekend, Venus turns retrograde in your 10th house of career and reputation and your public image is likely to become a primary focus. You may realize over the next month or so that what you thought you wanted is not the case anymore, and as a result, you are redefining your goals.

Nov. 22–Dec. 21

Sagittarius is symbolized by the archer, location and date unspecified | Photo by Unsplash, St. George News

Monday’s new moon brings fresh starts to your eighth house of power and resources, dear Sagittarius. You may be reinvigorating the intimacy within a relationship or taking a closer look at your investments. New pathways for passive income or investments could surface. This lunar energy also points to trust and may allow you to break free from a power struggle. On Tuesday, the North Node of destiny moves into your fifth house, initiating a fated 18-month cycle in matters related to creativity, romance and children. Creative endeavors take center stage and you may start a new project as a result. For others, this could be about expanding your family. Single Sagittarians could see their dating life stimulated.

On Saturday, Venus turns retrograde in your ninth house of long-distance travel, legal matters and adventure. This two-month period indicates a time when you may struggle to satisfy your appetite, whether that’s on a physical, spiritual or psychological plane. Your hunger for exploration can starve the joy of a moment. It may be that what you want is something you already have.

Dec. 22–Jan. 19

Monday’s new moon activates new beginnings in your seventh house of partnerships and contracts, dear Capricorn. Something could occur now that forces you to pour more energy into a relationship, romantic or platonic, or you may decide to deepen a commitment with a loved one. On Tuesday, the North Node of destiny enters your fourth house, initiating a fated 18-month cycle in areas related to home and family. Your attention is shifting to security and what makes you feel at ease within yourself. For some, this could indicate a move, or the people with whom you live could change. With the South Node in your career sector, your work may pull you away from family and you are pushed to find a balance.

Toward the weekend, Venus turns retrograde in your eighth house of intimacy, shared resources and power. You are rethinking how you invest your money and considering new ways to grow your income through an untapped passive source. At the same time, during this period, you may find that what used to make you happy isn’t quite filling your cup in the same way, especially in terms of possessions.

Jan. 20–Feb. 18

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Monday’s new moon prompts a new two-week cycle in your sixth house of health, service and daily routine, dear Aquarius. It’s time to cut habits and refine the way you manage time. You may decide to embark on a new fitness routine or clean up your diet as a means to re-energize your power source for productivity. Some may start a new job, implement new tasks at work or see a shift in the people with whom you work. On Tuesday, the North Node of destiny enters your third house bringing fated change over the next 18 months to matters of communication, learning and activities that utilize the hands. You will be challenged to eliminate negative thinking and engage in productive conversations through the lens of optimism. With the South Node in the ninth house, you may struggle with an extra dose of wanderlust.

Toward the weekend, Venus turns retrograde in your seventh house of partnerships. You may now see how your view of relationships has become tarnished. A focus on others’ flaws distracts you from seeing the good. Part of this could be linked to the unsaid and it’s time to speak up.

Feb. 19 – March 20

Monday’s new moon activates a new two-week cycle in your fifth house of fun, pleasure, creative self-expression and children, dear Pisces. It’s time to reconnect with your passion. You may pour energy into a creative project, meet a potential romantic partner or welcome a child into your family. Ultimately, this is a time to feel joy. On Tuesday, the North Node enters your second house of money. This 18-month fated cycle is likely to bring you financial opportunities and encourages you to assess your financial hygiene and what you possess. The South Node in your eighth house of joint resources encourages you to break unhealthy ties to enhance your own independence and self-empowerment.

Toward the weekend, Venus turns retrograde in your sixth house or health, work and daily routine. Self-care is on the menu, and it’s time to review your day-to-day habits to suss out what may be doing more harm than good. Relationships with co-workers also pull your attention, especially if you’ve been overly self-sacrificing. It’s time to care for yourself.

For a more specific outlook, read the forecasts for both your sun and rising signs. If you do not know your rising sign, use this online calculator.

It’s important to remember that astrology forecasts are not meant to be fatalistic. Rather they offer a window into current energetic influences, so we may work with them and help foster a more wise and loving spirit.

Ed. note: This information is composed by St. George News editorial staff for entertainment purposes only.

Copyright St. George News, SaintGeorgeUtah.com LLC, 2023, all rights reserved.

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