Horoscopes: Pluto retrograde triggers divine transformation. Here’s your weekly forecast.

Milky Way overhangs Monument Valley, Utah, date unspecified | Photo by lkunl/iStock/Getty Images Plus, St. George News

FEATURE — With two planets changing signs early Sunday morning, the week begins with a jolt.

In the quiet darkness of Sunday morning, June 11 at 3:46 a.m., Pluto will retrograde back into Capricorn after spending a short few months in Aquarius, during which it turned retrograde on May 1.

After turning direct on Oct. 10, Pluto will return to the sign of Aquarius on Jan. 24, 2024, which means Pluto will spend about six months revisiting Capricorn. Before its short dip into Aquarius, Pluto has been transiting through the sign of Capricorn since 2008. Pluto’s

As the planet of power and transformation, Pluto retrograde pushes us straight to the core of issues and is an excellent time to reevaluate control issues and self-destructive habits and take an in-depth look within.

Initially, the retrograde can stir up some confusion, but the storm clouds will dissipate and push us toward a transformative path.

Stock image of Pluto, modern-day ruler of Scorpio | Photo by Unsplash, St. George News

Not even an hour later on Sunday at 4:27 a.m. MDT, Mercury will move into Gemini after making a harmonious aspect to Pluto, which favors deep concentration and persuasion, making this a fortuitous day for sales and negotiating.

Since Mercury rules Gemini, it is at home in this sign. And as the Messenger of the gods, Mercury will speed up communication during this transit and will change what’s on our minds. We are likely to feel more talkative and enthusiastic about learning new things. Mercury will leave Gemini on June 26.

A sort of battle between the heart and brain unfurls toward the end of the week, as the sun forms a tense angle with Neptune, the planet of illusions and unconditional love, cloaking reality in uncertainty and confusion. This influence also tends to drain energy, which will have many shouting “TGIF!” from the depths of their souls — OK, maybe that’s a bit dramatic, but you get the idea.

Sun square Neptune increases the chance for deception, hypochondria, disappointment, and heightened sensitivity to substances. On the bright side, this energy will boost imagination and should be utilized by artists and entertainers.

So what does all of this mean for you? Find out below.

March 21-April 19

The ram symbolizes Aries energy, location and date unspecified | Photo by Unsplash, St. George News

With Pluto retrograding back into your 10th house of career and public reputation, you are being pushed to let go of people in your circle who are inhibiting progress toward your future hopes and dreams, dear Aries. For some, this could highlight a part of your future vision that cannot exist within the realm of current circumstances. This is about finding a middle ground between future hopes and practical steps needed to achieve those goals.

Mercury entering your third house marks a time of increased mental activity and curiosity over the next two weeks. Toward the end of the week, miscommunication with a neighbor or sibling could cause some confusion. Writers and orators may feel divinely inspired at this time.

April 20-May 20

Now that Pluto is returning to a part of your chart that deals with ninth-house matters of spirituality, long-distance travel, foreign cultures and teaching, your focus is turning to your public persona, dear Taurus. You may become aware now of some incongruity between how you project yourself to the world and your deepest beliefs.

Perhaps you’ve been finding yourself feeling more like an actor playing the part of an old self. It’s time now to shed the mask. Doing so will help you broaden your outlook. As Mercury shifts into your second house, your mind is turning around matters of money and self-worth. Be careful of lending money or resources to an acquaintance later this week. You may not be seeing something clearly.

May 21–June 20

Over the next six months, as Pluto returns to a part of your sky that deals with eighth-house matters of intimacy, shared resources and personal transformation, you’re considering the difference between personal truth and reality, dear Gemini. Your worldview is being put under the microscope in order to discover flaws that have misshapen your philosophical approach to life.

By letting go of outdated beliefs, you clear space to transform on a deeply psychological level. And as a result, reality reappears in a new light. Alongside this, your ruling planet Mercury is now in your sign, which increases mental clarity and frees up blockages afflicting self-expression. You may feel excessively drained by work toward the week’s end. Know that it will pass.

June 21–July 22

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Retrograding to a part of your chart that rules seventh-house matters of partnership and contracts, Pluto is helping you identify and let go of unhealthy bonds, dear Cancer. Where have you lost a sense of yourself? What needs to end in order to prompt a new beginning? Perhaps you’ve become codependent in a relationship.

Now is the time to let go of attachments and restore a sense of autonomy. This could show up in matters of obsessions and power struggles with someone. Most often, it is the act of surrendering that deepens a bond. That doesn’t mean disrespecting yourself but rather loosening the reigns on anything you’ve been clinging to too tightly.

July 23–August 22

Now that Pluto is moving back into a part of your sky that deals with sixth-house matters of daily routine, health and work, this is the time to let go of relationships that are contributing to bad habits, dear Leo. Pluto is wanting to help you transform who you develop close bonds with in the coming years.

Part of this is showing you now who is draining your time and energy by putting the people with whom you spend the most time under the magnifying glass. Are they influencing you to thrive? It may be time to cut ties with a business partner or even a close friend to clear the way for new people who are more aligned with who you are growing to be.

Aug. 23–Sept. 22

With Pluto re-entering your fifth house, you are releasing bad habits now to clear space for healthier fun, relationships and creative projects, dear Virgo. This is about finding a balance between work and play and releasing whatever is disguising itself as fun that is actually detrimental to your health and work.

Alongside this, your ruling planet Mercury is slipping into your 10th house of career, which redirects mental activity toward passion projects that you consider part of your legacy. A great deal can be accomplished on the career front over this two-week period. Toward the end of the week, be mindful of anyone attempting to help you toward your goals. They may not have the best intentions in mind.

Sept. 23–Oct. 22

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With Pluto now returning to a part of the sky that for you deals with home and inner security, you are being asked to let go of any limiting beliefs you have around romance, children and creativity that are possibly related to experiences you had in your early childhood, dear Libra. This could feel like an excavation of the past, as you are digging up the roots of your inner security.

It is from a strong foundation within that all self-expression grows. Instabilities are likely to corrupt the integrity of your expression, whether that manifests in romance, creativity or parenting. Perhaps you’ve let your inner critic build a castle inside you, and it’s time to knock it down.

Oct. 23–Nov. 21

Now that your modern-day ruling planet Pluto is retrograding back into a part of the sky that for you deals with short-distance travel, learning and communication, issues surrounding home and family could be surfacing and require your attention, dear Scorpio. If you’ve been holding on too tightly to a family member or something related to your home, you are being asked to let go, rather than leaning on persuasive measures to get what you want.

This is a time to tap into your inner voice and avoid veering away from expressing your vulnerabilities. It’s through conveying your authentic truth — even when it’s extremely difficult — that you clear the path for a greater sense of inner security and self-reliance to establish itself.

Nov. 22–Dec. 21

With Pluto now re-entering a part of your sky that deals with second-house matters of money and self-worth for the next six months, your mind is turning back toward who you are and how you value yourself, dear Sagittarius. This is about making sure your basic needs are being met, especially in terms of financial security and your relationship with money. Are you making what you’re worth? If not, this is a time to take an honest look at your talents and what you have to give.

As a more immediate influence, Mercury has your mind on relationships. If you need to have a heart-to-heart with someone, it would be better to wait until next week after the sun-Neptune square has passed. 

Dec. 22–Jan. 19

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Capricorns born in the late degrees or between Jan. 16-19 are likely to see a massive transformation over the next six months, as the planet of transformation is now moving back into your sign. Up until March, Pluto had been in your sign since 2008, which likely brought significant change to your identity and who you know yourself to be, dear Capricorn.

With the return of Pluto, you are being stripped of anything left inauthentic to your core self. In the short term, Mercury’s move into your sixth house has your mind on matters of health, work and daily routine. It’s not a good week to self-diagnose any health-related issue, as Neptune’s influence toward the end of the week could cause some distortion.

Jan. 20–Feb. 18

After an approximate three-month stay in your sign, Pluto now returns to your 12th house of the subconscious, spirituality and endings, dear Aquarius, which indicates a chance for deep healing. If you’ve been avoiding dealing with matters related to addictions, self-sabotage, escapism or attending to a mental health need, these next six months will open opportunities to confront these issues.

Ultimately, Pluto in the 12th is about letting go, and it’s better to let go then resist. These endings needn’t be a relationship or something you love, it could be a part of yourself. Mercury in the fifth is bringing a resurgence of creative flow and romance over the next two weeks. 

Feb. 19 – March 20

As Pluto returns to your 11th house of friendships and future hopes and dreams, these next six months will be pushing you to transform how you connect to society. With Saturn in your sign, you already may be experiencing a tightening of who you spend your time with due to its push for you to strip away anything frivolous and out of accordance with who you are as a person.

Pluto’s retrograde now further eliminates associations that have long outlived their expiration date, which opens room to draw in people with whom you share a common goal and mutually inspire one another. Toward the end of the week, your ruler Neptune squares the sun in your fourth house of home. You may find yourself feeling bogged down by nostalgia.

For a more specific outlook, read the forecasts for both your sun and rising signs. If you do not know your rising sign, use this online calculator.

It’s important to remember that astrology forecasts are not meant to be fatalistic. Rather they offer a window into current energetic influences, so we may work with them and help foster a more wise and loving spirit.

Ed. note: This information is composed by St. George News editorial staff for entertainment purposes only.

Copyright St. George News, SaintGeorgeUtah.com LLC, 2023, all rights reserved.

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