Horoscopes: After 10 weeks in Virgo, Mercury changes signs. Here’s what it means for you.

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FEATURE — With the energy of Friday’s powerful full moon still radiant, October begins with a fiery passion, and we all may be thinking a bit differently, as Messenger of the Gods Mercury connects with other cosmic players before changing signs.

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Astrologically speaking, Mercury is known as the messenger and rules communication and mental coordination.

At 9:34 a.m. on Monday, Oct. 2, Mercury in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces, which illuminates challenges in how we understand and relate to artistic or spiritual ideals. Some disillusionment is possible on or around this day. Confusion or miscommunication could lead to relationship issues. Creative writing, dancing or engaging in some other form of art are imaginatively inspired.

On Tuesday, Oct. 3, at 1:19 p.m., Mercury forms a harmonious trine with Pluto, which is moving retrograde through Capricorn. Powers of focus and concentration are heightened under this aspect, as is the ability to influence others.

This week’s major influence occurs at 6:08 p.m. MDT Wednesday when Mercury changes signs after spending an extended stay of 10 weeks in the sign of Virgo. Mercury now joins the sun and Mars in the sign of Libra, which influences our thinking to become more balanced, diplomatic and harmonious. We are more inclined to consider others’ points of view and less prone to making snap decisions.

So what does all of this mean for you and your sign? Find out below.

March 21-April 19

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Relationships are at the top of your mind this week, dear Aries, as Mercury moves into your seventh house of partnership. But this isn’t just about the relationship you have with others, it also shines a spotlight on the relationship you have with yourself. If you’ve been experiencing tension with someone you consider close, you could see a way toward resolution as the week unfolds, as your perspective becomes more flexible and open to the other side. Mars opposite the North Node could be stirring impatience, and it would be wise to resist the temptation to will something into existence.

April 20-May 20

Matters related to health, work and your day-to-day routine are taking central focus now, dear Taurus, as Mercury in your sixth house is priming you to get your daily life in order. This is a practical place for the Messenger of the Gods and could see you taking a creative project to the next level. While your motivation is likely to be at an all-time high, it’s important to be mindful of not pushing too hard, as this could create a type of psychological trap fueled by self-criticism. Part of this could come from a feeling that you need to change something, which goes against your natural attributes of continuity and stability. Try to let things be. Pour love into what you do, rather than focusing on imperfections.

May 21–June 20

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You’ve entered a lighthearted season, dear Gemini, and now with your ruling planet Mercury entering your fifth house of pleasure and self-expression, your mind is on all things related to fun. It’s time to pour yourself into hobbies and the things that light up your heart, and you may realize alternative methods to old practices that restore a sense of excitement. With Venus still in your third house of communication, this could be a time when expressing what you need to say comes with ease and has an extra touch of creative flair. This week also is pushing you to transform at a deeply psychological level.

June 21–July 22

You’re feeling more homebound than ever, dear Cancer, as Mercury now joins the sun and Mars in your fourth house of home and family later on Wednesday. Recent weeks have had you thinking about your beliefs and ways to refine how you communicate. Some Cancers may have had some difficulties with technology or transportation. But now, an accumulation of energy is building in your fourth house and putting a spotlight on inner security and the roots that connect you to the past. This is the natural home for Cancer that amplifies feelings of nostalgia and wanting to connect with loved ones.

July 23–August 22

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Mercury’s arrival in your third house is turning your mind to matters of communication, short-distance travel and learned skills, dear Leo. Venus continues its final week through your sign after an extended stay, where the Goddess of Love has been boosting your charisma and amping up your style. If you’ve been dealing with any financial issues, which may have intensified over the summer, you may start to see progress that breaks you out of a rut. A feeling of spontaneity is likely to return and have you feeling more like yourself. If frustrations in relationships arise later this week, use this as an opportunity to refine how you express yourself.

Aug. 23–Sept. 22

As the cosmic energy continues to shift out of your sign, your ruling planet Mercury now joins the sun and Mars in your second house of money and self-value, dear Virgo. It’s now that ideas or projects you’ve been turning over the course of the last 10 weeks could finally move forward. You may feel some tension in a relationship that points to power struggles, and issues that began building during the summer may need to be discussed now. But you both are likely to approach the conversation with more compassion, as the collection of energy in Libra offers a wonderful opportunity to find common ground and resolve whatever has been brewing below the surface.

Sept. 23–Oct. 22

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As a collection of cosmic energy builds in your sign, this week is further putting a spotlight on your first house of identity, physical health and personality, dear Libra. Following recent weeks when you may have felt inclined to retreat from the outer world, you’re now being pushed to the center, where your natural attributes of establishing harmony, balance and camaraderie earmark the beginning of fall. There could be someone you’re feeling drawn to, whether as a friend or more. As Mercury enters your sign later this week, you’re more likely to speak what’s on your mind. You’re feeling intellectually sharp and observant. With this increase in mental activity, you may feel overcome with restlessness. Walks in nature and reducing stimulation could prove helpful.

Oct. 23–Nov. 21

This week, both your modern-day ruling planet Pluto and ancient ruling planet Mars are making some tense configurations in the sky, dear Scorpio. With Mars in your 12th house of the subconscious and Pluto in your third house of communication, it may be that you’ve been stifling something you need to say. With Mercury joining the sun and Mars in your 12th house, your need for privacy and solitude is amplified. On one hand, you are likely to feel more direct with others, but at the same time, feel more guarded. A secret may come to light now that shifts how you see yourself. On the professional front, a creative project that you’ve been working on behind the scenes could receive recognition.

Nov. 22–Dec. 21

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Recent weeks likely had you feeling upside at times, as Mercury retrograde challenged you to change the way you see the world, dear Sagittarius. Now, as Mercury leaves Virgo and enters your 11th house of friendships, group associations and long-range dreams, your mind is on the future. You’re craving social interaction now, especially with people with whom you feel secure. As a result, you’re more likely to consider to whom you invest your time. Part of this could be coming to grips with the people in your life who may not be as reliable as you once thought. Venus continues its transit through your ninth house of beliefs, which is likely to help unveil the truth.

Dec. 22–Jan. 19

With Mercury standing opposite Neptune early this week, it’s important to pay close attention to the fine details, especially related to contracts or formal documents, dear Capricorn. Your mind then shifts to matters related to your career and highest achievement, as Mercury joins the sun in your 10th house toward the end of the week. You may be considering a shift in careers, receiving additional training or education or having some discussions with authority figures. Make sure to choose your words carefully. Your emotional world could be seeing major changes now.

Jan. 20–Feb. 18

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As Venus nears the end of its transit through your seventh house of partnership, where it’s been throughout summer, this week could see relationship matters coming to a resolution, dear Aquarius. Joining the sun and Mars in your ninth house of higher learning, world outlook and long-distance travel is Mercury, which will have your mind on adventure. It may be time to plan a getaway, even if it’s just a short jaunt to a neighboring city you’ve yet to explore. It’s in this place of discovering new places and ideas that you feel rejuvenated at a soul level.

Feb. 19 – March 20

Before Mercury slips into your eighth house of shared resources, intimacy and self-empowerment, the Messenger of the Gods stands opposite to your modern-day ruling planet Neptune, dear Pisces, which could cause some confusion toward the beginning of the week. But this also could spur sudden inspiration and have you seeing something in a new light. As the week unfolds, your mind turns to sorting out things you share with others. This is great time to look at your cash-flow and implement a financial strategy.

For a more specific outlook, read the forecasts for both your sun and rising signs. If you do not know your rising sign, use this online calculator.

It’s important to remember that astrology forecasts are not meant to be fatalistic. Rather they offer a window into current energetic influences, so we may work with them and help foster a more wise and loving spirit.

Ed. note: This information is composed by St. George News editorial staff for entertainment purposes only.

Copyright St. George News, SaintGeorgeUtah.com LLC, 2023, all rights reserved.

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