Horoscopes: What this autumnal equinox means for your sign

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FEATURE — It’s time to say goodbye to summer.

Just after midnight on Saturday, Sept. 23, the sun will move into Libra, ushering in the autumnal equinox, when the hours of night and day equalize, and the first day of fall begins. It is a day for self-reflection and recalibration, before we head toward shorter days and longer nights.

Astrologically, the equinox marks the beginning of Libra season, a Venus-ruled cardinal air sign symbolized by the scales and the seventh house of partnership, equilibrium, justice and diplomacy. Libra season drives us to establish harmony and celebrate commonalities, as well as consider the interplay of personal needs versus the needs of others.

Balance may be attained through making correct decisions and fair judgments, which is the hallmark of this sign.

Decision-making can be more of a challenge with Libra, due to its open ear to all sides. Yet it’s through this far-reaching contemplation that Libra stimulates both intelligence and intuition and offers a spirited time for meditation.

So what does this mean for your sign? Find out below.

March 21-April 19

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The sun in your opposite sign is asking you to strike a balance in your seventh house of relationships, dear Aries. You have a greater need now to share time with someone special, and opportunities to gain deeper insight come through seeing yourself through the eyes of another.

This insight shines a spotlight on the balance of reciprocity: How well do you feel your efforts are being appreciated and vice versa? With your ruling planet Mars also in this sector of your chart making a harmonious aspect to Venus, partnerships are stimulated with passion and spontaneity.

April 20-May 20

With the sun now in your sixth house of daily routine, health and work habits are now under the spotlight, dear Taurus. You are more energized now to reconfigure areas of life that have fallen by the wayside, and it’s easier to see where you have been living in excess and areas you’ve been neglecting.

While you may feel inclined to escape rather than face what feels monotonous, recalibrating your day-to-day life will feel psychologically and emotionally restorative. Your ruling planet Venus forms a harmonious aspect with Mars, which brings a lively boost to romantic partnerships.

May 21–June 20

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After a period of feeling homebound, you are now awakening with a desire to creatively express yourself and delight in the pleasures of living, dear Gemini, as the sun is now transiting your fifth house of creativity, children and joy. It’s time now to consider how you may be holding yourself back in terms of expressing yourself.

For some, this could be that you have too much of yourself projected into the future that you have left too little of yourself to engage with the present moment where inspiration and passion exist. Finding a balance may be about fully throwing yourself into something you love so that it becomes imprinted with your authentic signature.

June 21–July 22

It’s time to go home now, dear Cancer, as the sun now leaves the busy sector of your chart and enters the fourth house of home, family and inner security. You are no stranger to the fourth house; after all, it is the house that governs Cancer, which is likely to have you feeling in your element over the next month. During this time, you will be pushed to strike a balance between your public and private life.

If you’ve been draining all your energy into work, it’s time now to pour back into yourself. Take time to nourish and tend to your environment, as well as the home you keep inside yourself.

July 23–August 22

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As if you don’t already have enough on your social plate, the sun moving into your third house of neighbors, communication and short-distance travel is pushing you into a busy season, dear Leo.

This season is characterized by mini adventures around your community, and with the equinox here, you are being asked to find a balance between your philosophical beliefs and how you receive and relay information. Opportunities arise that allow you to see the gaps in your perception. Part of this may be about sloughing off old information you picked up in your youth that no longer aligns with who you are.

Aug. 23–Sept. 22

As the sun now leaves your sign, your focus turns toward values, possessions and money, dear Virgo. Investing your time in money-making endeavors can prove fruitful over the next four weeks. You find yourself thinking more about what you have, and it’s important to be mindful of overspending.

The equinox in this sector calls for you to strike a balance between personal and shared resources. If you’ve been counting solely on your own resources to meet your goals, it may be time to consider other available resources. This also could play out in terms of a relationship and a need to resolve financial incongruities.

Sept. 23–Oct. 22

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With the sun entering your sign this week, it’s officially Libra season! The sun in your sign represents a type of rebirth around matters related to your core identity, appearance and how you express yourself. Opportunities are likely to arise over the next four months for you to launch plans that have been in progress in recent months, dear Libra.

You are emerging from a time when you were likely feeling a lack of vitality or in need of more rest. But now the sun energizes you. The equinox pulls into focus the balance between your independence and partnerships. A harmonious aspect between Venus and Mars stimulates romantic relationships.

Oct. 23–Nov. 21

While the 12th house may present challenges to other signs of the Zodiac, the sun in this sector for you feels in harmony with your nature, dear Scorpio. This is a time for retreating and regenerating on a deeply soulful level. And your ability to feel connected to the divine is charged, as is your imagination.

The equinox in this sector calls for you to find a balance between how you serve yourself and how you serve others. Are your habits grounding you or disconnecting you? Have you been sacrificing too much of your time for the needs of others or vice versa?

Nov. 22–Dec. 21

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Following a season where your public standing was at the forefront of your mind, the sun now enters your 11th house of friendships, future and technology, dear Sagittarius. This is a social and lighthearted place for the sun and indicates a busy time of networking and envisioning your dreams.

The equinox in this sector is calling for you to strike a balance in how you connect to others in a personal way versus a broad way. Are your dreams connected to your heart? Are you dreaming big enough? Have you become disconnected from your passions? These are the questions highlighted now, and it’s time to aim for the loftiest stars.

Dec. 22–Jan. 19

With the sun entering your 10th house of career and public reputation, you’ll be feeling right at home over the next month, dear Capricorn. This is because the 10th house is the home of Capricorn and thus stimulates all the natural attributes of your sign, such as striving for achievement and focusing on your place in society.

The equinox, however, is calling for you to find a balance between your public and private lives. As much as you love to work, work, work, a lack of self-nourishment can lead to burnout. Tending to your internal and external environments shores up the foundation for you to ascend your greatest heights.

Jan. 20–Feb. 18

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After a season of introspection and a spotlight aimed at your relationships, the sun entering your ninth house reignites your adventurous spirit, dear Aquarius. In fellow air sign Libra, the sun draws your attention to the big picture of life, and you are feeling pulled to take a leap of faith.

While this may cause some restlessness, the equinox is asking you to strike a balance between the day-to-day monotony and the world at large. It’s time to draw inspiration and expand your higher consciousness by engaging with anything exotic or foreign. If you’ve been stuck in a rut, this is shaking you loose.

Feb. 19 – March 20

With the sun entering your eighth house, you’re plunging into the depths of your psyche, dear Pisces. The eighth house is deeply transformative and points to where your life merges with others in terms of shared resources and emotional ties. Personal matters rise to the surface now, and the equinox here is calling for you to clear out psychological junk inhibiting you from enjoying the simple pleasures of life.

Throughout the week, your ruling planet Neptune opposes the sun, which may cloud how you see yourself. Avoid being overly self-critical by funneling this energy into imaginative work.

For a more specific outlook, read the forecasts for both your sun and rising signs. If you do not know your rising sign, use this online calculator.

It’s important to remember that astrology forecasts are not meant to be fatalistic. Rather they offer a window into current energetic influences, so we may work with them and help foster a more wise and loving spirit.

Ed. note: This information is composed by St. George News editorial staff for entertainment purposes only.

Copyright St. George News, SaintGeorgeUtah.com LLC, 2023, all rights reserved.

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