Horoscopes: September starts with dazzling cosmic energy. Here’s what to look forward to

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FEATURE — Joining the rest of the outer planets this week, Jupiter is turning retrograde, marking a pivotal time for inner growth and fortuitous synchronicities.

Following a summer spent in retrograde, Venus in Leo finally turns direct on Sunday, Sept. 3, at 7:20 p.m. MDT, indicating a time when roadblocks clear around matters concerning money, love and beauty.

When a planet is retrograde, it appears to be moving backward through the sky, but this is only an illusion. However, retrograde planets carry astrological significance related to their individual energy.

Retrograde Venus brought lessons and opportunities for us to gain a deeper awareness of who and what we value. Some could have invested more time into home renovations or decided to stray from their personal style only to feel a bit of buyer’s remorse. It was not an optimal time to start new relationships or marry. But now Venus begins to retrace the path she took in late spring, which means some may experience the recurrence of familiar circumstances but now with new clarity.

Just one day later on Monday, Jupiter will turn retrograde in the sign of Taurus at 8:11 a.m. MDT. Jupiter, which traditionally rules both Sagittarius and Pisces, is a planet of expansion, philosophy, spirituality and good fortune.

Jupiter retrograde is a time when the planet of expansion retraces old ground in order to repair or renew. Successes could be blessed or deepened during this time.

Jupiter will stay in retrograde through the end of the year.

The week’s energy culminates Friday, Sept. 8, with Jupiter and the sun forming a harmonious angle at 5:12 a.m. MDT. Sun trine Jupiter marks a time for good fortune and success. Optimism fuels efforts and boosts confidence. Just be mindful of giving in to overindulgence, as this energy also can push us to overdo it.

So what does all of this mean for your sign? Find out below.

March 21-April 19

With Venus finally turning direct in your fifth house of pleasure, roadblocks around matters of romance, children, creative expression and joy are likely to clear, dear Aries. It’s time now to fully pour yourself into activities that light up your heart. Creative projects, whether previously started or not, begin to take shape now. As a longer-term aspect, Jupiter turning retrograde in your second house opens opportunities to expand your income by minimizing investments. Cut superfluous time wasters and zero in on what truly deserves your time.

April 20-May 20

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With your ruling planet Venus finally ending its retrograde, the goddess of love now restores a fondness of home and inner security, dear Taurus. You are more aware now of what brings you peace versus what knocks you off kilter. As a longer-term influence, Jupiter, which has been in your sign since May 16, now turns retrograde, pushing you to question how well-aligned you are with your life’s purpose. How clearly can you visualize your highest potential and the steps you need to take to arrive? Take time for introspection, and listen with your heart open.

May 21–June 20

If you’ve been struggling to relay necessary messages to the people you love, Venus turning direct in your third house is helping clear out the static, dear Gemini. Recent weeks have pushed you to refine your voice and speak from a place of authenticity and now it’s time to reap the rewards. In the longer term, Jupiter in your 12th house has been pushing you to expand your connection with the greater beyond. Now retrograde, the planet of luck is pushing you even further to retreat from societal chatter and nurture your deepest inner self.

June 21–July 22

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Recent weeks have likely seen you spending more time thinking about your finances and personal possessions, dear Cancer, but now with Venus turning direct, you are likely moving forward with a defined plan. You may have decided to downsize or tighten your budget in order to align with goals further down the road, and now you’re gaining momentum. As a longer-term influence, Jupiter, which has been opening pathways to expand your social circle, is now turning retrograde. You are likely to see those around you at a deeper level, allowing you to decide what associations really are worthy of maintaining.

July 23–August 22

It’s been a hot summer for you, dear Leo, as the collection of cosmic energy in your sign burned alongside Venus, which sailed backward through your sign. Now direct, the planet of love and beauty is helping you bring forth a more fine-tuned version of yourself, which is meant to benefit your life as a whole. In the long term, Jupiter, which has been moving through your career sector since mid-May, is now turning retrograde, pushing you to clarify what exactly you hope to achieve in this life and the legacy you wish to leave behind.

Aug. 23–Sept. 22

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With Venus finally turning direct, you’re likely to feel a reprieve, dear Virgo, as the goddess of love and beauty has spent an extended period in your 12th house of the subconscious. But don’t be too quick to forge ahead, as Venus still remains in Leo until Oct. 9. Progress made now is more about letting go and trusting in the universal unfolding. Pushing ahead may see you trek a thousand miles in the wrong direction. In the long term, Jupiter in your ninth house of adventure, publishing and philosophical outlook now turns retrograde, inverting this energy. Embarking on internal explorations now could produce artistic wonders.

Sept. 23–Oct. 22

Now that your ruling planet Venus is ending its retrograde in your 11th house, you’re beginning to differentiate who’s who around you, dear Libra. If you’ve been treating associates like friends, it may be time to pull back and reallocate your investments. As a sign that rules relationships, gaining this clarity has been a beneficial step toward tending to your own emotional cup, rather than filling everyone else’s. As a longer-term influence, Jupiter now turns retrograde in your eighth house of shared resources, intimacy and self-empowerment. It’s time to assess your attachments and investigate your bonds.

Oct. 23–Nov. 21

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With Venus retrograde in your 10th house of career and public reputation, your attention has been on your public image, dear Scorpio. Now, as the goddess of love turns direct, you’re ready to fill out the job application, ask for a raise or showcase a project or business idea. You are more aligned now with your legacy and the image you wish to impress on the people and places around you. In the long term, Jupiter turns retrograde in your seventh house of partnerships. Since mid-May, the planet of luck has been boosting optimism related to your closest bonds. But now retrograde, Jupiter is putting a magnifying glass to these relationships to show them as they truly are.

Nov. 22–Dec. 21

Over much of the summer, Venus has been retrograde in your ninth house, which has caused you to reevaluate matters related to spirituality, adventure and philosophical outlook, dear Sagittarius. Now direct, the planet of love and beauty is clearing the way for you to see the target that lies at the center of your life’s mission. You are more sure about what you want because you now know what you don’t want. In the long term, your ruling planet Jupiter turns retrograde in your sixth house of health, work and daily routine. From now until the year’s end, the planet of expansion will have you re-examining how you spend your time. Activities or situations that prove to be mere time wasters will be easier to leave behind.

Dec. 22–Jan. 19

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Following recent weeks of Venus retrograde in your eighth house of personal transformation, shared resources and intimacy, the planet now turns direct, dear Capricorn. If you’ve been experiencing any confusion around matters related to passive streams of income or shared finances, you now see the pathway forward. This also could indicate a time when you feel transformed in some way. As a longer-term influence, Jupiter, which has been in your fifth house of pleasure since May 16, turns retrograde, slowing down areas pertaining to creative self-expression, romance and children. You may need to prioritize your joy or seek out new means of inspiration.

Jan. 20–Feb. 18

If love has been unclear or on the rocks in recent weeks, Venus now direct in your seventh house of partnerships is helping you understand what you want and how to ask for it, dear Aquarius. It’s time to boldly invest in your true desires. If your expectations have drifted into the murky waters of unclear communication, the goddess of love is working to restore a sense of confidence and the ability to refine your relationships in a way that speaks to your humanitarian heart. As a longer-term influence, Jupiter in your fourth house of home, family and inner security turns retrograde, marking a deeply fortuitous time for inner nurturing.

Feb. 19 – March 20

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Now that Venus is turning direct in your sixth house, the veil is being pulled back on matters related to your daily routine, health and work, dear Pisces. Your day-to-day life may be changing or you may need to rearrange how you spend your time to allow room for something new. It’s important to let go of what has become clutter and prioritize your time around the things that give you a feeling of purpose. As a longer-term influence, your ancient ruling planet Jupiter now turns retrograde in your third house of communication. The planet of expansion pushes the brakes, offering a time to hone your skills and indulge in some much-needed rest and relaxation.

For a more specific outlook, read the forecasts for both your sun and rising signs. If you do not know your rising sign, use this online calculator.

It’s important to remember that astrology forecasts are not meant to be fatalistic. Rather they offer a window into current energetic influences, so we may work with them and help foster a more wise and loving spirit.

Ed. note: This information is composed by St. George News editorial staff for entertainment purposes only.

Copyright St. George News, SaintGeorgeUtah.com LLC, 2023, all rights reserved.

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