Horoscopes: New moon in Leo marks powerful time for breaking out of rut, creative expression

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FEATURE — There’s a new moon rising — and it’s all about dramatic change.

This week’s cosmic energy begins with a powerful conjunction between retrograde Venus and the sun in Leo on Sunday, Aug. 13, at 5:15 a.m. MDT. This conjunction energizes companionship, romance and creative endeavors.

At 3:37 a.m. Wednesday, Aug. 16, a new moon in Leo at 23 degrees will occur. A new moon ushers in new beginnings and is a fortuitous time to initiate new projects and take the first step toward a significant goal.

Ruled by the sun, the passionate, fixed fire sign of Leo is symbolized by the loyal and proud lion. It’s a sign that does not shy away from glamour; it lives to shine and creatively express itself, preferably center stage where it can lap up the adoration of others.

A new moon in Leo marks a time of fresh starts in matters related to individuality and what it is that makes us shine in our own unique way.

But this new moon is a little different, as it will be conjunct with Venus and form a stimulating aspect with Uranus. It also will form a harmonious aspect with the North Node of Destiny.

With a stimulating aspect from Uranus in Taurus, this new moon carries erratic energy and the possible need to fight for something. And its link to retrograde Venus is likely to bring about a familiar situation. But the key is to confront it in a new way.

So what does this all mean for you? Find out below.

March 21-April 19

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This new moon lights up your fifth house, pushing you to stride forward in a new way in matters of self-expression, joy, children and romance, dear Aries. For some, this may be about using a different medium in your artwork or deciding to put your art in front of a crowd in a different arena.

Others may feel inspired to alter their parenting style or look for ways to liven up the romance with a special someone. With the influence of Uranus, it may be time to take a risk in terms of creativity or love. In what ways have you been self-limiting? As a sign known for its bold initiation, maybe there are some parts of your life that have fallen into auto-pilot, and it’s time to reignite the flame.

April 20-May 20

Wednesday’s new moon is all about home and family for you, dear Taurus, which will likely have you feeling the desire to revamp your environment. Perhaps you’ve recently moved into a new home or the people with whom you share space is changing. Now is the time to redefine what you call “home.” This new moon also is asking you to consider how you’ve been spending your money in terms of living and what changes need to be made in order to shore up a solid sense of security. If you’ve been feeling disconnected with yourself lately, take some time to nurture your most inner needs now.

May 21–June 20

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This new moon is happening for you in your third house of communication, learning and short-distance travel, dear Gemini, indicating a busy two-week cycle. As the natural house of Gemini, the third house also rules neighbors, siblings and activities performed with the hands.

This is a time when you want to be heard, whether that’s through writing, teaching or having a deep conversation with a friend. But with the Uranian influence, it may be time to adjust how you’re communicating, especially if you feel you’ve been talking through a wall. This new moon may also bring changes to means of transportation. A closed road could have you driving a different route, or you may decide to buy a new vehicle.

June 21–July 22

This new moon is all about money, possessions and self-worth, dear Cancer. Opportunities to make money could arise now, but the Uranian influence is wanting you to consider any internal setbacks when it comes to finances.

How is your relationship to money? Do you feel you’re making the money you’re worth? Is it time to ask for a raise or take off on a new career path entirely? As a sign known for its desire to create home and safety, it may be that you have walled yourself in from opportunities that could facilitate your growth. Stay open to all possibilities.

July 23–August 22

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A new moon in your sign launches a new lunar year for you, dear Leo, and it starts from within. Perhaps you’ve been wanting to make some changes or commit to new habits — now is the time to visualize long-range goals and map out the course to get there. Whatever you put into motion now will set off a chain of events that you will harvest during the Leo full moon in about six months.

These need not be huge changes. Even small steps cause ripple effects. Part of this, however, is making sure to take account of the past and take an alternate route. For instance, if you’ve tried to quit something cold turkey and failed, you might try something different like hypnosis.

Aug. 23–Sept. 22

You are at the very end of your lunar new year, dear Virgo, which means this moon is happening in your 12th house of the subconscious and spirituality. This house also deals with endings, which indicates a fortuitous time of letting go. If you’ve been trying to force something to go a certain way, letting go can feel ultimately liberating. If it’s not for you, it’s not for you. And by clearing out what no longer serves you, you open space for new life to enter.

The 12th house also deals with the imagination, and you could receive what feels like downloads from the universe to pour into creative work. Pay attention to your dreams, for they may hold answers you’ve been awaiting.

Sept. 23–Oct. 22

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A new moon in your 11th house indicates sparkling new beginnings in matters related to friendships and future dreams, dear Libra. If you’ve been wanting to expand your social circle or engage in a new activity, this is a time when you are cosmically encouraged to step outside your comfort zone.

It may be that you link up with someone now that significantly changes the way you think about and approach your future. For some, this could prompt you to upgrade your skills in terms of technology. Try to maintain a level of flexibility. A friend could become something more, just remember that your ruler Venus is still moving retrograde, so it may not be wise to dive headfirst for now.

Oct. 23–Nov. 21

With an abundance of energy in your 10th house over the last month, changes on the career front may already have taken place, or you may decide to take the leap now, dear Scorpio, as a new moon at the top of your chart indicates new beginnings in your public standing.

While huge changes may not be in store for all Scorpios, the Uranian influence on this lunar energy is pushing you to do something different in terms of career and professional persona. Work to reorient yourself with the larger picture, which may involve developing new relationships or fostering old ones in the workplace.

Nov. 22–Dec. 21

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This week’s new moon activates your ninth house, prompting new beginnings in areas of life related to long-distance travel, higher learning, world outlook and adventure, dear Sagittarius. The ninth house is the house of Sagittarius, and so for you, this is a time when you are prompted to expand your natural capabilities.

Because this house is about expansion, it may stir up restlessness, especially in areas where you feel stuck or caged. Some Sagittarians may be returning to school now, whether as a student or a teacher, and it’s a good time to set new goals and maybe adjust the way you approach academics or learning in order to reduce stress and be more efficient with your time.

Dec. 22–Jan. 19

Over the last month, an accumulation of energy in your eighth house has been illuminating a need for self-empowerment and psychological transformation, dear Capricorn. And with this, you’ve been forced to consider matters of intimacy and vulnerability.

This new moon puts an exclamation mark on this transformative energy, and you are likely to face experiences now that reveal your internal motivations and any psychological traps that are keeping you stuck or feeling disempowered. And it may have to do with opening up in new ways. The eighth house also deals with shared resources and money made from passive sources, making this a favorable time for financial planning or starting a side hustle.

Jan. 20–Feb. 18

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Joining other cosmic influences in your opposite sign, this new moon for you is all about relationships, dear Aquarius. This marks a time of new relationships or redefining existing ones. With the influence of your ruler Uranus, you’re being pushed to step outside your comfort zone in matters related to partnership. You may realize how you’ve been letting your need for independence override your need for connection and how this serves as self-limitation.

While you are a sign known for its friendliness and humanitarianism, you also are known as the “Loner of the Zodiac.” It’s your heightened mental activity that fuels this perceived alienation, for there is no lonelier place than inside your own head. This new moon shines a light on the joy of letting others in.

Feb. 19 – March 20

Recent weeks have aimed a spotlight on how you spend your time and care for yourself, dear Pisces, and now this new moon empowers you with the will to implement change. Perhaps you’ve been wanting to try something different when it comes to diet and exercise, it’s time to embark on a new path. If you always go to the gym, maybe try at-home exercises or sign up for a dance class.

Or maybe you’ve been adhering to a strict diet that is not actually reaping any benefits other than sucking away the joy of living. The Uranian influence is asking you to try something new. This also is likely to play out in terms of habits. If you’ve been trying to cut a habit, take notice if you keep taking the same route. The road to success may be just slightly to the left.

For a more specific outlook, read the forecasts for both your sun and rising signs. If you do not know your rising sign, use this online calculator.

It’s important to remember that astrology forecasts are not meant to be fatalistic. Rather they offer a window into current energetic influences, so we may work with them and help foster a more wise and loving spirit.

Ed. note: This information is composed by St. George News editorial staff for entertainment purposes only.

Copyright St. George News, SaintGeorgeUtah.com LLC, 2023, all rights reserved.

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