Horoscopes: Leo season ignites action to make the impossible possible. Here’s your weekly forecast.

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FEATURE — It’s officially Leo season!

The sun is now in the sign of Leo, a fixed, fire sign that symbolizes the heart of summer and marks a time of self-improvement, creative expression and reveling in the joys of life. What seemed impossible before now glimmers with newfound possibility.

The sun represents the soul, a light that continues to shine, regardless of cloud coverage or the temporary ink of night. In Southern Utah, the sun at times feels nearly inescapable. It is the force that promotes growth, provides warmth and stands as a continual reminder that with every day comes a new dawn, a chance to begin again.

At home in Leo, the sun empowers dedicated individuals to advance through the consistent nurturing of skills and talents.

Those who are resistant to change will be met with an exaggeration of outdated habits and attitudes as a means of motivation toward manifesting potential. Individuality is prominent now, as is the need to connect to the rhythms and cycles of nature.

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Metaphorically speaking, Leo season initiates a time when we encounter our self-portraits. And it is through self-expression — whether by paint, voice, hands or drum — that we draw inspiration from a higher source, allowing us to know ourselves in a new way. And from this understanding, we have the power to redefine who we are.

Alongside this fiery energy, Mercury will forge electric and harmonious aspects with other cosmic players throughout the week. One of which will be a challenging square to Uranus, the planet of revolution and sudden change, which could churn feelings of restlessness or overstimulation. Unexpected news could rattle some. For others, this could feel like a battle of perceptions, and it could be a little more difficult to fight back the urge to play the devil’s advocate, so to speak.

But on Friday, shortly before Mercury enters the sign of Virgo, it will meet harmoniously in the sky with the North Node in Aries at the critical 29th degree. Pay attention to what comes up for you on this day, as your thoughts are likely trying to align you with your soul’s purpose. As a result, mental hurdles could suddenly clear.

Also on Friday, Chiron, an asteroid known as the “Wounded Healer,” will begin its near five-month retrograde through the sign of Aries, marking a time when we are urged to take more responsibility for our own healing.

For some, Chiron’s placement in a chart shows traumas incurred in a past life and indicates what you need to heal in this lifetime. Chiron calls attention to our wounds to not only promote healing but also to reveal the higher wisdom that lives within past hurts and pain may be alchemized for good. Hurt people hurt people — not always. Hurt people also heal people. And this is what Chiron retrograde awakens.

So what does all of this mean for your sign? Find out below.

March 21-April 19

Leo season for you, dear Aries, is a time when your fifth house of creativity, pleasure and children is lit up. Spontaneity and playfulness take over and it’s time to reconnect with your inner child and engage in activities that bring you joy. You’re wanting to shine and show off your best self. Early this week, Uranus in your second house of self-esteem and money will square this energy, which is likely to shake up your romantic or financial life.

Single Aries may decide to ask out someone new, or sudden inspiration could strike for a creative project. Others could gain insight into self-limitations in matters of self-expression. With Chiron turning retrograde in your sign, wounds dealing with your first house of identity or physical body take focus. If you’ve experienced a hit to your self-confidence, it’s time to reflect on the underlying causes.

April 20-May 20

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With your ruling planet Venus continuing its retrograde in your fourth house, the sun now enters the same part of the sky that for you deals with home and family, prompting you to question what brings you peace in both your internal and external environments, dear Taurus. You desire a sense of belonging now as well as the creature comforts of being at home. This is a time for self-nourishment and filling your cup.

With Uranus forming a square to this energy in your first house, you could feel that you no longer can suppress a part of your authentic self, and it comes bursting forth early this week. Chiron turning retrograde in your 12th house of the inner psyche uproots buried emotions to heal them on your own. It may be time to give up on seeking absolute closure in a matter, as closure is more about accepting that some hurts are eternal.

May 21–June 20

While your ruling planet Mercury will change signs at the end of this week and move into your fourth house of home and inner security, it will first form a square with rebellious Uranus in the 12th house of the subconscious. A secret may come to light now, or you may have a dream that feels heavy with meaning. Pay attention to what comes up, as it could ultimately serve as a guiding light, dear Gemini.

The sun, now in your third house of communication and learning, will have you desiring a bit more banter. Curiosity and busyness inflate, and you are likely to indulge in little adventures close to home. As a longer-term influence, Chiron is retrograding in your 11th house, which may increase feelings of distrust in others, especially in those you are just getting to know. Healing comes through allowing yourself to open up.

June 21–July 22

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Leo season highlights your second house, energizing areas of life related to the money you make and your self-worth, dear Cancer. With Mercury and Venus in the same part of your sky, this week serves as a time to consider whether your internal and external values align. Do you feel that your talents are being seen and appreciated?

As this energy comes into a square with Uranus in your 11th house of friendships and future dreams, you may be prompted to join a new group of like-minded people, who may help you further align with your desired future. In the long-term, Chiron retrograde in your 10th house of career and reputation spotlights insecurities inhibiting your forward progression. It’s time to find the root of self-doubt and pull it out.

July 23–August 22

With the sun now in your sign, this is a time when you feel energized and full of joie de vivre, dear Leo. The sun joins a collection of energy in your sign, further amping a time of self-reflection when you are likely to be thinking about where you’re at in life and where you are going. As Uranus in your 10th house of career and public status squares this energy, you may have sudden insight about the overall direction of your life. And some may decide to strike off on a new career path entirely or step up as a leader in their field.

In general, you may realize a discrepancy in the self you project in the professional sense and who you feel at your deepest core. Chiron retrograde in your ninth house of beliefs until December may at some points feel like an inverted reality. But this is meant to push you to reevaluate your deepest beliefs so that you may shed what no longer serves you.

Aug. 23–Sept. 22

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With your ruling planet Mercury set to join Mars in your sign at the end of the week, it first makes a square to unpredictable Uranus in your ninth house of philosophical outlook, dear Virgo. You may realize a profound connection between a core belief and something trapped in your subconscious, which may manifest through a work of art or meditation.

This is a time when you should not attempt to escape the silence. It’s in silence where you find the self-destructive thought patterns or habits obstructing your peace. The sun also has entered the hidden part of your sky, highlighting a time of year that may have you feeling the need for a bit more rest and relaxation. Forever the workhorse, don’t forget that you also deserve time to just be. With Chiron turning retrograde in your eighth house, this latter half of the year will push you to reconnect with your intuition and regain self-trust.

Sept. 23–Oct. 22

This week’s influences may feel a bit paradoxical, dear Libra. The sun now joins Venus in your 11th house, further stimulating your sector of friendships and group associations. This is a lively part of the sky for the sun, where you are feeling more sociable and future-oriented. But early on, rebellious Uranus in your eighth house forms a square to this energy, which could have you feeling an intensity of emotions and have you questioning the reliability of the people in your circle.

Mercury then moves into a hidden part of your sky on Friday for an extra-long transit where you are more introspective with your eyes turning to the rearview to search for answers. Chiron turning retrograde in your seventh house of partnership further shakes up your relationships to help you see where you may be creating a sense of distance with others.

Oct. 23–Nov. 21

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With the collection of cosmic energy further building at the top of your chart, all eyes are on you, dear Scorpio. With the sun entering your 10th house of career and social status, you’re focused on achieving something important. You want to shine, and some Scorpios will be recognized for their efforts at this time, which could be prompted early this week when unpredictable Uranus in your seventh house of partnership forms a square to this energy.

This indicates good news coming from a business partner or the chance to meet someone new who helps you align with your far-reaching goals. Mercury will then join your ancient ruling planet in your 11th house, activating an innovative turn of mind. Chiron turning retrograde in your sixth house is all about the mind-body connection. It’s especially important to keep in mind this interrelation, especially as you catapult into a productive season.

Nov. 22–Dec. 21

With the sun now joining Mercury and Venus in your ninth house of adventure, higher education and spirituality, you are likely to feel at home with yourself, as the ninth house is the natural house of Sagittarius and thus illuminates your natural qualities. Your taste for the exotic and unexplored is amplified now, and you are seeking to uncover deeper meaning in all areas of life over the next month. If you can take a vacation, this is the time to do it.

Early this week, Uranus in your sixth house forms a square to this energy, which may reveal how your daily routine is stifling your free-spirited nature and pushes you to revolutionize how you spend your time. Chiron then turns retrograde in fellow fire sign Aries, which marks a period of reconnecting with what brings you joy. Part of this means setting boundaries and creating space to refill your own cup.

Dec. 22–Jan. 19

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With the sun now in your eighth house, you’re entering a time of intense personal transformation and deepening intimacy, dear Capricorn. The eighth house is one of depth and, with a collection of that energy in your chart, indicates a time of retreat and focusing on deeply personal matters. While this is not the most joyous placement for the sun, it’s easier now to identify and rid yourself of the habits afflicting your self-mastery.

Early this week, revolutionary Uranus in your fifth house will square this energy, which could inspire you to express yourself in a way that may feel quite vulnerable as it could expose an unfamiliar part of your psyche. As the week progresses, the tense opposition between your ruling planet Saturn and Mars dissipates, offering a break from escapist tendencies. In the long term, Chiron turns retrograde in your fourth house, which is all about healing your emotional security. For some, this may mean reconnecting with family or tending to your inner child.

Jan. 20–Feb. 18

As the sun now joins Mercury and Venus in your opposite sign Leo, your relationship sector is further illuminated, dear Aquarius. You may feel more inclined to be with those you consider close, whether on a romantic or platonic level. But it’s more than just a matter of sharing good times with someone. The sun in the seventh house allows you to see parts of yourself through the eyes of another, offering a chance to gain a deeper awareness of who you are and how you interact within a partnership.

With your ruling planet Uranus in your fourth house squaring this energy early this week, a tense conversation could be had now, and it will likely feel nearly impossible not to say exactly what you think as your feelings are closer to the surface at this time. In the long term, Chiron turning retrograde in your third house will further push you to consider the words you are keeping boxed up. The more you speak your truth, the better you’ll soon feel.

Feb. 19 – March 20

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Joining Mercury and Venus in your sixth house is the sun, initiating a season where your focus shifts to matters of health, work and your daily routine, dear Pisces. This is a time of refinement and taking pride in the service you pride. You are looking at the past several months and eliminating what has served its purpose. It’s a time of decluttering and tending to the mind-body connection.

Early this week, however, rebellious Uranus in your third house, squares this energy, further illuminating the parts of your life that have become unnecessary and are bogging you down into daily monotony. But this energizes you to break up the stagnancy and pull into your life activities that spark joy. As a longer-term influence, Chiron turns retrograde in your second house of values. If you’ve been rooting your sense of self-worth in monetary terms, now is the time to reevaluate your relationship with yourself and nourish your spirit.

For a more specific outlook, read the forecasts for both your sun and rising signs. If you do not know your rising sign, use this online calculator.

It’s important to remember that astrology forecasts are not meant to be fatalistic. Rather they offer a window into current energetic influences, so we may work with them and help foster a more wise and loving spirit.

Ed. note: This information is composed by St. George News editorial staff for entertainment purposes only.

Copyright St. George News, SaintGeorgeUtah.com LLC, 2023, all rights reserved.

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