Horoscopes: Mystical meeting ushers in a sparkling summer solstice. Here’s your weekly forecast.

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FEATURE — Alongside the summer solstice, a harmonious aspect between Jupiter and Saturn is opening the way for making dreams come true.

A new moon in Gemini at 26 degrees on Saturday night initiated a new two-week cycle for fresh starts. In Gemini, the mutable air sign ruled by Mercury, this new moon offers a chance to improve communication with others by taking on a more inquisitive approach to the ideas of others rather than holding a rigid loyalty to personal beliefs.

However, this new moon is being impacted by mystical Neptune, the planet of illusions, increasing the chance for deception and confusion. As such, it’s better to take a more passive stance now and observe, rather than being active, as you are likely not yet seeing the whole picture.

Coinciding with the new moon is Saturn turning retrograde in the sign of Pisces at 7 degrees, an influence that will continue until Nov. 4.

Fortunately, unlike other planets’ retrogrades, which tend to stir up confusion or impede pace, Saturn retrograde is a time when limitations are likely to lessen in some area of life, and we have the chance to establish stronger boundaries. For some, this retrograde period could come as a reality check, but is in your best interest, so you may move forward. Saturn also may reward practical efforts made while the planet was direct.

Image of Jupiter captured from Juno mission, date unspecified | Photo courtesy of NASA, St. George News

On Monday, June 19, Jupiter will perfect a harmonious aspect with Saturn, freeing up the way to put plans in motion with both a practical and optimistic perspective. This balanced outlook allows for practical achievement.

With Saturn retrograde loosening the restrictions, Jupiter’s benefit influence can help you clear hurdles.

On Wednesday, June 21, the summer solstice will usher in the first day of summer and the longest day of the year, marking a time for reflection and gratitude. With Venus in Leo, which is ruled by the sun, this summer solstice is likely to be spiked with an extra dose of romance.

The summer solstice invites us to honor the life-giving sun and pay homage to the natural forces that carve Earth into this majestic wonderland. It also serves as the first day of Cancer season. Archetypally, the sign of Cancer encourages us to become involved in living, while becoming aware of the good we have to give through worthwhile endeavors.

During Cancer season (June 21-July 22), whether it’s nurturing a bond with a loved one or a talent that’s fallen by the wayside, it’s time to recognize the seeds we want to grow. As such, some could experience this time as a rebirth of spirit.

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The crab, which symbolizes the sign of Cancer, carries its home on its back, which some astrologers see as representing the metaphorical home we create for ourselves and its prominent role in our emotional lives. Is the home well-lit or full of shadows? Is it welcoming or a place of abandon? In other words, how well are we nurturing ourselves? It may be time to sweep out the dust and open up the curtains.

So what does this all mean for your sign? Find out below.

March 21-April 19

With the new moon initiating a new cycle in your third house, this is a time of fresh starts when it comes to how you communicate your ideas, dear Aries. But due to Neptune’s influence, it may be wise to wait until later in the week before initiating a needed conversation. In the long term, Saturn is now retrograding through your 12th house, which likely will help clear away subconscious blocks. Something hidden may now become exposed, helping you to reshape your understanding of someone, and perhaps inspire you to establish a stronger boundary.

A strike of inspiration on Monday could help you realize what needs to end in order for you to monetarily gain. This may have to do with some misperception impeding your own perceived self-worth.

April 20-May 20

While the new moon has initiated a two-week cycle of new beginnings in your second house of values, dear Taurus, a money-related issue could come to the forefront. Be wary of scams or lending people money for the time being, and keep track of your money flow. As a longer-term aspect, Saturn turning retrograde in your 11th house of future dreams and friendship is freeing up restrictions you’ve felt around your social circle or plans for the future. This also is a time when hope is restored, and you are feeling more optimistic about the future.

On Monday, you are feeling motivated to initiate an original idea and put it into action. Perhaps you’ve been working on something on the side, but now is the time to bring it to a larger stage.

May 21–June 20

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With Saturday night’s new moon falling in your sign, these next two weeks are about reinventing yourself in some way, dear Gemini. You’re feeling re-energized and inspired to refresh how you present yourself. Just be careful you are not unknowingly becoming a source of your own deception. In tandem with Saturn turning retrograde in your 10th house of career, you may now receive insight into limitations you need to draw when it comes to the energy you’re pouring into your work.

Toward the beginning of the week, you may discover what needs to end in order to push plans forward that are more in alignment with your career goals. For some, this could indicate a career change or a change to responsibilities or how you approach your work.

June 21–July 22

Activating your 12th house of the subconscious and spiritual connection, Saturday’s new moon will have you feeling the need to recharge over the next two weeks, dear Cancer. This is a time to retreat from your social circle and spend some time soul-searching. In the long term, Saturn turning retrograde will have you questioning your beliefs. And you may begin to feel this shift this week. If you’ve been rigidly holding onto some outdated conviction, this transit will help you loosen your grip.

Monday’s harmonious meeting could inspire you to expand your network and is highly beneficial for teachers, mentors, authors, travel, publishing and reaching a wider audience. Your worldview and future hopes intertwine in some way. On Wednesday, the sun slips into your sign for its annual transit and marks the season of your birth!

July 23–August 22

With the new moon activating your 11th house, these next two weeks are about reconnecting with old friends and future dreams, dear Leo. Perhaps you’ve fallen out of touch with your social circle. For some, Neptune’s influence presents the possibility of a friend or associate leading you astray. Be sure to listen to your intuition and not believe everything you hear from those around you.

As a longer-term aspect, Saturn is now retrograding through your eighth house of joint resources and intimacy, initiating a time when you’re likely to reconsider the entanglements you have with others. What you uncover now could lead you to end bonds that are found to be deceptive or otherwise unhealthy. This also is a time for tending to emotional or financial debts. Insight early in the week could help you realize a career move that can help with financial needs.

Aug. 23–Sept. 22

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A new moon in your 10th house of career and public status has initiated new beginnings in terms of your desired achievement, dear Virgo. If you’ve fallen off track with goals, this is a time to reestablish a path and tangible stepping stones that launch you in the direction of your dreams. However, due to Neptune’s influence, there could be a lack of clarity possibly related to a close one-on-one connection in terms of moving forward with a project. Trust in yourself.

With Saturn now retrograding in your seventh house of partnership, this months-long transit will have you reevaluating relationships in terms of long-term sustainability. Beyond romantic connections, you are being asked to reconsider whether you are setting appropriate boundaries with others. Monday’s harmonious aspect could expand your understanding of a close relationship and how it has helped you grow, even if it’s time to say goodbye.

Sept. 23–Oct. 22

The new moon in your ninth house is activating new beginnings in your beliefs and revs up your desire to explore and escape the everyday monotony, dear Libra. Your adventurous side is heightened over the next two weeks, as you’re seeking new experiences to expand your worldview. Neptune’s influence may kick up some restlessness or second-guessing yourself when it comes to embarking on new paths, but it should pass.

Coinciding with this energetic shift is Saturn turning retrograde in your sixth house of daily routine and health, pushing you to reassess how you are using your time. If you’ve fallen into patterns of aiming for unrealistic goals, this retrograde will allow you to establish a more balanced perspective. Monday’s harmonious aspect could remove a psychological block that’s fueling a habit you’re ready to uproot.

Oct. 23–Nov. 21

Saturday’s new moon in your eighth house has initiated new beginnings in areas related to shared resources and intimacy, dear Scorpio. Since the eighth house is the natural house of Scorpio, you may feel like you are coming home to yourself during this time and reclaiming a sense of self-empowerment. However, Neptune could cause some confusion related to intimacy or joint finances. Be wary of signing contracts, investing or applying for loans during this time.

As a longer-term aspect, Saturn is now retrograding in your fifth house of creativity, fun and children. If you’ve been feeling blocks to your self-expression, now is a time when those limitations recede. If you’ve been feeling a lack of playfulness or romance with a partner, Monday could bring about an event or conversation that re-energizes this connection. For others, this could benefit collaborative efforts in a creative project.

Nov. 22–Dec. 21

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The new moon in your seventh house has initiated a two-week cycle of fresh beginnings in matters related to partnerships and contracts, dear Sagittarius. You are feeling more diplomatic at this time and desire to establish mutually supportive relationships. There could be some confusion now about the direction of a close relationship. It’s a good time to focus more on the present, which could help stabilize this temporary fog.

With Saturn now retrograde in your fourth house of home and inner security, this months-long transit will be loosening restrictions that have had you feeling homebound. As the sign that epitomizes the free spirit, Saturn in the fourth has likely increased domestic responsibilities. Now is the time to free up your hands.

Dec. 22–Jan. 19

The new moon in your sixth house on Saturday initiated a two-week period of fresh starts in matters related to your routine, health and work, dear Capricorn, making this a great time to kick habits! If you’ve been working yourself to the bones, you may now be open to establishing healthier boundaries when it comes to your time. In addition, Neptune’s influence could be clouding your vision when it comes to work and health. Someone may be deceiving you when it comes to the service you provide. Take a mindful approach, especially when it comes to business ventures.

As a longer-term influence, your ruling planet Saturn is now retrograding in your third house of communication, learning and short-distance travel. If you’ve been feeling restricted in terms of being heard, this retrograde will help you refine your ideas for better reception. Part of this may be identifying blindspots in your perception. Creative writers or orators may feel an extra dose of inspiration this week.

Jan. 20–Feb. 18

The new moon in your fifth house has initiated new beginnings in areas related to your creativity, pleasure, romantic connections and children, dear Aquarius. This is about reconnecting to your self-expression and inner child and could see a restoration of passion in forgotten hobbies. You are wanting to pour your spirit into something that feels close to your heart. Just be careful that you are not spending more than you have to fuel a passion.

Alongside this is Saturn, your ancient ruler, which is now retrograding in your second house of values until November, loosening restrictions around money and how you engage with the sensual pleasures of being present. Financial issues could lessen now, or you may find a way to monetarily unburden yourself. Monday’s fortuitous aspect could inspire you to move forward with a plan for making money from home or you may feel a resurgence of self-love that restores a sense of self-worth.

Feb. 19 – March 20

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A new moon in the fourth house has initiated new beginnings when it comes to your home and roots, dear Pisces. This is a time of restructuring when it comes to your sense of stability and inner needs. You may need to mother yourself now and get in touch with any issues around vulnerability or intimacy. Neptune’s influence could stir up confusion around a matter dealing with home or family.

As a longer-term influence, Saturn is now retrograding through your sign. This is a time when you are more inclined to reflect on how you present yourself to the world. Since Saturn has been challenging areas related to your identity, you’ve been pushed to be more intentional with how you show up. But now retrograde, Saturn allows you a pause to consider and further integrate the change that has been occurring.

For a more specific outlook, read the forecasts for both your sun and rising signs. If you do not know your rising sign, use this online calculator.

It’s important to remember that astrology forecasts are not meant to be fatalistic. Rather they offer a window into current energetic influences, so we may work with them and help foster a more wise and loving spirit.

Ed. note: This information is composed by St. George News editorial staff for entertainment purposes only.

Copyright St. George News, SaintGeorgeUtah.com LLC, 2023, all rights reserved.

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