Horoscopes: Jupiter enters Taurus, amplifying luck in love, money or career. What it means for you.

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FEATURE — Major shifts are happening now, as a concentration of cosmic energy this week accumulates in the sign of Taurus, a fixed earth sign that emphasizes physicality, persistence and enjoying life through the five senses.

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This week’s astral shifts begin Monday at 9:17 p.m. MDT when Mercury turns direct in Taurus after spending the last month in retrograde. Issues with short-distance travel, communication or siblings should start to see some resolution now.

On Tuesday, and perhaps the most significant cosmic shift this week, occurs at 11:19 a.m. MDT, when Jupiter moves into the sign of Taurus, where it will transit for the next year until May 25, 2024.

Jupiter is widely known as the great benefic and planet of luck. Wherever Jupiter touches your personal chart is where you will feel more optimistic and open to blessings coming your way. You believe more in your ability to cultivate dreams within this area, and as a result, are likely to see expansion and personal growth.

Taurus energy highlights sensorial experience and what can be manifested when we are truly present, as it is through the senses when we most presently exist. So in Taurus, Jupiter helps us to be realists — doers rather than dreamers — and practically build toward a goal.

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On the shadow side, Jupiter’s optimism can cause some distortion of reality, so it’s a good idea to practice maintaining a grounded perspective.

On Friday, May 19, a new moon at 28 degrees in Taurus will occur at 9:53 a.m. and highlight the part of the sky Jupiter will be blessing over the next year. New moons are all about planting seeds and fresh beginnings. But because this new moon is happening in such late degrees, many may feel inclined to dig in their heels and resist. It’s crucial to identify what you need to let go of in order to get things flowing again and usher in the change you seek.

This week’s final cosmic shift is Mars, which will enter the fixed fire sign Leo at 9:31 a.m. on Saturday, May 20. This will likely feel like a burst of fresh energy, as Mars in Cancer was in its detriment, causing frustration and emotional outbursts. Mars in Leo favors ignition and creative spark.

We now are energetically inspired to passionately express ourselves and put our hearts into our creations.

Collectively, toward the end of the week, there could be some sense of wanting things to change, but encountering unforeseen obstacles or power struggles. Don’t fret; this energetic tension is temporary.

So what does all of this mean for your sign? Find out below.

The ram symbolizes Aries energy, location and date unspecified | Photo by Unsplash, St. George News

March 21-April 19

The collection of Taurus energy is illuminating your second house, which brings a chance for massive change and expansion in areas related to personal finances and self-worth, dear Aries. And with Jupiter now in this house for the next year, your optimism about making money will be enhanced. Mental roadblocks of self-doubt will be cleared away, allowing you to charge ahead with entrepreneurial pursuits or pioneering ideas. You are more likely to delve into the present moment and operate from there, which is a natural space for you. After all, you are the sign associated with adrenaline and the fire that sparks the ignition.

With your ruling planet Mars in fellow fire sign Leo, you should feel a release of pent-up energy and a revival of your natural flow.

April 20-May 20

With the abundance of cosmic energy in your sign this week, and Jupiter beginning its yearlong stay, this is not a time to be taken lightly, dear Taurus. Jupiter is boosting your self-confidence, optimism and generosity, which frees you from any self-limiting beliefs and allows for significant improvements to your lifestyle. You are less interested in worrying over the past or things you can’t change and positively throwing yourself toward your dream future. This is a time to be brave and believe in your gifts.

The new moon in Taurus on Friday begins a new cycle in this same area and is pushing you to reinvent yourself in some way. What parts of yourself have you outgrown? Just as it is necessary for a snake to shed its skin for its very survival, it’s vital for you to slough off what no longer serves you.

May 21–June 20

With Jupiter now beginning its yearlong transit through your 12th house of the subconscious and connection to a higher power, you are likely to feel a steady presence of a guardian angel or spiritual protection, dear Gemini. This is a time when faith and hope are restored, which allows you to heal unconscious habits at the root. Those afflicted by addictions, whether substance or behavioral, will find it easier to quit now. And letting go is at the core of Jupiter’s benefits, as it will enter your sign next. Relaxation practices, such as yoga and meditation, will be highly beneficial now.

With your natural ruling planet Mercury turning direct, you should feel forward momentum in areas you were recently stuck.

June 21–July 22

With the abundance of energy this week lighting up your 11th house of friendships and future hopes and dreams for its yearlong transit, you may see your social calendar filling up, dear Cancer. And this is all pointing to the blessing Jupiter will bring over the next year, which favors social networking. You are likely to cross paths with the right people at the right time.

Worries or fear about the future will be lessened and you will feel more hopeful about your dreams, no matter how unusual or faraway they seem. It’s important to step outside of your shell and immediate circle, as reaching out to new people will open new doors.

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July 23–August 22

With the accumulation of Taurus energy illuminating your 10th house of career and public status, this week is putting a spotlight on your highest achievement, dear Leo, and provides a window into what’s in store for you during Jupiter’s yearlong transit. Doorways are opening for you to elevate your status and increase your professional rankings.

Upper management, colleagues and clients will likely see you favorably now, and you’ll be optimistic about putting the final touches on any project you’ve been working on or taking any necessary steps to advance your career. Some could receive an award, recognition or experience a little bit — or a lot — of fame. This is about boldly shining that beautiful light of yours.

Aug. 23–Sept. 22

The accumulation of Taurus energy is spotlighting your ninth house, dear Virgo, prompting new beginnings and expanding areas related to foreign lands, philosophical outlook and higher knowledge. With Jupiter in this house for the next year, opportunities to travel, settle legal issues, return to school or embark on a spiritual journey are on the horizon. Writers may see works published and feel the abundant flow of creative juices to cultivate and complete projects that are likely to receive glowing praise. Past voids of meaning are filled, and faith in faith itself returns.

Also this week, your ruling planet Mercury turning retrograde should replenish your energy and reestablish a sense of momentum.

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Sept. 23–Oct. 22

With the collection of Taurus energy lighting up your eighth house of intimacy, deep psychology and shared resources, this week will have you feeling a lot more open to letting down your guard and seeking deep change, dear Libra. The eighth house is the house of personal transformation and is symbolized by the phoenix rising from the ashes. With Jupiter beginning its yearlong transit here, you are being blessed with opportunities that help you uncover and heal the deepest parts of your psyche.

Some could see increased wealth or an increase in money coming from passive or a partner’s income. You may find it easier to acquiesce to the needs of another, and as a result, establish more intimate bonds.

Oct. 23–Nov. 21

For you, dear Scorpio, the saturation of Taurus energy is in your seventh house of contracts and one-on-one partnerships. This is all about understanding who you are through the eyes of another and enhancing the ways in which you relate with others. And during Jupiter’s yearlong transit, committing to someone on a deeper level is likely, as well as meeting someone with whom you envision a long-term bond.

Proposals, engagements and marriages are favored under this influence. Business partnerships also have the potential to flourish during this time. For those who may have been single for some time, a reignition of optimism about potential partnership opens opportunities to meet people with a fresh sense of energy.

Nov. 22–Dec. 21

Along with this week’s accumulation of Taurus energy, Jupiter, your natural ruling planet, is amplifying your sixth house, bringing abundance and fresh starts to areas related to your daily routine, work and health, dear Sagittarius. During Jupiter’s yearlong transit, you may find yourself enjoying things like eating healthier or exercising, that otherwise might feel like a chore. And as a result, benefits come through investments in these areas.

Some could see a sudden turnaround with an illness or work matter that provides a much-needed boost of faith. This part of the sky truly whittles down to time and how you spend it.

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Dec. 22–Jan. 19

With the collection of Taurus energy illuminating your fifth house of pleasure, creativity and children, you are being pushed toward matters of fun and romance, dear Capricorn, and provides a glimpse into what Jupiter has in store during its yearlong transit. During this time, you are likely to benefit when you are following your heart and creative impulse.

In terms of creativity, you are especially fertile during this cycle, both with projects and with life. As a result, some could conceive or have a child. Or the relationship between you and a child could be greatly enhanced. Inspiration is likely to strike, and you should be ready to implement what comes your way. Inhibitions surrounding self-expression crumble. It’s time to step forth as your most authentic self.

Jan. 20–Feb. 18

Amid the abundance of Taurus energy and joining your modern-ruling planet Uranus in your fourth house, Jupiter is bringing optimism and expansion to areas related to your home, family and inner security, dear Aquarius. Jupiter’s yearlong transit is helping you to gain a deeper understanding of your roots and how that has shaped who you are. In establishing a firm foundation, you position yourself to thrive.

Blessings are coming to your sense of stability, both in your internal and external environment. Some could see residency issues resolved, as opportunities to sell or buy a home also are likely to present themselves. Wisdom arrives through reminiscing, and you are likely to consider your past with heightened gratitude now. At the end of this transit, you will arrive home as if seeing it for the first time.

Feb. 19 – March 20

Amid the saturation of Taurus energy this week, your ancient ruling planet Jupiter begins its yearlong transit through your third house, bringing expansion and optimism your way in matters related to short-distance travel, communication and education, dear Pisces. This is a time that benefits learning new skills and refining your message.

Blessings or opportunities could come through short trips, emails, siblings or a teacher. Writers, orators and salespeople should feel a burst of inspiration, a deeper connection and flow with their work. This transit also implicates an increase in social activity and you will likely widen your social circle at this time and signals a favorable time for buying or selling a vehicle.

For a more specific outlook, read the forecasts for both your sun and rising signs. If you do not know your rising sign, use this online calculator.

It’s important to remember that astrology forecasts are not meant to be fatalistic. Rather they offer a window into current energetic influences, so we may work with them and help foster a more wise and loving spirit.

Ed. note: This information is composed by St. George News editorial staff for entertainment purposes only.

Copyright St. George News, SaintGeorgeUtah.com LLC, 2023, all rights reserved.

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