Horoscopes: It’s the luckiest day of the year; Venus in Gemini stirs up love. What it means for you.

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FEATURE — Feeling lucky?

Image of Jupiter captured from Juno mission | Photo courtesy of NASA, St. George News

If you’ve been holding out hope for some stroke of luck, this week may just deliver your wish as the annual meeting of Jupiter and the sun on Tuesday is what many astrologers refer to as the luckiest day of the year.

This week’s notable cosmic influences begin Monday night at 10:47 p.m. when Venus enters Gemini where it will transit until May 7. For this near-monthlong transit, our tastes move toward the eclectic, curiosity drives us, and we want to explore the unexplored. Communication is more charming and prone to playful banter. On the flip side, because the goddess of love is an air sign, there also can be a tendency for some emotional distance to manifest now. Be wary of fickle connections. Sweet talking can be especially persuasive.

Early Tuesday, Venus in Gemini will trine Pluto in Aquarius, amplifying success in finances, relationships and healing through love. Curiosity in love meets the seeker of truth as a means for change. Feelings are intense and passionate, and love fuels spiritual regeneration. Exchanged words could feel deeply transformative. Because this aspect is happening in the very early degrees of both signs, the power is amplified.

Later on Tuesday, the sun conjuncts Jupiter at 21 degrees in Aries, an annual meeting referred to as the luckiest day of the year. This conjunction, which occurs when astral bodies line up as seen from Earth, gifts massive optimism and luck to some aspects of your life. It’s a fortuitous time to grow something, depending on what part of your chart it hits. Because Jupiter is the planet of expansion, it’s important to be careful what you ask for. Seek clarity in ambition and be specific. What’s inside is coming out.

So what does all this mean for your sign? Find out below.

The ram symbolizes Aries energy, location and date unspecified | Photo by Unsplash, St. George News

March 21-April 19

With so much energy in your sign lately, the focus has largely been on who you are at your deepest level, dear Aries. But now your focus is turning outward, as Venus is now entering a part of the sky that for you deals with your perception, short-distance travel and learning new skills. You’re feeling charged with energy now and ready to take action.

Under this influence, you are wanting to talk about what interests you, especially with those closest to you, and a conversation could spark inspiration for a future endeavor. Verbal or written words will have a playful, artistic slant to them, and you could attract someone new while out running errands. Problems with vehicles could be fixed with ease now. A boost in vitality has you feeling like you can’t lose. A fortuitous time for athletes.

April 20-May 20

Get ready to indulge, dear Taurus, as your ruling planet, Venus, is now lighting up your second house that deals with the finer things in life and self-esteem. As a Taurus, these are things you know well, as the second house is the house of Taurus. It’s time to be in the here and now, and you’re feeling ultra-romantic. Light the candles. Dine on your favorite dishes. Spend quality time with a partner. Single Taurans will feel a boost of self-confidence, which could draw the eye of a secret admirer.

This amplification of positive energy is spilling over into the public arena, so don’t be afraid to send out an application or two for a dream job or opportunity. A strike of luck comes to you in your dreams. Artists may receive sudden insight into a new project that has immense potential to launch their careers.

May 21–June 20

Get ready for the spotlight, dear Gemini, as Venus is now in your sign, setting you aglow with magnetic charm and electric wit. You’ll find it more difficult to curb your wants over the next month, as you’ll be chasing after activities and environments that provide the most ease and comfort. Now is the time to allow your softer qualities to showcase, a time of receptivity rather than force.

Students, mentors or anyone in a literary field may be offered some significant opportunity. Others may receive a stroke of inspiration that informs their work. Taking exams is favored under this influence. It’s when you are being your truest self that others — including a potential love interest — are attracted to you. You are luckiest now when you are participating in humanitarian efforts or in group collaborations.

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June 21–July 22

It’s time to indulge in some much-needed rest, dear Cancer, as Venus in the 12th house is pulling you into the quiet yet imaginative depths of the unconscious. Dreams are likely to be activated and could feature landscapes or people from your youth. You are wanting to connect with a partner on a deeply spiritual level. Attending a yoga class or meditating together can feel intensely intimate and gratifying.

For those who are single, this may be a time when you are taking a break from dating and wanting to connect with yourself, which could greatly benefit you when Venus moves into your sign next month. You are luckiest now when you are nurturing your professional persona and all matters related to your career. Some could hit a lucky stride in their career, with a boost in financial or public status.

July 23–August 22

The next month is all about indulging in the fun of shared interests, dear Leo, as Venus lights up your 11th house of friendships and future outlook. With the Gemini influence, group activities will likely sparkle with witty banter and playful energy. Word games or activities that require dexterity are favored during this time, and you may notice your mental acuity electrically charged.

Single Leos may meet a new special someone while out with friends. This also is a time to nurture your vision of the future, and a talk with a close loved one could bring about sudden revelations about your future trajectory. A stroke of luck in a literary pursuit or reaching a wider audience could come now. Long-distance travel is also favored.

A woman shows a tattoo of the Virgo constellation, location and date unspecified | Photo by Unsplash, St. George News

Aug. 23–Sept. 22

Your career may feel a little less daunting over the next month, dear Virgo, as Venus is illuminating a part of the sky that deals with career and public status. While naturally, you tend to be more modest and humble, this is a time to let yourself feel a little warmth of the limelight. Your charm and talents are noticed now, and you may receive some recognition or promotion. Job interviews or presentations are favored now, as you are better able to artistically craft and articulate meaning.

A partner could feel a little neglected during this time, so be mindful that you’re not pouring all your energy into your career. Single Virgos may develop a crush on someone in the workplace. Immense potential for significant psychological healing arrives this week, as well as deepening an intimate bond. A partner could see a financial gain.

Sept. 23–Oct. 22

Your spirit of adventure and exploration is fired up now, dear Libra, as your ruling planet Venus will now light up your ninth house of long-distance travel and world outlook. Partnerships will see a boost of playful energy, and it’s a fabulous time to plan a trip that offers some type of spontaneity, such as a road trip with no specific destinations or a hike through a new wilderness.

Lighthearted fun mixed with a good dose of curiosity fuels even the most mundane task with wild beauty. It is this boost in optimism and joie de vivre that attracts others to you now — which also could mean a new special someone. You have a taste for the exotic and unexplored and could see yourself spiraling into daydreams if you don’t find a way to let this passionate side of you run free. A stroke of luck could come through someone you consider close, a loved one or a business partner.

Oct. 23–Nov. 21

With Venus entering your eighth house of shared resources and intimacy, you’ll be feeling at home over the next month, dear Scorpio, as the eighth house is the house of Scorpio. You are wanting to explore the deeper mysteries of life now in a quest to uncover what’s real. But you are not wanting to just sit silently with this energy, you are wanting to talk about it.

Connections are felt at the soul level now and you’ll find yourself having more emotionally vulnerable conversations. Intimacy is intensified. For some, this could indicate more money coming in through passive streams, such as tax returns, loans or inheritances, or a partner could see a raise. Chance meetings or conversations with a loved one have the potential for deep healing or revitalizing your spirit in some way.

Sagittarius is symbolized by the archer, location and date unspecified | Photo by Unsplash, St. George News

Nov. 22–Dec. 21

You’re wanting to pour extra love into close relationships now, dear Sagittarius, as Venus sets aglow the part of your sky that deals with one-on-one partnerships. Opposite to your sign, Gemini in Venus brings a boost to attraction, and others are seeing you now through heart-shaped glasses. Difficulties with a partner are easily smoothed over with words now, and you seem to know the right thing to say at the right time.

Single Sagittarians may decide to commit to someone at this time, as there is a longing for connections with endurance. With your ruling planet, Jupiter, meeting the sun, this is an especially lucky time for you. It’s a good week to be out mingling with others and sharing what you’ve been cooking up behind the scenes.

Dec. 22–Jan. 19

It’s time to glow up, dear Capricorn, as Venus is now entering a part of the sky that deals with health, diet and your day-to-day routine. If you’ve been wanting to implement fitness goals or clean up your eating habits, you’ll find it easier now. There could be a tendency to mix pleasure and business, and you’ll be more inclined to burn the midnight oil under this influence, something you already are prone to do, so it’s a good idea to make sure you keep a balance. Performing mundane tasks with a partner could have a romantic slant to it.

Some Capricorns could develop a workplace crush or meet someone through the service they provide. You are feeling a boost in self-esteem and may recognize the potential to increase your earnings in some way, which could possibly relate to work you do from home.

Jan. 20–Feb. 18

It’s all about what matters to your heart of hearts and expressing yourself, dear Aquarius, as Venus is now entering a part of your sky that deals with pleasure, creativity and children. In the simplest sense, the creative juices are flowing and you are wanting to have fun! Now is the time to indulge in whatever lightens up your spirit and allows an outlet for self-expression.

Partnerships will feel more playful, and it’s a good time for dates that bring out the child in you. An afternoon spent baking cookies or fingerpainting will feel deeply rejuvenating. Single Aquarians draw others to them with this same exuberant demeanor. You’re expressing your ideas well now and could see a stroke of luck come through in matters of authoring, teaching or short-distance travel.

Feb. 19 – March 20

It’s all about feeling at home, dear Pisces, as Venus is now entering a part of the sky that for you deals with your inner security and domestic affairs. Over the last month, you’ve been working through matters related to your self-esteem and reassessing what it means to value yourself. And now you’re pulling all of that energy into the home. Single Pisceans could meet someone who works with homes or who reminds them of their mother.

Creature comforts and time spent with family are prioritized now, and you may find yourself caught up in nostalgia. But your mind turns to lighthearted memories that conjure appreciation for where you are now. It may be time to freshen up your living space by bringing in lively colors or allowing more light to enter. A dream could reveal some particular insight that profoundly inspires you. On Tuesday, a stroke of luck could offer some financial gain.

For a more specific outlook, read the forecasts for both your sun and rising signs. If you do not know your rising sign, use this online calculator.

It’s important to remember that astrology forecasts are not meant to be fatalistic. Rather they offer a window into current energetic influences, so we may work with them and help foster a more wise and loving spirit.

Ed. note: This information is composed by St. George News editorial staff for entertainment purposes only.

Copyright St. George News, SaintGeorgeUtah.com LLC, 2023, all rights reserved.

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