Horoscopes: Lovers quarrels or dramatic revelations? Here’s what this full moon in Leo means for you

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FEATURE — Setting the emotional stage for the next two weeks, Sunday’s full moon in passionate Leo is pushing us into the heat of heartfelt matters and will have us feeling anything but indifference. This is not a time for rose-colored glasses or stirring the pot.

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While the energy began building last Thursday, for Southern Utah, the moon will reach its peak fullness at 11:28 a.m. MST Sunday at 16 degrees Leo.

While new moons are times of new beginnings and reset, full moons represent culminations and bring to light emotional or psychological truths that have been lingering in the shadows. With a full moon in Leo, our attention is being drawn toward matters of the heart. Adding more fuel to the fire is a tense aspect between lovers, Mars and Venus, which could render dramatic endings or resolutions.

A full moon in fiery Leo opposes the sun in Aquarius, representing the Leo-Aquarius duality or self-expression (Leo) and group expression (Aquarius). Energetically, Leo seeks admiration, while Aquarius uncovers the utilitarian nature of humanity and how we link together.

With a challenging aspect to disruptive Uranus, the next few weeks remain charged with energetic imbalance.

So what does this mean for your sign? Find out below.


While your mind has been focused on the future in recent weeks, dear Aries, this full moon is lighting up your fifth house, which is pushing you to focus on what truly lights up your heart. With your ruler Mars caught in a tense angle with Venus, a relationship matter that hasn’t been working for you is set to surface now and take center stage. Whatever the nature of the relationship, these next two weeks are about you getting honest with yourself and asking whether you see a future with this person in a way that allows you to feel authentic. Perhaps adjustments are needed, or this could indicate an ending. For others, this could be a time when you complete a creative project or have a much-needed talk with a child.


Much of your attention over the last weeks has been concentrated on your career and public reputation, dear Taurus, and you may have seen a change in status, a new job or received a promotion. But now this full moon is pulling you into how you feel and your emotional sense of security. Perhaps you’ve been so focused on career matters that you are feeling restless or more disconnected from others than normal. While this is not a time to check out — especially in matters of career or public reputation — it is a time to find grounding and connect back with home, both in the physical and metaphorical sense.

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A revelation surrounding third-house matters could come to light over the next two weeks, dear Gemini. As the natural house of Gemini, this energy will feel close to home and personal, which could cause some blindspots in communication. Your ideas may be challenged by someone who unexpectedly opposes you. But because the moon deals with how we feel, it’s not so much about what you say; but rather, how you feel about what you say and its reception by others. While it can be easy for you to slip into an existence that is idea-bound and solely existing on a mental plane, it’s essential not to forget about the emotions your words are rooted in. It’s at this depth where you’ll discover something new.


With the full moon lighting up your second house of self-worth and personal resources, this is a time when you may need to step outside of your comfort zone, dear Cancer. As a sensitive sign who prefers to maintain a level of protection, this is not an easy energy for you. But this two-week lunar cycle is meant to help you better orient yourself for the future and understand your value as a person. If you’re feeling a lack in a relationship, especially in terms of your self-worth, something may be pushed to the surface forcing you to step out of your shell and speak your mind.


This full moon is happening in your sign, dear Leo, which is firing up matters concerning relationships over the next two weeks. And with Uranus continuing to transit your 10th house in a tense angle, it may be more difficult than normal to maintain your normal regal stature. For those who are in a relationship where there seems to be a lack of reciprocity, you may be pushed toward public displays of emotion, especially when you could find a partner’s perception diametrically opposed to your own. But these clashes need not be cataclysmic or the cause for separation. This is about getting honest with yourself to find a pathway forward that is mutually beneficial.

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With a full moon in the psychological 12th house, you may be feeling the need to recede and recharge over the next two weeks, dear Virgo. Part of this feeling of drain could have to do with a person you work with whom you’ve felt some hidden strain. You may find that they’ve been talking behind your back. Try not to take it to heart, as this is most likely a difference in personality. You could also see yourself keeping busy with day-to-day tasks as a way to numb yourself from facing some dilemma. Be open to conversations with others, as a conversation could offer clarity or closure.


After a time of focusing on creative projects or old hobbies, this full moon in your 11th house is highlighting matters of future and friendship for the next two weeks, dear Libra. With your sign’s natural ruler Venus also caught in a tense angle with Mars, you could be feeling detached in some way when it comes to close relationships, whether romantic or platonic. Part of this detachment is about the future and the broader vision for your life. As a result, you are assessing your immediate environment and the people in it. You are getting real with yourself and others and seem to see right into the beating hearts around you. It’s time to decide who really is worthy of your time.


For the past two weeks, you’ve been dealing with matters related to domestic affairs and establishing a personal sense of security, which may have triggered changes at home, dear Scorpio. But now with the full moon at the very top of your chart, your emotions are being pulled to the surface about something that needs to be discussed. Or you may be feeling a lack when it comes to receiving some type of recognition at your job on the homefront, which is causing an emotional low. Part of the tension is rooted in a desire to raise your profile, while your focus is continually drawn into your inner world, preventing you from showcasing your talents in the way you want. Try not to get too frustrated, the tide will soon change.


While your attention has been on matters of communication, siblings and short-distance travel for the last two weeks, this full moon highlights your ninth house of higher knowledge and faraway lands, dear Sagittarius. There may be a disconnect when it comes to communicating with a partner, or you may have been feeling a touch of superficiality and desiring to charge into the depths, possibly related to some health issue you’ve been dealing with over the past few years. But it’s important not to get too pulled into your personal philosophies that you unintentionally shut out others or block yourself from your own emotional being. Otherwise, this could stir arguments solely rooted in beliefs.


These last two weeks have had you turning inward and focusing on self-worth, dear Capricorn. But now with the full moon transiting your eighth house of personal transformation, you are being pushed to consider how old wounds may be affecting your current relationships. This is a rather sensitive place for the moon and could also reveal something that’s been hidden. Perhaps you are feeling more practical or desiring more intimacy, while a partner is seeming to march to their own beat. As such, you could be feeling out of balance and there could be some type of confrontation in the next two weeks. For those who are single, you might meet someone now with magnetic allure.

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With a full moon transiting your seventh house of partnership, someone close to you could be feeling neglected and wanting more of your attention over the next two weeks. This can be a challenging transit for you, dear Aquarius, as you may feel that your freedom is being stifled or that you are being asked to abandon important projects. If confronted on this issue, you may feel agitated at first, but facing the conflict head-on should have beneficial results, as you are gifted with a talent to consider different perspectives even if you don’t agree. Remember: this is not about sacrificing your needs for the needs of others; there is a way to strike a balance. For some, this could be a time when you receive an unexpected financial gain.


This full moon can feel like waking up from a deep sleep, dear Pisces, as it shines into your sixth house of daily routine and health. Despite this exit from dreamland, it’s important to realize that your vision may still be blurry, especially when it comes to people in your life. It can be hard for compassionate Pisces to avoid projecting their empathetic nature on others and not give them the benefit of the doubt. But the reality is: not everyone can be trusted. You also could be feeling more nervous or stressed and desiring to escape.  The challenge of this full moon energy, for you, is really about your psychological nature — not turning away from it but learning to embrace it.

For a more specific outlook, read the forecasts for both your sun and rising signs. If you do not know your rising sign, use this online calculator.

Ed. note: This information is composed by St. George News editorial staff for entertainment purposes only.

Copyright St. George News, SaintGeorgeUtah.com LLC, 2023, all rights reserved.

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