Springtime sniffles got you down? Take action with comprehensive allergy testing from Any Lab Test Now

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CONTRIBUTED CONTENT — Spring is the season to get outside and enjoy the mild temperatures and the beauty of blossoming plants and trees. But if you can’t stop and smell the roses because you’re too busy sneezing and sniffling, it’s time to make a change. 

Interior of Any Lab Test Now, St. George, Utah, date not specified | Photo courtesy of Any Lab Test Now of St. George, St. George News

Fight back against seasonal allergies by adding a quarterly allergy test to your wellness routine. Any Lab Test Now of St. George offers comprehensive blood testing panels to help identify the source of your springtime sniffles and ease your allergy suffering.

“You don’t need a doctor’s referral,” franchise owner Julie Blasingame said. “Just walk in and get your testing done with a simple blood draw. We’re fast, we’re easy and we’re inexpensive.” 

More than 50 million Americans are affected by nasal allergies. And while there’s no cure, allergies can be effectively managed with prevention and treatment. Most doctors agree that the first step in winning the battle against seasonal allergies is to know your triggers. 

Seasonal allergies are typically caused by pollen from grasses, trees and weeds, and many trees and plants in Southern Utah are high pollen producers. Tree pollen is plentiful throughout the spring, while grasses shed their pollen in the late spring and summer. With seasonal allergies, your body mistakes this harmless substance for something dangerous and tries to attack it. 

Pollen isn’t the only seasonal trigger, however. Spring rains cause more mold growth inside and outside your home, and spring cleaning might also stir up dust mites. 

Allergies can make life miserable. The symptoms may affect your ability to sleep and leave you feeling extremely sluggish and fatigued, which can impact other areas of your life, such as work or family time. You might also experience sneezing, coughing, puffy eyelids, watery eyes and a red, runny nose. People often mistake allergies for illnesses like the common cold or COVID-19. 

Any Lab Test Now offers a basic environmental allergy panel that measures sensitivity to 45 different inhalants. These inhalants are dependent on one of 12 geographic regions and include pollen, dust, dust mites, mold and/or animal dander. Dig deeper with the comprehensive food and environmental allergy panel, which analyzes 90 foods along with 45 regional inhalants. 

Exterior of Any Lab Test Now, St. George, Utah, date not specified | Photo courtesy of Any Lab Test Now of St. George, St. George News

These panels are more effective than a spot test at an allergist’s office because they test for so many allergy triggers at once, Blasingame said. Customers are encouraged to discuss the results with their doctor so they can interpret them and help develop a plan of attack against their allergies. 

Any Lab Test Now facilitates comprehensive testing panels in less time (the collection process for some tests takes as little as 15 minutes) and for significantly lower out-of-pocket costs than visiting a primary care provider. Results can often be delivered the next day, although some tests require a two- to three-day turnaround. As a self-pay service, the lab doesn’t accept health insurance, but customers may use HSA and FSA cards to cover testing costs.

Any Lab Test Now has been serving the greater St. George area since 2010 and continues to expand its menu of tests. The lab offers general health testing along with panels that screen for a variety of conditions including Lyme disease, Crohn’s disease, celiac disease, tuberculosis, measles, cystic fibrosis and sickle cell disease.

Customers can get answers to life’s most personal questions with legally admissible paternity and DNA tests. Any Lab Test Now also offers comprehensive testing panels for sexually transmitted diseases including HIV and a variety of both legal and illegal drugs.

Expecting parents may choose to find out the sex of their baby as early as eight weeks with 99% accuracy. Pet owners can even uncover the genetic makeup of their pooch with canine ancestry testing.

“We empower people to take control over their health and decide what they want done, taking a lot of the guesswork out of the process,” Blasingame said. “If you can think of it, we can test for it.”

Written by ALEXA MORGAN for St. George News.

• S P O N S O R E D  C O N T E N T • 


  • Any Lab Test Now of St. George | Address: 175 W. 900 South #5, St. George | Hours: Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. | Telephone: 435-628-2220 | Website.

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