Horoscopes: What this week’s stunning supermoon in Aquarius means for you

A full moon rises over Arches National Park, Utah, date unspecified | Photo by tsuchi/iStock/Getty Images Plus, St. George News

FEATURE — Stargazers are in for a treat this week, as Tuesday’s full moon is noted as one of the largest full moons of the year and one of two full moons in August.

As this week’s major cosmic influence, a supermoon at 9 degrees Aquarius will reach its peak fullness on Tuesday, Aug. 1, at 12:31 p.m. MDT. This lunar energy will begin to build during the weekend and continue three days after its peak. People with personal planets in fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius) are likely to feel this most.

A full moon represents a time of culmination, fulfillment or endings. They bring to light was has been hidden and can trigger sudden emotional responses.

In opposition to the sun in Leo, this full moon represents the Leo-Aquarius axis of ego. Both signs of original creativity, Leo is centered in the self, while Aquarius is focused on the group. Leo wants to shine center stage. Aquarius prefers standing on the outside where they continually reinvent themselves through shocks of change.

In the sign of Aquarius, a fixed air sign known for its revolutionary spirit and ingenious mind, this full moon will forge a challenging aspect to the great benefic Jupiter in Taurus, which may trigger destabilizing epiphanies.

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Also coinciding with the full moon, Mars in Virgo forms a harmonious aspect with Jupiter in Taurus. Whatever you put into motion is likely to succeed as increased confidence and optimism fuels effort. Risk-taking can be fortuitous now. This also denotes a positive time for dating or mending relationships.

Also on Tuesday, Pluto in Capricorn will also square up with the North Node in Aries and the South Node in Libra. This means that everything in your life is being examined through the lens of significant meaning. Emotions are heightened and can fall into a good-versus-bad binary. This could have some feeling a little cautious or on guard around others.

This aspect turns our focus to themes of power, who has it and how we are expressing our own. But this isn’t about making a huge change now, it’s about setting the intention to balance the scales.

So what does all of this mean for your sign? Find out below.

March 21–April 19

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Friendships and the future are under the spotlight now, dear Aries. Since the onset of Leo season, you’ve likely been focusing on what brings you pleasure, but now your attention turns toward the needs of others. A friend may need help, or you may be called to step up as a leader in a group. A dream could be realized at this time. Be wary of making any major purchases, especially if you’re feeling emotionally fraught. Fatigue due to your career can be experienced this week, especially if you feel overlooked by someone in authority. You may need to assert your needs.

April 20–May 20

It’s time to put your best foot forward, dear Taurus, as this week’s full moon illuminates your sector of career and public reputation. While recently your focus has been on matters of home and family, the public sphere is now calling your attention and the limelight is on you. A sudden job opportunity or change in public status is possible. But with the square to Jupiter make sure this new opportunity aligns with who you are at your core. Someone may say something now that threatens a core belief, which may serve as a necessary conduit to clear out subconscious congestion.

May 21–June 20

Your adventurous side pushes to the surface this week, dear Gemini. Novel experiences are highly beneficial now, especially in the wake of recent weeks where your attention has been on the day-to-day mundane. You are seeking to expand your world outlook, and it may be more difficult than ever to deal with anything that feels repetitive. A culmination relating to higher education or legal matters is possible. Power struggles could arise related to shared resources. It’s important now to maintain an outlook of abundance rather than a mindset of scarcity.

June 21–July 22

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This week’s full moon is lighting up matters related to personal transformation and shared resources, dear Cancer. Recently, you’ve been focused on creature comforts and establishing a sense of emotional and financial security, but now your attention turns to the things you shared with others and finances derived from passive sources. With Pluto in your house of relationships, the power dynamic may manifest between you and your partner in the context of wanting each other to change in some way. You may realize that reclaiming your power has to do with the change you decide to make, rather than forcing your will on another.

July 23–Aug. 22

With Tuesday’s full moon in your opposite sign, this energy is all about relationships, dear Leo. In recent weeks, you have had a collection of cosmic energy in your sign, which has put the focus on you and your needs. Now you’re being asked to focus on the needs of someone close to you. This could uproot emotional intensity. For some Leos, this may indicate the ending of a relationship or recommitting on a deeper level. With Pluto in your sector of daily routine and health squaring up with your belief systems, you may decide to cut a habit that will reap significant benefits, especially parts of your life you’ve shifted into auto-pilot.

Aug. 23–Sept. 22

If you’ve been wanting to quit a habit, now is the time to do it, dear Virgo, as this full moon is lighting up your sixth house of health, work and daily routine. This could feel like a moment when you’re at the end of the road with a job or burning time. Part of this decision to quit could stem from a feeling of stagnancy or general fatigue, as Jupiter in your ninth house is pushing you to broaden your worldview. With Pluto in the fifth house squaring up with the North Node, now is a time to consider whether you feel empowered in terms of self-expression. If you’ve been narrowing your window of what you believe is possible, this week pushes you out of those self-limiting thoughts.

Sept. 23–Oct. 22

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This full moon is all about creativity, pleasure and having fun, dear Libra. This is the time to accept invitations, connect with people or host your own party. A creative project or idea could be realized now, but the idea of sharing it could have you feeling a deep sense of vulnerability. If you’ve been feeling bogged down by clutter or feeling the lack of reciprocity from others in terms of household chores, this could be the time when you take action in order to beautify your environment. For others, Pluto squaring the North Node may offer a way to accept the flaws in loved ones and let go of expectations, as a means of finding peace within yourself.

Oct. 23–Nov. 21

This week is all about establishing a work-life balance, dear Scorpio. While recent weeks have had you focusing on matters of career and social status, this full moon is drawing your attention to home and family. A family member may now need you or an issue with your home could arise or a project completed. For some, this could prompt a need to move. With Jupiter working to expand your partnerships, some Scorpios could decide to move in with a partner. If you’ve been avoiding a conversation or trying too hard to control your thoughts, mindful practices can aid in letting go of control.

Nov. 22–Dec. 21

Communication matters are coming to a head this week, dear Sagittarius. While your focus in recent weeks has largely been on adventure and seeking to broaden your worldview, this full moon is pulling you into the mundane of the day-to-day. For some, this could be about transportation, such as buying a vehicle. Others may see a culmination in efforts put forth in a skill you’ve been refining over the last six months. With Pluto’s transit in your second house of money and self-worth squaring up with the nodes, this is a time when an opportunity arises for you to show how much you think you deserve. This denotes an internal battle, as you will be pushed to advocate for yourself.

Dec. 22–Jan. 19

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This full moon is all about comfort and enjoying the luxuries of the five senses, dear Capricorn. While in recent weeks, issues surrounding joint resources or intimacy may have taken center stage, now it’s time to focus on what’s yours, both in the material sense, as well as on an emotional level. Money opportunities are likely to appear, but it’s up to you to take notice of them. The power dynamic is playing out for you in terms of your core identity. If you feel that you have abandoned some essential part of yourself for the needs of others, now is the time to pour back into your own cup and take brave steps toward self-empowerment.

Jan. 20–Feb. 18

The lunar light is shining on you, dear Aquarius, as this full moon is in your sign, commonly only happening once a year. You may feel extra emotional on or around the full moon, so make sure to give yourself some grace and the space you need to care for yourself. This moon marks the halfway point of your lunar year, which means the next three months will be about harvesting what you have put into motion over the last six months. Squaring with the lunar nodes, Pluto is pushing you to eliminate unconscious patterns detrimental to your overall well-being. Journaling and meditation can be great tools during this time.

Feb. 19–March 20

A full moon in the 12th house marks a deeply psychic and imaginative time, dear Pisces. Recent weeks have likely kept you running from one thing to the next. Now is the time for some extra rest and relaxation and to tend to the garden of your spirit. This full moon also is about endings and closure. Some may be ending a relationship now or clearing out the baggage of an old one. The power dynamic is activating your sector of friendships and future vision. If a friend or associate has been causing a drain on you more than not, it may be time to draw boundaries. For others, this could be about cutting ties with a group with whom you’ve long been associated.

For a more specific outlook, read the forecasts for both your sun and rising signs. If you do not know your rising sign, use this online calculator.

It’s important to remember that astrology forecasts are not meant to be fatalistic. Rather they offer a window into current energetic influences, so we may work with them and help foster a more wise and loving spirit.

Ed. note: This information is composed by St. George News editorial staff for entertainment purposes only.

Copyright St. George News, SaintGeorgeUtah.com LLC, 2023, all rights reserved.

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