Utahns 55-plus reporting dramatic results with this science-backed shake

Promotional image courtesy of HLTH Code, St. George News / Cedar City News
CONTRIBUTED CONTENT — As a nation, there’s no denying that we’re getting sicker and fatter. And according to longtime nutrition executive and the co-founder of a new science-based health and wellness company, Joel Bikman, it may not be your fault.

From the time that the United States government first set dietary guidelines in 1977, the food industry has completely shifted the types of foods they produce, mostly to our overall detriment. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the weight of the average adult American has skyrocketed since that time – a weight increase of nearly 30 pounds.

“For the first time in history, we had a government telling us what to eat,” Bikman said. “And our weight and health have only suffered for it.”

Nutrition needs change as you age

Bikman said things get even murkier when talking about the nutrition needs of aging adults. 

“As you get older, your need for protein actually increases – up to double the amount currently recommended,” he explained. “A landmark study on protein consumption and aging adults recommends consuming between 1.2 and 2 grams of protein per kilogram of ideal body weight per day, and also noted that the majority of aging adults are significantly below those recommended amounts – to their harm.”

Promotional image courtesy of HLTH Code, St. George News / Cedar City News

Bikman notes that many older adults turn to protein drinks to get more protein in a convenient way. He shares that some of the most popular protein shakes – even those recommended by health care professionals – are little better than soda pop.

“One popular brand that people often get at hospitals has 20 grams of added sugar per serving,” he said. “And that’s with very little protein, only about 10 grams. Not near enough for people to retain, let alone build, lean muscle mass.”

Bikman cautions about the plant-based protein trend, which he emphasizes is not based on good science, but clever marketing.

“This isn’t meant to be provocative, but unless you have a real allergy, there are far better options than consuming plant-based protein,” he said. “While there are some interesting advancements on the horizon, you currently get very little nutritional benefit from plant protein due to the anti-nutrients found in many plants and the incomplete amino acid profile.”

The best types of protein, Bikman said, are whey, egg whites and collagen. He emphasizes that those have the highest biological value, offer the most complete essential amino acid profile, and support lean and toned muscle, healthy joints, cartilage and bone health.

The “fat” secret

In fact, Bikman explains that increasing the consumption of healthy fats may be the most important change you can make in supporting metabolic health, brain health and more.

“Our ancestors knew that fats were the most nutrient-dense substances they could eat,” he said. “Natural fats provide you with needed nutrition for your brain and body, they help you feel satisfied, curb your desire for sweets and even help train your body to burn excess body fat.”

Bikman emphasizes that not all fats are created equal. Processed seed oils from soy, corn and canola are particularly harmful, while fats from olives, coconuts, cocoa butter, ghee and more are uniquely beneficial.

“Of the three macronutrients, carbohydrates are the least necessary for the average adult and the most problematic for those struggling with metabolic problems,” he said. “The health and weight challenges we’re seeing today are mostly because of that misguided shift in diet.”

An essential boost to your diet

Even with all of the information that Bikman and others share, people constantly ask what they should do for their health.

“Ideally, we all would have the knowledge, time, discipline and budget to plan, purchase and prepare perfect meals,” Bikman said. “But it simply doesn’t happen; people get busy, they get stressed, and they make unhealthy choices that derail their health goals.”

It became apparent to Bikman that he and his team could be part of the solution to help people achieve their best health more quickly, and especially to assist those who don’t always have the time, knowledge or discipline to eat healthy. In response, Bikman and his co-founding team of metabolic, nutrition and industry experts recently created HLTH Code Complete Meal.

Bikman said these carefully formulated meal shakes are designed to promote healthy weight management, gut health, brain health and even hair, skin and nail health. HLTH Code Complete Meal features an optimized, science-backed blend of protein, collagen, healthy fats, apple cider vinegar, probiotics, fiber, vitamins and minerals – with no added sugar or any artificial ingredients.

“HLTH Code Complete Meal is based on research, not fads,” he added. “An incredible amount of work went into making this nutritionally balanced and optimized, yet we knew that if it didn’t taste good, no one would use them consistently.”

Fueling your active day (the easy way)

“Each HLTH Code Complete Meal shake is packed with optimized amounts of these ingredients to leave you feeling full and energized for hours,” Bikman said. “Yet it’s more convenient and affordable than virtually any meal you could make or buy.”

Bikman said the shakes are quick and easy to make: Just add two scoops of Creamy Vanilla or Chocolate Macadamia Complete Meal Powder to 8 ounces of cold water and shake or blend. For general wellness, he recommends replacing one meal daily. To reset your health or for weight loss, replace up to two meals per day.

Real reviews, real results

Thousands of customers are using HLTH Code every day to look and feel better. Here are just a few of the thousands of five-star reviews:

“I wear a continuous glucose monitor and can see that my blood glucose is steady-eddy, no spikes when I consume this shake,” – Danalee J.

Promotional image courtesy of HLTH Code, St. George News / Cedar City News

“Just what I have been looking for as a well-balanced good-tasting meal replacement. Very quick and easy preparation with no clumping in the shake. This is the first shake that keeps me feeling full and sustained throughout my workday. The price is fair and customer service is outstanding.” – Gerald B.

“So easy to mix and turn into a meal. I put 8 ounces in my bullet blender, two scoops and (ready) in 30 seconds. Tastes great and nutritionally sound. I could just eat these for my meals and be fine.” – Patrick I.

“HLTH Code is definitely the best-tasting protein shake I’ve ever had. It’s like a milkshake, and I like that it’s a meal replacement. It doesn’t have any junk in it and while I would rather eat actual food, this is the best substitute I have found to help me when I’m rushed but want good nutrition. Give this a try!” – Denise B. 

“I’m losing weight. More than 13 pounds in last three weeks. And not hungry. I’m 75 years old.” – Jerry J.

“This product is so good. I love the fact that I get 50% of the vitamins and minerals I need with each serving.” – Sharon L.

“I am pleasantly excited about finding HLTH Code. After trying several different products over the span of 20 years, I am sure I have found my morning protein powder.” – Connie L.

“I’m so glad to have found this product. Two words: it works. I was recently diagnosed and have had to make major changes to my diet. Have this for breakfast everyday, Low glycemic index, calories to keep you full longer. Works well with losing weight and maintaining glucose levels.” – Maria F.

Can HLTH Code help with your health?

Bikman said the best health starts with the right blend of nutrition. Increased energy, feeling more vibrant, a stronger immune system, a clearer mind, improved gut health and an improved appearance are some of the benefits of improving one’s nutrition.

Bikman added that based on the best available studies on human metabolism, along with exercise, HLTH Code Complete Meal helps people improve their health and lose weight without the need to count every calorie.

Your satisfaction is guaranteed

If you’re nervous about trying something new and making changes to your nutrition plan, don’t be. Bikman stands by his HLTH Code Meal Replacement products and is willing to guarantee your satisfaction.

“You have nothing to lose (except maybe some extra pounds) and everything to gain in terms of wellness and confidence,” he said.

Indeed, if you’ve been looking for improved wellness and healthy weight management, then HLTH Code Complete Meal could well be your answer. For exclusive savings on your first order, visit getHLTH.com and enter the discount code SGN at checkout.

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