Letter to the Editor: Judiciary Act would provide needed change to Supreme Court judges

Visitors walk outside the Supreme Court building on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., Feb. 21, 2022. Members of high court (inset) pose for a group photo Oct. 7, 2022 | Associated Press file photos, St. George News

OPINION — Supreme Court decisions impact every facet of American life. Unfortunately, those decisions don’t reflect the will of the people.

Mitch McConnell’s right-wing majority Court gutted voting rights, opened the floodgates to unlimited corporate money in our elections, struck down gun safety laws, overturned student debt relief for millions of Americans and limited the government’s ability to protect our air and water.

Since they overturned Roe v. Wade, abortion has been effectively banned (with extremely limited exceptions) in 14 states. Nearly 1 in 3 Americans have lost access to abortion care.

This can’t go on. We need to move away from these types of extremely partisan rulings and restore the legitimacy of the Supreme Court by passing the Judiciary Act to expand and rebalance the bench.

Congress has changed the size of the Supreme Court seven times already in our nation’s history — and they must do it again to ensure that the justices protect our freedoms, not advance their own radical political agendas.

It’s time for Congress to pass the Judiciary Act.

Written by LAURIE KIMBALL, St. George.

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