‘Helping Patriotism Prevail’ in Washington County classrooms, 5th graders receive Jr. Patriot awards

Jeff McKenna presents to Mrs. Olson’s 5th grade class at Paradise Canyon Elementary School, April 19, 2024. Photo courtesy of Valerie King, Color Country Chapter DAR.

ST. GEORGE — Mrs. Christin Olson’s 5th-grade class was brimming with excitement as students eagerly awaited Jeff McKenna’s visit on April 19 at Paradise Canyon Elementary School. McKenna is the author of the novel Saving Dr. Warren…A True Patriot and founder of Help Patriotism Prevail, a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting patriotism among students using his novel as an educational tool.

In the weeks leading to McKenna’s visit, Mrs. Olson read McKenna’s novel aloud to her class. Following the reading, the students wrote essays reflecting how the story impacted their views on patriotism. These essays were shared with McKenna in advance of his visit. Her students were extremely excited to find out that Jr. Patriot awards would be given to the writers of the top essays during his classroom visit, further heightening their enthusiasm.

Costumes, pizza and prizes were a hit with the students!

Heather Lindsey, Jeff McKenna, and Jerry Olson serving up pizza, drinks, and cookies to Mrs. Olson’s 5th grade class at Paradise Canyon Elementary School, April 19, 2024. Photo courtesy of Valerie King, Color Country Chapter DAR.

McKenna was accompanied by Valerie King, a member of the Color Country Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution. She dressed up as Martha Washington to complement McKenna, who wore colonial attire, including a tricorn hat, reminiscent of the style of clothing worn by Dr. Joseph Warren in his time. Heather Lindsey, Director of the Give Me Liberty educational outreach program from United We Pledge, joined them on this much anticipated visit. The trio arrived carrying pizzas to share with the classroom.

Prepared with numerous questions, many of the students were eager to learn more about their special guest, the reasoning behind the characters he chose for his book, and why it took twenty years to write it. The remaining time was spent revealing the names of the essay winners and present awards. Valerie King, the essay judge, also the sponsor of the awards, helped McKenna with the presentations.

Anticipation filled the air as the names of the winners were revealed.

Jadrien Gonzalez jumped for joy when his name was called as the 1st place winner, earning him a $50 gift card for his efforts. The 2nd place win went to Kaden Thompson, followed by Khallum Manygoats who garnered 3rd place, each receiving $25 gift cards as their prizes. Mrs. Olson also received a $50 card for her time and efforts. This was the first time Jr. Patriot awards were presented to elementary school students in this manner from Help Patriotism Prevail.

Student feedback about McKenna’s visit revealed even more.

Jeff McKenna and Valerie with 1st place winner Jadrien Gonzalez (far left next to McKenna) surrounded by his family members, Paradise Canyon Elementary School, April 19, 2024. Photo courtesy of Valerie King, Color Country Chapter DAR.

Shortly after McKenna’s visit, Mrs. Olson presented feedback from her students. They all expressed positive thoughts about his debut novel, but interest in reading McKenna’s second book topped the list!

  • Jadrien Gonzalez, the top essay winner said, “I loved the way that the author brought us pizza and drinks so we had a great time. I also loved that he talked about his book and the second one that’s coming. “
  • Jordan Castro stated, “I loved the pizza and about how the author is writing a second book. It was nice to meet the author in person.”
  • “My favorite part was when the author told us about the book and the second book. I’m excited to read it and I’m asking my mom to buy it,” wrote Judy Moreno.

These comments and more were very encouraging, reinforcing McKenna’s belief that introducing his novel to 5th-graders was a successful move in expanding his outreach beyond the middle school audience. With this fresh wave of inspiration, McKenna is resolute in finishing the book with the goal of publishing it before the year concludes.

Jr. Patriot Awards were presented to more students at South Mesa Elementary School.

McKenna and King teamed up again, making a second visit to Mrs. Kristie Rindlisbacher’s 5th-grade class on April 20 to present awards to three of her students who wrote outstanding essays about patriotism after reading McKenna’s novel aloud as a classroom project. Their pizza party occurred earlier in the month.

Max Larsen with his first place award accompanied by Jeff McKenna and Valerie King, South Mesa Elementary School, April 20, 2024. Photo courtesy of Valerie King, Color Country Chapter DAR.

The 1st place prize to Max Larsen who received a $50 gift card for penning the best essay of his class. Isaac Herd was named the 2nd place winner, and Daphne Barlow placed 3rd, each receiving a $25 gift card.  Mrs. Rindlisbacher also received a $50 gift card for making this award presentation possible.  Parents of the winners were also in attendance, beaming with pride as their children were being recognized as Junior Patriots by Help Patriotism Prevail.

In a letter written sent to McKenna, Mrs. Rindlisbacher wrote, “Thank you from the bottom of my heart for showing up for the kids and educators.  This moment will forever be remembered as one of the highlights of my teaching career and many of my students’ favorite parts of 5th grade.”

Educators interested in learning more about McKenna’s historical fiction novel and how to receive a free classroom set or to arrange a personal classroom visit, click this link:  https://www.help-patriotism-prevail.com/.  With a 4.8 star rating, it was written for younger readers but being enjoyed by all ages in and outside the classroom. It is offered on amazon.com in paperback, audio, and Kindle.  Use this link to view more about this wonderful novel about patriotism and the many testimonials it has garnered.

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