Women’s health: Pregnancy during the summer months

Stock image courtesy of Family Healthcare, St. George News

CONTRIBUTED CONTENT — As spring storms give way to cloudless, sunny days and a return to warmer temperatures in Southern Utah, it is important to consider seasonal health precautions, especially for pregnant women.

Stock image | Photo by kjekol/iStock/Getty Images Plus, St. George News

When a woman is pregnant, her body temperature is naturally higher than normal. The added heat from long summer days makes staying cool an important need for those carrying a child.

Pregnancy also puts a woman at higher risk for sunburn, dehydration and edema (swelling in the legs and ankles). Studies show that diabetes during pregnancy can contribute to a rise in a woman’s core body temperature. 

Here are some tips expectant women can use to stay cool and comfortable during warmer weather: 

  • Avoid being outdoors in direct sunlight during the hottest times of the day. 
  • Move indoors at the first sign of dizziness and fatigue. 
  • Use a cold, wet cloth on your face and neck to speed cooling. 
  • Access air-conditioned environments when temperatures reach 90 degrees or more. 
  • Hydrate with water and other fluids to prevent dehydration and replace electrolytes. 
  • Swim, float or soak in a pool, lake or tub to bring down body temperature and provide relief from pressure on the sciatic nerve. 
  • Yoga and other gentle exercises where regulated breathing occurs are options to maintain physical and mental health. Regulated breathing also helps with cooling.
  • Wear clothing made of natural, lightweight, breathable fabrics. 
  • Take a short nap or lie down at the end of the workday or during lunch time. 
  • Elevate legs while sleeping.
  • Walk as frequently as possible. 
  • Keep salt and sugar intake to a healthy level to help prevent overheating and swelling. 

While it is important to stay cool during a summer pregnancy, keeping active and healthy overall are also critical to comfort. Seeing a health care provider during all three trimesters of pregnancy is an essential part of the support and monitoring that will result in healthy outcomes.

In Southern Utah, Family Healthcare provides comprehensive prenatal and delivery care, with wraparound services such as dental, counseling and vision care. They also provide access to other support services for mom and baby.

Written by LORI WRIGHT, CEO of Family Healthcare.

Family Healthcare is a registered nonprofit organization providing accessible, high-quality medical, behavioral, dental and vision care to the residents of southwest Utah since 2002. Call 435-986-2565 or visit familyhc.org for more information.

• S P O N S O R E D C O N T E N T • 


  • Family Healthcare | Address: 25 N. 100 East #102, St. George | Telephone: 435-986-2565Website.

Copyright St. George News, SaintGeorgeUtah.com LLC, 2024, all rights reserved.

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