Finding the right physical therapist shouldn’t be scary!

Physical therapist Dr. Amber Majeskie treats a patient | Photo courtesy of Vista Healthcare, St. George News

CONTRIBUTED CONTENT — Some can find it intimidating and overwhelming when it comes to seeking medical attention, even when they’re in pain. However, receiving timely medical attention is critical for understanding the reason for the pain, preventing potential complications and finding the best possible solution for the pain. 

Physical therapist Dr. Amber Majeskie treats a patient | Photo courtesy of Vista Healthcare, St. George News

When you’re experiencing pain, your body is telling you something isn’t right or that it needs something different. Instead of ignoring the pain, putting off seeking treatment for the pain or taking a pill to mask the pain, you should ask yourself “Why?” 

“Why is my back hurting again?” 

“Why does my ankle ache when I walk?” 

“Why am I getting migraines all the time?” 

“Why is my shoulder always in mild pain?” 

Asking “Why?” is a crucial component of maintaining health. This key question helps individuals find the source of pain and most importantly, how to find lasting solutions. 

October is National Physical Therapy Month, highlighting the benefits of receiving physical therapy and appreciating the hard work and the contributions to healing that physical therapists offer each day. 

Lasting pain relief is just one benefit that Southern Utah residents experience with the team of physical therapists at Vista Healthcare. Physical therapy can help maintain or improve your overall health and quality of life.

The top 5 benefits that Vista’s physical therapy patients can experience 

  • Pain relief. Physical therapy can help individuals manage and reduce chronic pain. Individuals from all walks of life can enjoy relief from arthritis, joint problems or other age-related conditions. Therapists use various techniques, such as manual therapy, exercises, heat therapy and regenerative treatments, to alleviate pain. 
  • Improved mobility and function. Aging can lead to reduced mobility and limited daily function. Physical therapists work to improve range of motion, balance and strength, allowing individuals to move more comfortably and independently. Physical therapists can create custom-tailored programs to improve balance, coordination and stability, reducing the risk of injury due to falls. 
  • Rehabilitation before and after surgery. Physical therapy isn’t only used post-surgery. Some patients need to do physical therapy before and after surgeries. Utilizing physical therapy before a knee replacement or back surgery can help patients reduce complications post-surgery. Vista’s sports therapy can also help athletes return to their respective sports more quickly and safely.
  • Enhanced social interactions and quality of life. By addressing physical limitations and pain, physical therapy helps St. George residents remain active, engaged and independent, leading to an improved overall quality of life. Without unnecessary pain, individuals are able to enjoy walking their pets, playing with grandchildren and children and spending more time with their loved ones. 
  • Decreased health care costs. By improving physical health and reducing the risk of complications or hospitalization, physical therapy can lead to cost savings in the long run. 

During Physical Therapy Awareness Month, remember the wide range of benefits of improving mobility, function and reducing pain. 

Physical therapy isn’t just used for pain relief, however. Did you know that physical therapy can play a crucial role in helping athletes? 

Athletes of all levels can prevent injuries, recover from injuries and enhance their performance by utilizing physical therapy. The Sports Spine and Injury Center at Vista Healthcare is equipped to help athletes at all levels. 

Even professional athletes routinely work with physical therapists to assess their movement patterns, identify areas of potential weakness and improve imbalances. Strengthening weak muscles and improving muscular imbalances can help athletes perform at their best and reduce the risk of overuse injuries. 

Physical therapist Dr. Amber Majeskie treats a patient | Photo courtesy of Vista Healthcare, St. George News

Another benefit of physical therapy is maintaining and improving flexibility. By increasing the joint’s range of motion, an athlete can improve their performance. 

Physical therapists can educate athletes about proper warmup and cooldown routines, injury prevention techniques and strategies to maintain overall health and wellness. Sport-specific physical therapy programs can help enhance an athlete’s strength, agility, speed and endurance, tailoring the program to the demands of their particular sport. 

Nevertheless, physical therapy won’t prevent all injuries. When athletes sustain injuries, physical therapists can help them recover and regain their performance. This can also include post-surgical rehabilitation, where therapists guide athletes through exercises and treatments to promote healing and restore function. 

After an injury, physical therapists evaluate an athlete’s readiness to return to their sport safely. They consider factors like strength, flexibility and functional abilities to determine when it’s safe to start playing sports again. 

Whether you’re a professional athlete or simply enjoy recreational sports, consulting with a physical therapist can be beneficial for improving your athletic performance and overall well-being. 

During October, Vista Healthcare is celebrating Physical Therapy Awareness Month by encouraging everyone to have open discussions about pain relief. Encouraging open communication about pain and addressing any barriers to seeking medical care can help individuals make informed decisions about their health and well-being. 

Vista Healthcare is the leading pain relief provider in Utah. Same-day appointments are generally available so that patients can find relief when they need it most. Visit the Vista Healthcare Physical Therapy & Chiro website to learn more. 

• S P O N S O R E D  C O N T E N T • 


  • Vista Healthcare | Address: 2891 E. Mall Drive, St. George | Telephone: 435-215-0257 | Website.

Copyright St. George News, LLC, 2023, all rights reserved.

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