Gov. Cox declares July 2 day of prayer, thanks for record snowfall in Utah

Local residents from multiple faith communities gathered in the St. George Tabernacle to join in prayers for peace, blessings and unity in 2022, St. George, Utah, Jan. 1, 2022 | Photo by Ammon Teare, St. George News

ST. GEORGE — Gov. Spencer Cox has declared Sunday, July 2, as a day of prayer and thanksgiving in Utah. He’s asking faith leaders and all Utahns throughout the state to join in offering prayers of thanks after a year of record-breaking snowfall.

Gov. Spencer Cox speaks to attendees at the interfaith community prayer gathering in Main Street Park, Cedar City, Utah, Sept. 23, 2021 | Photo by Jeff Richards, St. George News / Cedar City News

Utah has suffered from historic drought conditions and experienced exceptionally low soil moisture and reservoir storage. Parts of the state have experienced drought conditions nearly every year since 2000, with “extreme” and “exceptional” drought conditions statewide during 2021 and 2022.

“I believe prayer can be a powerful tool,” Gov. Cox said in a news release. “There is real power in people of all different faiths and backgrounds uniting together and pleading for help from a higher authority than our own. I also believe that people who pray for water will conserve water, and we need to continue to conserve.”

For the past two years and again Thursday, Gov. Cox has asked Utahns to unite in prayer to plead for divine help.

Utahns not only expressed faith and hope through prayer, but did their part to conserve tens of billions of gallons of water. Utah’s 2022-23 winter snowfall was record-breaking. Most of the state’s reservoirs are full, the Great Salt Lake has risen five-and-a-half feet and Lake Powell is up more than 60 feet, according to the news release.

To show gratitude for the water-filled year, Gov. Cox is asking once again that Utahns unite in prayer — only this time, to say prayers of gratitude.

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