Candidates for 2 St. George City Council seats share qualifications, vision for the city

The St. George City Council chambers at City Hall, St. George, Utah, Dec. 16, 2020 | Photo by David Dudley, St. George News

ST. GEORGE — There are more than 10 candidates for two St. George City Council seats. As with any broad field of candidates, there’s a breadth of experience levels, ideas and values. St. George News posed three questions to each of these candidates to get a feel for who they are and how they’d lead the city of St. George.

Gregory Aldred

Why do you think you’re the right candidate for the job?

I’ve been married to Carol for 37yrs. and she’s the best! We’ve raised five daughters here in St. George. My daughters have blessed me with many grandkids that’s what inspires me to run. I’m a Rotarian and have served as a President for Red Rock Rotary. Our club supports over 14 scholarships with an emphasis on our youth. All our charitable contributions are raised by private donations and not tax dollars.

Our Rotary motto is: “Service above self.” I’ve served as a President for the Dixie Sunshiners. We are the ambassadors for the Chamber of Commerce. I know the importance of supporting small businesses and sometimes they are restricted to succeed. I was selected back in 1998 as the Rocky Mt. National Coach and have worked with youth from every ethnic group. I’ve witnessed hard work, dedication and commitment in these athletes without racism. I’m not a politician but I can make the tough decisions that are needed now.

What are the most pressing issues that you hope to help address?

Photo of Greg Aldred, location and date unspecified | Courtesy of Greg Aldred, for St. George News

To find solutions so our service industry can afford to live here. This includes our emergency service workers, teachers and medical staff. I’m seeing a shortage in our workforce due to high living costs. If we loose our service providers we will definitely have problems. I have some ideas to address this issue. I’ll work with developers and the planning commission to find solutions so all can live here and prosper. I’ll work to protect our resources and make recommendations to help with traffic.

Growth is a big issue and we need more infrastructures with good paying jobs. I’m not against growth but at over 18% come many challenges. Growth brings crime, that’s why I support and back the Blue. I’ll work hard to keep good relations with our citizens and police. I’ll fight to protect our Dixie heritage and stand up against those who try to bring hate into our community. Your tax dollars are sacred to me and I’ll be a watchdog on how they’re spent.

What’s your vision for St. George as the area continues to grow?

My vision right now is to protect our power grid from cyber attacks. To not put all our eggs in one basket. We must supply our citizens with utilities, water, and emergency services. Government works best when limited and is closer to the people. I believe that local Government duties are to serve its citizens and protect their rights.

As your City Councilmen I’ll do all I can to protect your rights for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It is not Governments job to tell you how to live or dictate to its citizens what they can and can’t do. Governments duty is to protect its law abiding citizens. Let the future come from the inventors of technology and the entrepreneur spirit! Respect your neighbors and encourage our youth. There are some exciting things coming and I’m positive they bring hope!

Victoria Bush

Why do you think you’re the right candidate for the job?

I have a fierce love for this city and its heritage. I believe in our ability as a community to overcome any challenge if we stay unified. I can provide representation to a large demographic of our community that is underrepresented in local politics. I want to help our community move into the future while honoring our past and staying united as neighbors.

What are the most pressing issues that you hope to help address?

We have let opposite opinions and charged topics divide us as a community. My biggest concern is that we will not come back together and that we will forget that this is OUR city. If we do not work to build it together, it cannot stand.

What’s your vision for St. George as the area continues to grow?

I envision a city that honors our heritage by continuing to be pioneers. As St. George grows, I look forward to a city that more fully meets the needs of our community. We will be able to stay here for school, work, medical needs, and entertainment. We will be able to create a beautiful, safe, strong, and versatile community that will support our aging parents, engage our children, protect our lands and allow us to pursue our dreams here in the shadows of the red cliffs.

Vardell Curtis

Councilman Vardell Curtis, location and date unspecified | Courtesy of Vardell Curtis, for St. George News

Why do you think you’re the right candidate for the job?

I think my past service in our community has prepared me for this opportunity to serve. I have served in positions of leadership with the St. George Regional Hospital, the St. George Area Chamber of Commerce, the Dixie Sunrise Rotary Club, United Way Dixie, Leadership Dixie and with the Washington County Habitat Conservation Advisory Committee to name just a few.

I also served for a period of time on the Planning and Zoning Commission prior to being appointed to serve on the St. George City Council. All of these experiences contribute to my qualifications as being the “right candidate for the job.”

What are the most pressing issues that you hope to help address?

Water – Continued development of additional water resources as well as increased conservation and secondary water treatment.

Public Safety – Police Officers and Fire Department Personnel are adequately staffed and trained with needed resources provided.

Attainable Housing – The American Dream is just that, a “Dream” for many people. We can and must do better.

Infrastructure – All of our services, from streets to sewers and from power to parks, are aging in place and must continually be evaluated and repaired or improved and expanded as needed.

Transportation – AKA traffic, has been and will continue to be a “quality of life” issue. A coordinated effort between UDOT as well as neighboring communities must continue. The Northern Corridor will be an important part of that discussion.

What’s your vision for St. George as the area continues to grow?

My vision is for us to maintain all of the “reasons” that attracted many of us here to begin with. By focusing on protecting the natural beauty of our community while still providing economic opportunities for business development, St. George City will continue to be a great place to live and raise our families.

Rick Erickson

Rick Erickson, location and date unspecified | Courtesy of Rick Erickson, for St. George News

Why do you think you’re the right candidate for the job?

With the unprecedented challenges facing our community today, it’s never been more critical to have decisive leadership to meet them. I think I’m the right candidate for the City Council because first and foremost, I’m not a politician, I’m a public servant. I believe my highest responsibility outside of being a husband and father is that of a public servant. Inherent within that title is the duty to give ones all in service to the people of St. George.

To work with my whole heart and soul
for them in that period of time a City Councilperson is elected to serve. I think I’m the right candidate for the job because I’m not beholden to special interests or individuals. That
independence will allow me to represent the all of our citizens not just corporations, groups, industries or particular individuals. I’m think I’m the best candidate for the job because my roots in the red dirt of Dixie run deep.

Five preceding generations of my family lie beneath it, and I owe a duty to them and to my children to do all I can to leave St. George a better place for my having lived here.

What are the most pressing issues that you hope to help address?

The most pressing issues facing St. George are: 1. Transportation and Public Safety. 2. The challenges of growth. 3. Planning and Development. 4. Preservation of our rich heritage. Each of these issues is no less important than the rest. With skyrocketing growth, the strain on our critical infrastructure and necessity for more water to meet the demand, important decisions must be made. With the increase in population, traffic and public safety issues increase exponentially along with it.

Making sure that our roads can accommodate the influx adequately without causing greater traffic congestion. To ensure that the incredible men and women of the St. George Police Department are provided with the resources to meet the challenges that come with growth, and continue to be proactive in our community.

With political correctness, a “woke” ideology and cancel culture undermining the fabric of what makes this nation and community great, the need to stand up for the heritage that has been left to us has also never been more important. I will fight to preserve our unique local heritage and protect Dixie and what it means to Southern Utah.

What’s your vision for St. George as the area continues to grow?

We live in one of the most beautiful places on earth. A community of good people who make St. George a special place that’s the envy of many metropolitan areas. While many communities in the nation are experiencing a decrease in population, St. George is a place people come to put down their roots.

My vision for the future of St. George as we continue to experience this historic growth, is to make sure that we are carefully planning and preparing for it.

Issues such as roads, affordable housing and infrastructure will continue to loom large on the horizon. There’s a careful balance that must be maintained between the competing needs of growth and preserving what makes this place so unique. Lean too much to either extreme, and the results can affect our area for generations to come.

We must also have new sources of water to accommodate the influx such as the Lake Powell Pipeline, as well as water conservation efforts and careful planning and development. We must also make sure that infrastructure is in place to meet that growth, rather than playing a game of catch-up after the developments are in place.

Together with developers, builders, realtors, State and local officials as well as each and every citizen, we can ensure that the future of St. George will be one all of us can be proud of.

Katheryne Novick

Kay Focus, location and date unspecified | Courtesy of Kay Focus, for St. George News

Why do you think you’re the right candidate for the job?

Truthfully, I don’t know if I’m the best candidate, yet. If I am elected, this would be my first time ever holding a position of this status. There is a first time for everything. That being said, I know I have the dedication and spirit to do what it takes to be the best at this job.

This time before the election isn’t about making promises I can’t keep but letting everyone know that if they do elect me, among everyone else in the council, I will work as hard as I can to better the community. In order to be the best, I need the chance given to me.

This is me chasing and taking that chance to show everyone how much I care for and love St. George. I can only say, at least for now, that if I am elected, there are no limitations to what I can and am willing to do for everyone who makes this place home.

What are the most pressing issues that you hope to help address?

Recently while talking to a few members here in town, some of the more common topics brought up are finances and resources going into the development in the area, concerns about housing, talk about fixing water/electrical problems in relation to the drought/excessive heat and all around recovery from the impact of Covid-19.

These are all important issues that effect St. George on a grand scale. While I am headed to City Council to help address these concerns, during my run, I will be focusing my energy on, brainstorming, and coming up with practical and long term solutions to help turn these issues around or at least bring to the table to further expand on.

What’s your vision for St. George as the area continues to grow?

Ideally, I want to see St. George be a place where as we continue to grow, we welcome people with open arms and accommodate to everyone, especially those who have spent their whole lives here. While I have lived here, I have fallen and gotten back up. It was because of the people in St. George that it was even possible. I’m raising my daughter here because of all the places I’ve lived, this is by far the best.

St. George to me is about love and growth. This place is about family. We are here to take care of each other and help one another so that nobody gets left behind no matter who you are or where you come from. We are about moving forward. The people of St. George make this place worth living and worth wanting to make it be a stronger, connected and better place everyday. As long as we recognize this as a community, we will be able to continue this and more for years to come.

Natalie Larsen

Natalie Larsen, location and date unspecified | Courtesy of Natalie Larsen, for St. George News

Why do you think you’re the right candidate for the job?

I am a native of Southern Utah and have been a resident of St. George for over 50 years. During that time, I have had the opportunity to witness tremendous growth and have taken an active role in the community.

I am a small business owner and have been a member of various local boards and committees including: The St. George City Planning Commission, Dixie Jr. Livestock Show, Washington County Conservancy Water District Community Integrated Resource Planning Advisory Committee, Washington County School District School Boundary Alignment Committee, The Utah State School Land Trustlands Committee for DHHS and St George City Master Plan Steering Committee.

I am the right person for a position on the St. George City Council because of experiences, such as serving on the boards listed above, which have given me perspective about the needs of the area and the skills to listen, learn and positively impact our community.

It is critical we address water conservation, traffic planning, remaining fiscally competent, and work towards less regulation for small businesses. Future decisions must build on the foundation that has made St. George a desirable place to do business and keep this community a wonderful place to live, work, and play.

What are the most pressing issues that you hope to help address?

My top priorities while in office are as follows: Water Management and Conservation. Roadways and Traffic Planning. Affordable Housing. Support Police and Fire Departments. Creating Opportunities for Small Businesses to Thrive.

What’s your vision for St. George as the area continues to grow?

The history and heritage of this community was influential in raising my family. My earliest memories of St. George included sitting in the Dixie Sun Bowl. I would look up at the “Dixie” on the hill and feel connected to my community. I treasure this community, its values and history. This community connectedness is what I hope to have all residents experience.

As St. George continues to develop, traffic planning is a concern of mine. We need to create better connections North/South and East/West across I-15 to the Little Valley area to relieve pressure off River Road and 3000 East. I support the completion of Gap Canyon Parkway to alleviate traffic in the western portion of St. George. As city government officials, we need to create roadways that connect subdivisions between neighborhoods to keep a sense of community.

My other concern is the loss of small-town character and the arts. We need to create areas for neighborhoods to gather for recreational leisure and have access to shopping near their homes. It is vital we keep open spaces. The terrain here is remarkable and there is so much of our landscape, mesas and skyline we need to preserve.

Carolyn McDonald

Carolyn McDonald, location and date unspecified | Courtesy of Carolyn McDonald, for St. George News

Why do you think you’re the right candidate for the job?

I think I am a good candidate for St.George City Council because I want to represent people who are not ordinarily heard from in policy-making. I have worked with medically underserved people and those with insecure housing. I understand how public services fall short for those without adequate transportation and access to power.

I have been that school kid with the unpronounceable last name, the kid whose aunties, uncles and cousins live far away. I know how it feels to be on the outside, and I want to speak for marginalized folks in St. George.

I am mature enough to have perspective on how decisions we make now will impact the lives of people in the future, long after we’re gone. Although I’m nearly 70 years old, I bring a “growth mindset” to governing the city. This means that instead of proving how great we have been, we can always be learning how to be better and do better. We can use creativity and courage to identify best practices, to consult with futurists, and to not only stand on our pioneer legacy, but live up to that heritage by breaking hard ground on the challenges of our own day.

What are the most pressing issues that you hope to help address?

Water is first and foremost the most pressing issue. The success of every conceivable venture depends on having safe, reliable, adequate water. Utah ranks in the top states for gallons of domestic water use per capita. ( We can learn best practices from desert communities around the world. With little expense we can launch vigorous informational and motivational campaigns to encourage and incentivize care of this precious, scarce resource.

We need to enhance our transportation systems. Alternatives to single-passenger cars will go along way to preserve our air quality and increase smooth travel around the city. Accessible and more frequent public transport is vital for workers and students. We can organize incentives for bicycle commuting and carpooling.

We can make a win-win-win plan for business, developers, and citizens to create attainable housing that is integrated into a broad array of neighborhoods, while still keeping wild places within reach. A more moderate pace of growth than we have now will allow infrastructure expansion to keep up . Tech and clean industry will be attracted here and we should select those that pay well, so hard-working folks can afford decent housing and child care.

What’s your vision for St. George as the area continues to grow?

I envision a future St. George that treasures all her resources, beginning with her people, who need water, pure air, decent pay for work and clean, reliable transportation and affordable professional child care. In this future city there is moderately-paced growth of infrastructure in tandem with industries that pay well. People can travel by bus, bike or carpool to work, school and caregivers. Traffic is bearable, pollution minimal.

In this future city, we protect our legacy of pristine water, wild places, and opportunities to prosper from our labor. To make this vision real we need leaders focused on these priorities: 1) Search and establish best practices, private and public, for thriving in a desert environment; 2) Enhance transportation to accommodate workers and students and respects neighborhood environments; 3) Make plan for business, developers, and citizens to create attainable housing.

I have the will to work for the underserved, the imagination to try new solutions, and trust in all of us to be better stewards of the unique natural beauty that is our heritage. Most of all, I’m committed to stop calling each other out over trivial differences and start calling people in to work together.

Bryan Smethurst

Councilman Bryan Smethurst, location and date unspecified | Courtesy of Bryan Smethurst, for St. George News

Why do you think you’re the right candidate for the job?

I have been serving on the council for almost two years. I was appointed to fill the remaining term of my father, Joe Bowcutt, after his passing. I have experience and I’ve worked very hard for the citizens of our city.

I will continue to work hard supporting our police and firefighters. This past year not knowing what was going to happen with COVID, we cut the budget way back in all departments. With that being said our first responders went without new hires and equipment. I worked with the police and fire chief this year to make up as much as we could, making sure we have the quality of life we’ve all enjoyed, preserving our heritage, history and the Dixie Spirit.

I have spent most of my life serving our country and now I want to continue serving the residents of the City of St. George. I will continue to be responsive to everyone and help them with their needs and issues with the city.

What are the most pressing issues that you hope to help address?

Water is a great concern for everyone and we need to conserve water while working on another water source for future generations. We are working to put in two more reservoirs. One to store the reuse water that mostly going back into the Virgen River now. I support the Lake Powell Pipeline and still working to get it here.

After serving 36 years in the military, I’m passionate about helping other veterans with resources to help them with issues that they struggle with day to day, as well as our homeless population, many of whom are veterans. I am also passionate about our first responders. I want them to have the personnel, training, and equipment they need to keep them and our citizens safe. I want to continue to protect our history and heritage and will fight to protect all things Dixie the city owns and controls.

What’s your vision for St. George as the area continues to grow?

I want to preserve our downtown historical sites and help tell the story of our history and heritage through some of these sites. I want to try and keep our small town feeling while growing at a responsible rate. With well over 30% of our economy being tied to construction. Everything from building materials inside and out, new appliances, landscape. All our buildings, not just homes.

We need to make sure we don’t take away from their livelihoods. We need to keep this in mind as some push for no growth. We have to make sure we have water for future growth and grow responsibly. It can be done and I want to continue to help make those decisions.

Michelle Tanner

Michelle Tanner, location and date unspecified | Courtesy of Michelle Tanner, for St. George News

Why do you think you’re the right candidate for the job?

We need to be electing public servants and not politicians. I’m not part of the establishment and I’m in no one’s back pocket. I represent and serve THE PEOPLE and kneel to no one but the Almighty God. Being a medical professional and publicly speaking out against the mainstream narrative this past year, I’ve proven that I have no problem placing principle over popularity.

I understand the proper role of government and will speak and fight boldly for inalienable rights, individual liberty, and constitutional government. Being a small business owner, Board Certified Family Nurse Practitioner, and working in Emergency Medicine for the past decade, I have gained a broad perspective on the importance of individual autonomy and proper community representation. I don’t play nice with tyranny and I’m not afraid to be unpopular if it means standing for truth and liberty. We are all tired of politicians who just say what people want to hear.

What are the most pressing issues that you hope to help address?

What we have witnessed from our federal government all the way down to the state and local level this past year has been nothing short of disheartening and disturbing. We have seen how quickly people are willing to give up essential liberty under the guise of public safety. Our founders along with many others have sacrificed their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor for our individual liberty and I take this very seriously.

What we witnessed from most leaders this past year is SILENCE. Silence in the face of tyranny is dangerous. My top priority would be to assemble a team of constitutional experts who will examine every executive order or usurpation of power that comes our way and if it’s unconstitutional we are NOT ENFORCING IT IN OUR CITY. We have certainly not seen the end of unconstitutional mandates and if we don’t have local leaders in place ready to take these issues head on, we are in trouble. Our hope and most important decisions are made at the local level. Now, more than ever we must be engaged as citizens.

What’s your vision for St. George as the area continues to grow?

I grew up in St. George and I’m raising my kids in St. George because we truly live in the greatest city in the greatest Nation in the world. My hope is to keep the Dixie spirit alive which embraces hard work, personal responsibility, and a culture of strong family values. Meanwhile cancel culture is raging and evil is being called good and good evil.

As our city grows we must support our law enforcement in protecting our lives, liberty, and property. The fact that criminals (for example a grown man who physically assaulted a 12 year old girl) who would normally go to jail are being given only citations due to apparent issues of our jail capacity. This is unacceptable. If our law enforcement need more resources we need to give it to them and support them.

We need to continue to ensure we have the infrastructure to keep up with the growth and work on solutions such as new roadways to alleviate traffic congestion. We also have areas that desperately need sidewalks as it is extremely unsafe for children. We need to take personal responsibility for our water consumption and look for solutions that are fiscally conservative.

Kent Winder

Kent Winder, location and date unspecified | Courtesy of Kent Winder, for St. George News

Why do you think you’re the right candidate for the job?

I love St. George and am passionate about our town and its people. Our city faces challenging issues, and my experience puts me in a unique position to help the city move forward. If elected I would be the only member of the city council to live west of Bluff Street bringing representation to the western part of our city.

I bring a wealth of experience as Vice President of Winder Farms for 43 years prior to retiring and service as a term on the Taylorsville City Council. Water issues are critical to St. George and I was elected as Granger-Hunter Improvement District Board Chair (water and sewer district in West Valley City) and was appointed by Governor Herbert to the Board of Jordan Valley Water Conservancy District (Largest in the State of Utah).

As a businessman, I served on the ChamberWest Chamber of Commerce board, the Pioneer Valley Hospital board, and the Granite School District Business Education Advisory board. Since retirement I’ve enjoyed working with the young people in our area as a substitute teacher at Dixie, Pineview, Crimson Cliffs, Desert Hills, Snow Canyon High Schools.

What are the most pressing issues that you hope to help address?

Managing growth. St. George has been one of the best kept secrets, and the word is out. Property, resources, and infrastructure are limited and that might require slowing the growth to a more sensible pace. As a leader in the incorporation effort for Taylorsville City, and a member of its first city council, I’ve had first-hand experience dealing with such issues.

Water supply. We have limited natural resources and so we must develop wise water use strategies. Having served for many years on various municipal water and sewer boards, I’m eager to apply my experience to this challenge.

Traffic. It’s crucial that our infrastructure keeps traffic moving smoothly which means that we have to take a close look at areas of congestion and find solutions for relief. Again, my experience as a city councilman has prepared me to take this on.

Budget. Being fiscally conservative, I’m prepared to ask the tough questions like, “Do we really need that?” As a business owner, I’ve had to manage budgets, meet a payroll, and make the hard decisions of having to wait and save up for needed purchases.

What’s your vision for St. George as the area continues to grow?

My vision is to keep the quality of life for St. George residents. This means a city that maintains its heritage and charm and continues to offer open spaces and trails while also being a good steward of the environment. I hope to contribute to this vision with the points mentioned above along with other important issues which I stand for including faith and family (7 children & 16 grandchildren), and individual rights of person and property.

I’m against changing the name of Dixie! My great-great grandfather was sent by Brigham Young to “Dixie” on a cotton mission to help settle the area.

Not defunding the police! My wife’s late husband was in law enforcement for over 30 years and his son is a sheriff. My cousin Jim Winder was Salt Lake County Sheriff and says that law enforcement needs more funds not less to help train and hire good people.

I stand for being accessible to all my constituents. I make my cell phone, home address and email address available to all. I can’t be everything to everyone, and we may not always agree, but I will always have an “open door” to hear your concerns.

Ron Woodbury

Ron Woodbury, location and date unspecified | Courtesy of Ron Woodbury, for St. George News

Why do you think you’re the right candidate for the job?

I am already listening to our residents, and I will make decisions that are in their best interest. Our research data indicates there is a growing gap between the wishes of St. George residents and the actions of local government. I will challenge the status quo to get us back in line with what our citizens want and need; not what a few politicians, special interests, and developer’s desire.

My professional leadership and facilitator roles allow me to bring groups with differing opinions and perspectives together to form a consensus. That said, there are a couple places where I draw a line in the sand.

First, I will not compromise our freedoms and liberties set forth by God and our Founding Fathers. The anti-American sentiment and cancel-culture are not welcome in St. George.

Second, I will not compromise the public safety and quality of life in our city. As the current Chairman of the St. George Arts Commission and owner of a company specializing in nonprofit consulting, I believe I have proven my tireless support the arts and nonprofit organizations in our city.

What are the most pressing issues that you hope to help address?

My commitment to listening to our residents drive three top issues, which are based on real data from our surveys, (5,000+ survey answers to date). The top three issues for our citizens are 1) Managed/smart growth; 2) Water/power resources; 3) Quality of life. In our most recent survey, in a ranking of ten items, these three combined for over 89% of the top responses.

Managing our growth and resources must be addressed immediately. Regional cities and power/water delivery organizations must gather together and determine the real (not hopeful) growth rate we can sustain without creating resource emergencies. We are in a natural climate cycle that may have us in drought conditions for many years, not just a couple years, so we must be smarter, and we must be honest with those moving here.

I welcome everyone who wants to move to St. George, but I believe it is unethical to lure them to a future ghost town. Growing smarter isn’t just about new homes, it’s also about prioritizing local and organic business growth over the push to get out-of-state-businesses to move to our area. We don’t need Silicon Valley’s leftist culture invading Tech-Ridge.

What’s your vision for St. George as the area continues to grow?

My ancestors arrived here in 1861 to build a new life, create opportunity, and provide a future for their children. I envision a St. George where our children and their children have the same opportunities my family has had for sixteen decades. I’m proud of my heritage, and I cannot think of a better place to raise my family.

We can keep our small-town feel and heritage, and still welcome anyone with aspirations to live in our wonderful town. We should grow smarter, not with regulations, but with common sense, transparency, and facts. If we fail to be smart about our growth, we may be faced with draconian measures, like delaying new developments. I don’t think anyone wants to handcuff our city with these types of last-resort measures, but it’s already happening in northern Utah.

As we grow, we need to make sure we are not creating needless bureaucracies. I am an advocate for limited government regulations. Many of our new residents are fleeing over-regulated and over-taxed communities that are mirroring third-world nations. I will fight to make sure those leftist policies are not introduced into our city.

Notes: There were two other candidates that filed for the election. Bryce Warning didn’t respond to interview requests. Matthew Heaton told St. George News that he dropped out of the race due to a family emergency. A correction was made to one candidate’s name, that was spelled wrong.

For all of St. George News’ coverage of 2021 municipal elections, click here.

Copyright St. George News, LLC, 2021, all rights reserved.

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