St. George Art Festival’s Art Attack, racing for treasured paintings

ST. GEORGE —Town Square filled with life as the second day of the St. George Art Festival started off with the Art Attack Fun Run.

Man runs with Stroller in the Art Attack fun run in St. George, Utah, April 8, 2023 | Photo by Layce Lundy, St. George News

At 9 a.m. over 100 racers of all ages lined up on North Main Street near town square ready to run or walk the course.

The race was a one-mile loop that started and finished in the same spot. Racers would run down Tabernacle Street until they reached the roundabout at 400 E Street, then turn around and head back to the finish line.

Each runner received a participation medal and a pair of Art Attack socks.

Bob Ross trophies were given to the top three places in mens, womens, girls and boys categories.

Kids at the Art Attack Fun Run in St. George, Utah, April 8, 2023 | Photo by Layce Lundy, St. George News

In the men’s category Gideon Stahl came in first place with Derek Child in second and Hyrum Child in third.

The women’s section winners were Mya Taylor in first, Katherine Allred in second and Kinsley Beck in third.

In the youth division the boy’s winners were Jackson Payne, then Triston Davis and Isaac Child.

The girls winners were Sutton Patrick, then Evie Stahl then Callie Robinson.

After the race the Southern Utah Art Guild did a raffle giveaway with 24 pieces of art for the participants.

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Copyright St. George News, LLC, 2023, all rights reserved.

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