Help Findlay Subaru ‘Fill the Bus’ with school supplies: Make a donation, get free Handel’s ice cream

CONTRIBUTED CONTENT — Southern Utah, it’s time to Fill the Bus! Findlay Subaru St. George has once again partnered with Handel’s Homemade Ice Cream and Canyon Media’s local radio stations to gather school supplies for kids in need while also giving away gallons of delicious, fresh-churned ice cream.

Canyon Media radio hosts collect donations for Fill the Bus at Handel’s, St. George, Utah, Aug. 12, 2024 | Photo courtesy of Findlay Subaru St. George, St. George News

With the help of generous donations from the community, Findlay Subaru aims to fill a big yellow school bus to the brim with classroom essentials that at-risk students might not have access to otherwise. All donated items will go directly to the Washington County School District Foundation.

“If you’re able to donate, please do,” Findlay Subaru general manager Curtis Whitehead said. “Even the smallest item, like a $5 package of pencils or paper, will go a long way.”

Join the party at Handel’s, located at 291 N. Bluff St. in St. George, on Saturday, Aug. 3, and Saturday, Aug. 10, from 1-5 p.m. Findlay Subaru’s big yellow school bus will be on hand to collect donations, and anyone who donates one or more items will receive a free scoop.

Canyon Media’s radio stations will broadcast live during both events, giving participants two chances to win free Handel’s ice cream for a year or a $50 gift card. Handel’s is also hosting two raffles for local teachers with valid ID to win an ice cream party for their classrooms.

“It’s a good thing. It’s a way that we can say thanks to the community and our supporters as well,” said Ryan Yardley, owner of Handel’s St. George location. “We like to give back, and what a great cause!”

Canyon Media radio hosts collect donations for Fill the Bus at Handel’s, St. George, Utah, Aug. 12, 2024 | Photo courtesy of Findlay Subaru St. George, St. George News

Donations of basic school supplies, such as backpacks, notebooks, calculators, crayons, pencils, colored pencils, markers and pens, will be accepted along with gift cards to retailers like Walmart and Target. With thousands of local families struggling to make ends meet, these essential items will help at-risk students get their school year started on the right foot.

Fill the Bus also supports the Counselor’s Closet program, in which the Washington County School District Foundation collects basic necessities that students might need to help them get through the day and provides them to school counselors to distribute as necessary. This includes hygiene products, clothes, underwear, socks and shoes, plus individually packaged food products (applesauce pouches, crackers, fruit snacks, granola bars, etc.) for a quick and easy snack.

‘Fill the Bus’ with school supplies at Findlay Subaru, St. George, Utah, July 22, 2022 | Photo by Aaron Crane, St. George News

Can’t make it to Handel’s? The bus will remain at Findlay Subaru, located at 1453 Sunland Drive in St. George, through Aug. 31. Donations will be accepted Monday-Saturday from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.

According to the Washington County School District, over 700 students are currently experiencing housing insecurity. Homeless students may be sharing temporary accommodations with friends and relatives or living in motels, shelters, campgrounds and even cars. Additionally, more than 40% of the district’s total student body qualifies for free or reduced-price school meals based on their household income.

“Back-to-school is an expensive time as parents are trying to provide their kids with clothes, school supplies and things they need,” said Diane Tyler, administrative secretary for the Washington County School District Foundation. “This helps out families so much in not having to worry about that when they’re struggling just to keep a roof over their heads. We have such a generous community here in Southern Utah.”

Written by ALEXA MORGAN for St. George News.

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  • Findlay Subaru St. George | Address: 1453 Sunland Drive, St. George | Telephone: 435-705-7470 | Website.

Copyright St. George News, LLC, 2024, all rights reserved.

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