Man allegedly sexually assaults 2 girls at St. George park after forcing them into bathroom

This 2022 stock image, for illustrative purposes only, shows several St. George Police patrol vehicles at an incident in St. George, Utah, Feb. 13, 2022 | Photo by Cody Blowers, St. George News

ST. GEORGE — A 20-year-old accused of sexually assaulting two minors in a park bathroom faces rape and kidnapping charges.

The man, Nicholas Palazzo, has been charged with five first-degree felony charges including two counts each of rape and aggravated kidnapping and one count of forcible sodomy. He also faces two second-degree felony counts of forcible sexual abuse and six misdemeanor charges that include two counts of furnishing alcohol to a minor, possession of marijuana paraphernalia, drinking in a public park, unlawful minor consuming alcohol and public intoxication.

The charges stem from an incident reported Wednesday evening when officers were dispatched to J.C. Snow Park, located at 900 South and 400 East in St. George, on what was initially reported as lewdness. 

The 911 caller reported seeing a man in his 20s with two teenage girls in the men’s restroom engaged in sexual activity. The trio was last seen running by a nearby high school, according to the affidavit filed in support of the arrest.  

Officers arrived to find a man matching the description of the suspect walking back toward the park. Identified as Palazzo, he appeared to be sweating and having difficulty maintaining his balance. 

J.C. Snow Park at 900 South and 400 East where a sexual assault allegedly took place in St. George, Utah | Image courtesy of Google Maps, St. George News

Police say Palazzo admitted to being the one in the restroom with the two girls but denied any sexual activity. He said he was returning to the restroom to look for his backpack. 

He reportedly told officers he recently smoked marijuana and had to get to work soon.  

Palazzo was unable to provide any information on the age of the girls, their names or where he had met them other than to say “in St. George,” police said, adding that he also asked if they had spoken to the girls. 

After reportedly noting several signs of impairment, police detained Palazzo.

In the nearby area, police found the teenage girls, both of whom were under the age of 16. Shortly thereafter, the girls’ guardian arrived on scene.

The juveniles reportedly told police they met Palazzo at Vernon Worthen Park, and during the encounter, they told him how old they were. Palazzo reportedly pressured the girls to drink “his soda,” which reportedly turned out to be spiked with alcohol.

When the suspect became “pushy” the girls left the park and decided to walk to another location in St. George to meet up with friends. Palazzo allegedly began following the teens and inappropriately touching them. 

Finding their friends not there, the girls left the meet-up location and found Palazzo waiting outside, which is when he reportedly followed them to J.C. Snow Park. 

While at the park, Palazzo reportedly continued to touch the girls despite their objections and telling him for a second time they were minors. 

When the teens started to leave to head home, Palazzo again started following them, and as they were walking past the restrooms, he reportedly placed his arms around both girls “and pushed them into the men’s restroom,” the report states. 

He then reportedly stood in the doorway to prevent them from leaving and proceeded to sexually assault one of the minors. The second girl told officers she attempted to intervene, which is when someone entered the restroom and began speaking with Palazzo, who reportedly told the girls to stand on the toilet.

Once the individual left, the report alleges that Palazzo continued the assault on both teens until a second individual entered the restroom, and while the suspect’s attention was diverted, the girls were able to grab their things and exit the restroom. 

The defendant gave a different account and said he was only kissing and hugging the minors, and “having a good time,” as noted in the police report.  

The suspect said there was no reason for anyone to call the police and then asked if the girls were still around as he still wanted to talk to them. At that point the suspect was advised he was being arrested and he was taken into custody by police. When he was advised of the charges, he denied raping anyone and said only “consensual kissing” had taken place. 

In the suspect’s backpack officers found a bottle of rum and a bottle of Gatorade that appeared to be mixed with rum, which was reportedly the bottle the suspect offered to the girls.  Officers also searched Palazzo prior to transport, finding the suspect’s underwear in his pants’ pocket. 

Officers learned that Palazzo had recently moved to the area from Maryland with the intent of attending college and had been living in Utah for the past six months or so. 

He was booked into Purgatory Correctional Facility and formal charges were filed the following day. The suspect is scheduled to make an initial appearance before District Judge Keith C. Barnes in 5th district Court in St. George on Friday afternoon. He is being held without bail.

This report is based on statements from court records, police or other responders and may not contain the full scope of findings. Persons arrested or charged are presumed innocent until found guilty in a court of law or as otherwise decided by a trier-of-fact.

Copyright St. George News, LLC, 2024, all rights reserved.

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