Letter to the Editor: Cox earned his ‘boos’ at state GOP Convention

Republican delegates boo incumbent Gov. Spencer Cox as he takes the stage at the Utah Republican Party Convention in Salt Lake City, Utah, April 27, 2024 | Associated Press photo by Hannah Schoenbaum, St. George News

OPINION — At the Utah State Republican Convention on Saturday, we witnessed Gov. Spencer Cox deliver one of the most condescending speeches I have ever heard. He insinuated delegates are associated with far-left cancel culture — then labeled us far right-wing extremists. He insinuated the delegates’ votes don’t matter and “some” (including he/him) want the caucus system to fail, but don’t worry, he was sure to tell us he loves us. It’s not surprising he had to pay his way onto the primary ballot as he lost by nearly 68% to Republican nominee Phil Lyman.

St. George City Councilwoman Michelle Tanner, St. George, Utah, Sept. 23, 2022. Tanner is the author of a letter to the editor submitted to St. George News. | File photo by David Dudley, St. George News

While expressing vocal grievance might open the door for some to play the “victim” card, it’s not surprising that Cox received a large array of booing from the informed delegates. While I can agree in certain circumstances that “booing” can be inappropriate, in the case of an elected representative attempting to campaign as a Republican, I find the ability to boo or cheer to be a fundamental protected right as a freedom-loving American. Here’s the thing:

Cox is in an elected position, which means he is accountable to We the People. We are not subordinates under control of a commanding colonel whose rank must be honored.

The reality is, maybe We the People have not forgotten about the children he forced to wear masks for an entire school year under the guise of “protecting grandma” while he collected federal grant money at the expense of our children’s safety and well-being.

Maybe we find it highly inappropriate for our governor to be promoting mental health issues to middle school students when introducing himself with “he/him” pronouns. Meanwhile, mental health issues in our youth continue to rise (certainly couldn’t have anything to do with isolating them, masking them and promoting DEI).

Maybe we would prefer a governor who doesn’t sign Executive Orders for “Covid-19 Vaccination Plans” while also receiving campaign donations from Pfizer.

Maybe we find his promotion of DEI and racist scholarships for his first three years, followed by pretending he’s against DEI during an election year, to be very disingenuous.

Maybe we find his lack of concern for election integrity nothing short of gross negligence.

Utah Gov. Spencer Cox smiles at the crowd of nearly 4,000 Republican delegates as some greet him with loud boos at the state Republican Party Convention in Salt Lake City, Utah, April 27, 2024 | Associated Press photo by Hannah Schoenbaum, St. George News

Maybe we find it very presumptuous that he would pretend like we need him to “save our family dinners” as he sat down with a Democrat governor promoting a fake “disagree better” campaign — which really comes across as “shut up and take it — even if you don’t agree with me” campaign.

Maybe we find him toasting with President Joe Biden, who has been one of the greatest threats to our children’s futures and prosperity of America, to be a slap in the face. Meanwhile, most Americans are facing the highest costs for basic needs seen in our lifetime due to the devastating effects of Bidenomics.

Maybe we find it disturbing that he places his fists on his constituents when caught in a lie about “smart cities.”

Maybe we haven’t forgotten about his “I don’t care why — wear the damn mask” campaign.

Maybe we haven’t forgotten about his lack of regard for the women and girls of our state when he vetoed the bill to keep men out of girls’ sports.

Maybe we find it disgusting that our tax dollars are being used to fund a billionaire’s private business venture.

Maybe we find his “never Trumper” attitude more aligned with a 12-year-old school girl than a supposedly “Republican” governor.

Maybe we think using the position as the governor of a family-friendly state to make a declaration for an entire month to celebrate “sexuality” that contradicts the family unit to be incredibly counterproductive.

Maybe we think being a “safe haven” to illegal immigrants through policy of providing illegals driver ‘privilege’ licenses, ID cards, taxpayer-funded medical insurance, in-state college tuition and financial aid, swift occupational licensing, et cetera, to be a risk to our safety and security. Meanwhile, some of our own veterans are homeless on the streets.

While we appreciate that sending five people to the border during an election year is great for optics, it seems to lack commitment to actual substance.

Maybe we disagree with his attempts to centralize more executive power by attempting to “appoint” elected positions such as state school board and attorney general.

So yes, I support freedom-loving Americans’ rights to boo or cheer for their elected representatives. In fact, there is nothing more American than our very right to express our grievances. Utah needs true leadership, not a woke governor “disagreeing better” all the way to full-blown totalitarianism.

I am sure Cox is a “nice guy,” and I love him as a fellow imperfect child of God. My issue is with his position as governor, which has threatened my children’s futures. His performance as governor should be scrutinized if we care about our state. The best way to “disagree better” is to realize that we “deserve better.”

Submitted by MICHELLE TANNER, St. George
Utah Republican State Delegate
Precinct Vice Chair
Washington County Republican Delegate
St. George City Councilwoman
Concerned Utah Mother

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