Feds crack down on methane emissions. How will this impact Utah?

For illustrative purposes only, the Interior Department's Bureau of Land Management announced March 27, 2024, it is cracking down on methane leaks from oil and gas drilling on federal and tribal lands, date and location not specified | iStock / Getty Images Plus, St. George News

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Biden administration issued a final rule Wednesday aimed at curbing methane leaks from oil and gas drilling on federal and tribal lands, its latest action to crack down on emissions of methane, a potent greenhouse gas that contributes significantly to global warming.

FILE – A flare burns natural gas at an oil well in Watford City, N.D. Flaring and venting are two practices that are contributing to an increase in greenhouse emissions over the last decade, according to the Division of Environmental Quality, Aug. 26, 2021, | Photo by Matthew Brown, The Associated Press, St. George News

The rule issued by the Interior Department’s Bureau of Land Management will tighten limits on gas flaring on federal lands and require that energy companies improve methods to detect methane leaks that add to planet-warming greenhouse gas pollution.

The action follows a more comprehensive methane-reduction plan announced by the Environmental Protection Agency in December. The plan, announced at a global climate conference in the United Arab Emirates, targets emissions from existing oil and gas wells nationwide, rather than focusing only on new wells, as previous EPA regulations have done. It also regulates smaller wells that are now required to find and plug methane leaks.

What does this mean for Utah?

This is an active industry in the Beehive state, and according to the webpage “BLM Oil and Gas Utah“:

The Rocky Mountain Region holds large reserves of conventional and unconventional onshore oil and gas deposits. Utah’s natural gas fuels not only homes and businesses in Utah; it also is used by surrounding states. Utah also produces a significant amount of crude oil, primarily from the Uintah Basin in the eastern part of the state.

Public lands are offered for oil and gas leasing after they are nominated by the industry and the BLM evaluates environmental factors. Leasing decisions are based upon land use plans that consider the many resources and uses of public lands and their impacts on one another. Once lands are leased, applications to conduct exploration, drilling, and production-related activities are reviewed to ensure technical competence, environmental protection, and mineral resources conservation. The BLM is responsible for approving and inspecting drilling and production operations.

The Utah Division of Environmental Quality, meanwhile, released a report on Feb. 29 outlining a statewide emissions reduction plan.

Among the topics covered is funding, and the DEQ said the anticipated overall cost for addressing methane emissions would be $2.5 million over five years and would involve evaluation, technology implementation and constant analysis to ensure the goals of the program are met.

Oil and gas production is the nation’s largest industrial source of methane, the primary component of natural gas, and is a key target for Biden as his administration seeks to combat climate change. Methane is a climate “super pollutant” that is many times more potent in the short term than carbon dioxide.

Reaction to announcement varies

The rule issued Wednesday updates regulations that are more than 40 years old and will hold oil and gas companies accountable by imposing stricter limits on flaring and requiring energy companies to find and fix leaks, administration officials said. At the same time, officials said they are moving to ensure that American taxpayers and tribal mineral owners are fairly compensated through higher royalty payments proposed last year.

In this file photo, Interior Secretary Deb Haaland speaks during a news briefing at the White House in Washington, D.C., April 23, 2021 | Associated Press photo by Evan Vucci, St. George News

The final rule will help “prevent waste, protect our environment and ensure a fair return to American taxpayers,” Interior Secretary Deb Haaland said in a statement.

“By leveraging modern technology and best practices to reduce natural gas waste, we are taking long-overdue steps that will increase accountability for oil and gas operators and benefit energy communities now and for generations to come,” she said.

The rule, which takes effect in June, is expected to generate more than $50 million per year in additional royalties while preventing billions of cubic feet of natural gas from being wasted through venting, flaring and leaks, Haaland and other officials said.

Venting and flaring activity from oil and gas production on public lands has significantly increased in recent decades. Between 2010 and 2020, total volumes of natural gas lost to venting and flaring on federal and tribal lands averaged about 44.2 billion cubic feet per year — enough to serve roughly 675,000 homes, the Interior said. The figure represents a sharp increase from an annual average of 11 billion cubic feet lost to venting and flaring in the 1990s.

Environmental groups hailed the rule, calling methane a huge contributor to global warming.

“Strong Interior Department methane waste rules are integral for the United States to protect taxpayers from wasted energy resources,” said Jon Goldstein, senior director of regulatory and legislative affairs at the Environmental Defense Fund.

“Eliminating waste from routine venting and flaring of associated gas conserves domestic energy resources … lessens oil and gas production’s negative impact on the climate and protects the health of frontline communities,” said Tannis Fox, senior attorney at the Western Environmental Law Center, another environmental group.

The American Petroleum Institute, the top lobbying group for the oil and gas industry, called the new rule an overreach that could hamper U.S. energy production.

“API supports a smart regulatory framework for reducing methane emissions, but overlapping regulations and lack of coordination between policymakers could hinder progress, create unnecessary barriers to development on federal lands and result in regulatory incoherence,” said Holly Hopkins, an API vice president.

Stock image | Photo by Maciej Bledowski/iStock/Getty Images Plus, St. George News

Arizona Rep. Raul Grijalva, the top Democrat on the House Natural Resources Committee, called the rule a “much-needed step” to fight climate change and protect the health of communities near drilling sites throughout the West.

“Big Oil and Gas have been getting away with sloppy operations for too long, without an ounce of regard for the destruction it’s causing,” Grijalva said. “I’m grateful the Biden administration is taking the bold action we need to hold fossil fuel facilities to a higher standard.”

Interior had previously announced a rule to restrict methane emissions under former President Barack Obama. The plan was challenged in court and later weakened under former President Donald Trump. Competing court rulings blocked enforcement of the Trump and Obama-era rules, leading the agency to revert to rules developed more than 40 years ago.

Besides the EPA rule, a 2022 climate law approved by Congress is set to impose a fee on energy producers that exceed a certain level of methane emissions. The fee, initially set at $900 per metric ton of methane, will mark the first time the federal government has directly imposed a tax on greenhouse gas emissions.

Written by MATTHEW DALY, The Associated Press

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