Horoscopes: Mercury retrograde season is here – it’s not all bad. Here’s how to use its hidden magic.

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FEATURE — Ah, the lovely Mercury retrograde is upon us once again, which means — oh yeah, get ready for traffic jams and scrambled communication.

But wait, before you go canceling weekend trips or retracting an email you’ve been meaning to send, it’s important to note that in Virgo, a sign ruled by Mercury, this retrograde season offers a hidden piece of magic: a keen eye for refinement.

It’s time now to pull out that abandoned novel you once started, the portrait you never finished or that old jalopy awaiting its fresh coat of paint, as Mercury in Virgo officially turns retrograde on Wednesday, Aug. 23.

Normally, Mercury speeds quickly through each sign. But due to its retrograde, Mercury will stay in Virgo for some 10 weeks. Though its retrograde will end Sept. 15, the quick-moving planet will remain in the sign of Virgo until Oct. 5.

Mercury retrograde is classically known to cause delays and miscommunication. It’s not a time to start projects, sign contracts, buy vehicles or travel, as issues are likely to present themselves. It’s also a good idea to thoroughly read through emails or text messages before sending, as there’s a high potential for critical typos.

On the flip side, however, retrograde season is a time for things like rethinking, revising, reconsidering, refining, reflecting and revisitng. And great progress can be made through refreshing an idea, rather than initiating a new one.

Coincidentally, Mercury turns retrograde the day the sun moves into Virgo and the dramatic flair of Leo season draws to a close and Virgo season begins.

As a mutable Earth sign, Virgo is a sign associated with work, self-improvement and an insatiable drive for perfection. Virgo is precise, modest, analytical, and industrious and is pictured as a virgin holding a sheaf of wheat, which symbolizes the utilization of skills to nourish the world.

Our talents and abilities now become a major focal point. Those who have nurtured their skills will find enhanced opportunities, especially if those skills serve the life of spirit. It’s time now to take what you have learned and offer it as a gift. Health and diet also are associated with this sign, so we are likely to feel more driven to care for our bodies during this time.

So what does all of this mean for you? Find out below.

March 21-April 19

Are you managing your time wisely? How’s your health? These will be the questions on your mind over the next three weeks, as Mercury turns retrograde in your sixth house of daily routine, health and service, dear Aries. Use this time to restructure your day-to-day activities in order to eliminate anything that is wasting your time or harming your health. It’s time to draw clearer boundaries. As Jupiter continues its transit through your second house of finances, it may be that restructuring your time is the way toward raking in more dough.

April 20-May 20

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What’s sparks joy? This Mercury retrograde is all about tuning into your heart of hearts, dear Taurus. In fellow Earth sign Virgo, Mercury is activating your fifth house of pleasure, creativity, romance and children, marking a fortuitous time to showcase your talents. You feel a warmth around your ideas now, and inspiration spontaneously strikes. Recently, you may have seen shifts in friendships or what you see for your future. It’s important to continue to ask yourself: Do you feel at ease within the groups you invest your time?

May 21–June 20

With your ruling planet Mercury now turning retrograde in your fourth house of home and family, now is the time to consider your internal and external foundation, dear Gemini. How secure do you feel? How have you been nurturing your inner needs? These are the questions that will be put under the spotlight over the course of the next three weeks. Work-life imbalances are highlighted now. If you’ve been giving too much of yourself to one of these areas, now is the time to reconsider the line you draw between the two.

June 21–July 22

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Do you feel heard? This is the question that will be at the back of your mind over the next three weeks as Mercury transits your third house of communication, short-distance travel and learning, dear Cancer. This is a rather tricky placement for Mercury retrograde, as this may further scramble lines of communication. More than any other sign, you will need to be as scrupulous as possible and refrain from making any impulsive decisions, especially in matters that require contracts. It’s not a time to buy a vehicle or sign a contract.

July 23–August 22

The pool of cosmic energy is beginning to leave your sign and pulling you toward matters related to self-worth and personal finances, dear Leo. And for you, this Mercury retrograde shines a light on how you feel about yourself and how that relates to your financial security. It’s time to reassess your cash flow and consider your path forward. With Jupiter continuing to transit your 10th house of career, you are being pushed to raise your status and develop your talents. Use Mercury retrograde to rethink how you are using the money you earn to complement available resources.

Aug. 23–Sept. 22

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With the arrival of your ruler Mercury in your sign, you are being catapulted back into the present after several weeks of being more immersed in the subconscious realm of soul searching. It’s now time to take action, which may sound slightly counterintuitive during a time when so many planets are in retrograde. But Mars, also in your sign, is forging a marvelous aspect with Jupiter in your ninth house of publishing, adventure and legal matters, indicating the likelihood of doors finally opening.

Sept. 23–Oct. 22

Following recent weeks of favorable energy toward connecting with others and thinking about the bigger picture for your future, this Mercury retrograde will be illuminating the deepest waters of your psyche, dear Libra. In the 12th house, Mercury and Mars will be unveiling sensitivities around trust and faith. You may find now that some connections you’ve made aren’t as enduring as you thought. Part of what emerges now is likely to be deeply rooted in the subconscious and may trigger tender emotions you thought were resolved. Past pain can be transmuted now by the things you allow yourself to let go of.

Oct. 23–Nov. 21

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While your main focus in recent weeks has gravitated toward long-term goals, career and legacy, this Mercury retrograde season is lighting up the social 11th house of friendships, dear Scorpio. Still with a focus on goals, the 11th house is more about the higher vision for your life and the grand dreams you may consider as unattainable as the stars of the night sky. But this is a time to dream big and accept invitations to group activities where you are likely to form significant connections.

Nov. 22–Dec. 21

With Mercury retrograde happening in your 10th house of career and public reputation, this is a time when you are more visible than normal, dear Sagittarius. With Mars also in this same part of the sky, you are likely to feel deeply energized, assertive and ready to take action. If you want to apply for a new job or dive into a project, Jupiter in your ninth house is helping you link up your core beliefs with what you do and how you project yourself into the world. Keep a close ear to your intuition.

Dec. 22–Jan. 19

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This Mercury retrograde is all about reexamining your core beliefs and world outlook, dear Capricorn, as both the messenger of the gods and Mars is lighting up your ninth house of higher philosophy and adventure. If you’ve yet to have a vacation this summer, you may be feeling an extra dose of wanderlust at this time and be motivated to clear your schedule for a getaway. For those unable to travel, this is a time to explore life in a different way, whether that’s learning a new skill, reading a book that unveils foreign ideas or cooking an exotic dish. It’s through engaging with novelty that you discover something new about yourself.

Jan. 20–Feb. 18

It’s time to go deep, dear Aquarius, as Mercury in your eighth house of shared resources, deep psychology and transformation is now turning retrograde, pulling you far below the surface. You have no time for superficiality over the next few weeks. You may find yourself wandering an inner valley of overturned stones in search of the ones you missed. Your curiosity burns, and you are likely to discover some profound realization that evolves into self-empowerment.

Feb. 19 – March 20

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What do you think about your close relationships? This will be the question in mind over the next few weeks as Mercury in your seventh house of partnerships turns retrograde. But this goes beyond the people with whom you share a roof. You are rethinking business partnerships and other associations to unveil the true nature of these alliances. When you speak, how well do you feel your message is received? If you feel that you are being misunderstood, you may be pushed to assert yourself with more authority.

For a more specific outlook, read the forecasts for both your sun and rising signs. If you do not know your rising sign, use this online calculator.

It’s important to remember that astrology forecasts are not meant to be fatalistic. Rather they offer a window into current energetic influences, so we may work with them and help foster a more wise and loving spirit.

Ed. note: This information is composed by St. George News editorial staff for entertainment purposes only.

Copyright St. George News, SaintGeorgeUtah.com LLC, 2023, all rights reserved.

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